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Lantern Stick Upgrades?

Discussion in 'Starbound Discussion' started by Beathrus, Jan 24, 2015.

  1. Barl0we

    Barl0we Phantasmal Quasar

    The orbs give out light, for a little while. Just be careful with the Star one. Wouldn't want you to get hurt :p

    On another note, I've been hoarding Yellow stim packs. They do the trick quite nicely :)


    @Khuur, I'm not really sure. I've mostly just ditched torches and stuck with the yellow stims. I do have the lantern on a stick equipped, but I can't really tell if it works additively. I *think* the stim outshines the lantern, though.
    Last edited: Jan 25, 2015
  2. Khuur

    Khuur Pangalactic Porcupine

    Say, does the yellow stim pack's light work additively with other light you produce? That would be a good way to keep certain sources of light, such as the yellow stim pack or the light buff from the pods relevant even in the supposed late game where you have more consistent methods for producing good enough light sources.
  3. Casia

    Casia Subatomic Cosmonaut

    the rubium orbs? those are weapons.
    or, the biolum glowsticks? those act like flares.

    Torches could use an upgrade as well, come to think of it. They too barely/dont fit the sci-fi.
    torches need oxygen...

    I suppose, we can just mass 3-d print lights? but something that can be crafted on the fly, and makes more sense in universe would be nice though. Maybe have them use the silver/gold/plat/diamond as well?
    I suppose each teir already does this. there are MANY torch+something upgrades. the vast majority are intended as props, not actual on the fly tools.

    Titanium has potential, as titanium panels already exist. which is the issue. all other torches are like, torch+1 steel, or 1 rubium, etc. the cost is thus restrictive. nevermind any questions of how much light is produced.
    A titianium bar can be broken down into titanium panels however. so, a "titanium torch" using 1 torch and 1 titanium panel, or perhaps as suggested, 1 tit panel, and 1 liquid erchius.
    Last edited: Jan 26, 2015
    TsukiOkami likes this.
  4. Beathrus

    Beathrus Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Hm... I don't see why we can't make like, Orbs like torches, but once again, made out of the purple liquid fuel. I mean, the liquid glows, and it wouldn't need oxygen. So.. That would be like the next level torch, past just plain torches. And because of the amount of liquid you can get, we could make a ton. Could do it with a 1:1 Ratio.
  5. TheFudgement

    TheFudgement Ketchup Robot

    I don't like how the lantern stick looks like. In early game it's fine, but when you have real space-age armor the wooden stick on your back looks dumb. In my opinion at least. I don't even like capes or anything else that could be put on my characters back to cover it up.
  6. Beathrus

    Beathrus Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    I personally like the Lantern stick, I usually run around with my starter outfit over my armor, and the Lantern stick matches. Sadly though, The Plain hood doesn't work in unstable. v.v But Yeah, we need more high tech, metal based extensions for the back based on the armor. So like, back, legs, head, chest, all match in some way. I don't mind if like, the light itself stays the same level of brightness, around the level of the yellow stim is fine. But just let us change the metal. xD
  7. Marxon

    Marxon Supernova

    This is why I became a modder!

    *insert image of sticky flare gun*
    Uzkniso and Beathrus like this.
  8. Treldent-02

    Treldent-02 Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    You can find Bioluminesent armor in Bio-Whatever biomes, they're on snow planets, the armor gives of light much brighter than the lantern stick, however you need to have them in your armor slot, so less defence, but more light
    Beathrus likes this.
  9. Beathrus

    Beathrus Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Yeah, I know. x.x Geez, I really wish I had a nice bright back slot item that looked better. x,x
  10. macodelo

    macodelo Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Why can't we have a disco ball instead ^(:speechless:)?
    The Squid likes this.
  11. The Squid

    The Squid Oxygen Tank

    They should make a huge candle that you can strap to your back.
  12. Mathus

    Mathus Void-Bound Voyager

  13. TheFudgement

    TheFudgement Ketchup Robot

    There was this Warhammer 40k items mod, and it had a thing that you'd put on your head (It was cybernetic eye I suppose). It would light a small area with red light, like night vision or something. That's the closest thing I'd like to wear for lighting.
  14. Beathrus

    Beathrus Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Okay, Here is what I am talking about with Back Items. I'll explain it in a bit more detail.

    Currently, for lighting we have the Back Lantern, The normal Lantern, Flares, Certain weapons with effects like fire and electric, Torches, Different Lamps and some glow sticks and glow armor.

    What my thoughts are, is that we should have more 'tiers' of some of these Items. Such as the Lantern, Torches, and Back Lantern.

    We can go about this, by having maybe 4 tiers of lighting effects. Say, staring with Oil, for the Back Lantern, and then using the 3 fuels. Uranium, Plutonium, and Solarium, we can basically -upgrade- the Lantern torch to be brighter.

    Along with changing the brightness, maybe change the look of the item too, with different metals?

    But Yeah, basically right now, our lighting options are extremely limited, and I end up poppin' yellow stims light a madman. Yes, I know there is glow armor I can get, I do not have it yet. That is all. o.o
  15. Casia

    Casia Subatomic Cosmonaut

    ok, so the portable printer is back in. need to amend earlier talk of lighting options with it. It allows on the fly crafting of "cheap lights" the florescent ones. 100 pixels the only cost.
    I'm not sure if this is available at t5 or 6. (ice, and fire)

    Economy is basically nonexistent currently. so trying to argue value in regards to pixels is not too helpful.
    These lights obviously fit the scifi theme better then torches. But come awfully late. and, I think have the same lumen power. just white instead of the yellow.

    got to sit and play. correction. cheap lights are much more powerful then torches. 2-3times the light radius.

    so its more of a question how late you get them.
    Last edited: Jan 31, 2015
  16. Garatgh Deloi

    Garatgh Deloi Master Astronaut

    Theres plenty of allternatives to torches, every metal tier has a upgrade, but other then that theres also the cheap lights.

    To get access to cheap lights:
    Upgrade your ship a couple of times (i think it was twice), make the portable pixel printer in the research station. Use it. You can now make cheap lights for pixels (perfect replacement for torches).
  17. Beathrus

    Beathrus Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Ooh, So you know the Pixel Printer wasn't in when this thread was made. xP And we are speaking more about like, hand held or back slot items. Things like the torch and Back Lantern. That give a radius of light without having to be placed. o.o Sorta like Yellow Stim packs! :3
    Khuur likes this.
  18. Garatgh Deloi

    Garatgh Deloi Master Astronaut

    Ah, my apologies.

    (Btw, torches cant be hand held can they?)
    Khuur likes this.
  19. Khuur

    Khuur Pangalactic Porcupine

    I wish they could be hand-held, but it would have strange interactions with how the MM currently works.

    Do you have a one-handed holding mode with a two handed placement mode?
    Or while placing it does your hand light up, even though it should show the MM?
    It would be OP to have the light source where the torch is at the cursor location.
    The Squid likes this.

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