Landing Vessels "Moveable Houses"

Discussion in 'Vehicles and Mounts' started by madtulip, Dec 7, 2013.

  1. madtulip

    madtulip Phantasmal Quasar

    As we move from Planet to Planet often it is rarely worth building up a whole house/base on a new planet which is sad. An idea i did already post here describes a bit how the principle of houses could still live in such a big universe with ever changing planets.

    - Only by the ability to have a "moveable house" housebuilding becomes feasable in this procedural planet concept.

    - The spaceship concept thus needs to be enlarged. They need to be a lot more customizeable block by block with some bigger modules like doors, the cockpit, the FTL drive, thrusters, satellite dish and so on. The modules should be placeable like blocks are in order to customize the layout of the ship.

    - Additional rooms to build a "flying house" should be flexible in layout and not a fixed box where you can build in.

    - There should be a dedicated landing vessel or landing section of the spaceship that can be customized the same way the whole ship can and can be detaced for landing on a flat pieve of planet surface OR the ship as a whole should be able to land.

    - There should be a certain rule system how to build a spaceship. i.e.: The outer walls and the inner background need to be of some space suitable material/metal (not wood). Liveable space inside the ship needs to be hermetically sealed by this space material. In order to move bigger ships into orbit or to new planets you need 1 thruster for every [100] blocks the ship consists of. In order to make it habitable you need one live support system for every [100] habitable empty blocks with background "inside" the ship.

    - Building those ships and or landing vessels would provide the content of house building i enjoyed a lot in terraria. it would allow for a lot more permanent customization of the enviroment and thus give additional content next to exploring and building your character model namely building your house/ship/landing vessel.

    - it would allow the current planets enviroment to influence the players house. atm. the ship in space cant be attacked by a goblin army i.e..
    Nesopharus, Kreed, Zprimal and 8 others like this.
  2. Lallykins

    Lallykins Gross...

    Could maybe tie it into race specific animations.. Floran house smashes into surface like a pod and sprouts foliage and trees within crash site, Apex house would burrow into the surface and resemble a dome, Hyojtl could look like a fish tank! Glitch could warp down brick by brick and look like a mini castle. Humans well..could be a prison compound looking thing that folds up into a box. For science! I like the idea of intergalactic Motor Homes.
  3. Sabor

    Sabor Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    I wouldn't mind having the ability to land your ship on the surface instead of beaming down. If a player's ship is already on the surface then you can't find a suitable clearing and must beam down instead
  4. Phantom5582

    Phantom5582 Phantasmal Quasar

    What about making a landing pad? If the spawn is not good enough for a shuttle, lets throw out there the starting one, then you just beam down and you can make an effort to prep a landing area. Have a strong stone or metal surface, some supports, or just land on any flat piece of ground. Maybe, that is how you can change the beam in location. And the shuttle can't land underground unless special hanger doors are made.
    Lusfella likes this.
  5. Lusfella

    Lusfella Big Damn Hero

    Considering vehicles will be a think I think making a landing ship will be a bit confusing to some players.
    Placing a custom landing area would be just fantastic, especially if you can control where you beam down to.
  6. madtulip

    madtulip Phantasmal Quasar

    Btw. I already made the Spaceship block by block customizeable by a Mod. Cant Land yet through.

    See here.
  7. Stalk33r

    Stalk33r Void-Bound Voyager

    Id love for the spaceship to be able to land (the entire ship). Beaming down is nice and all, but it would both be:
    1. More logical to start with landing gear, and then progress towards beaming tech.
    2. Allow us to use our ships as a base of operations, even on the ground (for us who like to live in our ships, and use it as a trading post every time we visit a planet.)

    If this isnt added, I will be very, very sad, as indicated by mr sadface over here ----> :(
  8. Lusfella

    Lusfella Big Damn Hero

    The spaceship is supposed to be stuck at first though. No fuel.
    Landing takes fuel.

    Also, in servers with 20+ players it'd eventually take over the entire world having a bunch of ships all over.
  9. Stalk33r

    Stalk33r Void-Bound Voyager

    Well, you could alter the intro, and make sure we are actually stuck, by, say, having the ship crash, instead of hovering ominously above the planet in orbit. It would also make you actually feel stuck, intead of being able to power-chop down the rainforest and then forcefeeding the wood to your ship (we need proper fuel, just saying...) and then travel to the next planet. If the ship was instead crashed, the tutorial quests would eventually lead up to you repairing the ship by buying and installing a new engine/retrieving the engine from some random mini-boss (not the ufo, or someone will have a nightly visit involving a dagger) or buying/crafting fuel. As for the landing part, im not sure how that could be solved. Maybe only allow one player landing per planet, and then the rest would have to beam down instead? Either that, or limit it to only a few ships, and then the rest would have to beam down. The number would be smaller if the planet is small, of course. (only allowing one ship on the smallest ones.)
  10. Lusfella

    Lusfella Big Damn Hero

    ..You know it most likely won't be this way once the game is done? It's supposed to be easy to progress during the alpha so we can actually test the end stuff.
  11. Shemhazai

    Shemhazai Aquatic Astronaut

    I think rather than a moveable house, there should be a craftable "Shelter Pod" that you can drop on a planet. You'd have a targeting tool that paints the drop zone, then it falls from the sky. It wouldnt be massive, maybe enough room for a bed and some crafting surfaces (maybe have them built into the pod to save people having to move all of their stuff when they desert it), but I feel that it would be a lot more immersive than dropping the house you built somewhere onto loads of planets.
    Lusfella likes this.
  12. Hoxalicious

    Hoxalicious Industrial Terraformer

    Fantastic idea, OP. And I agree completely, the starter ships look small enough that landing them would be way cool and optional. Certainly a lot more interesting to sprint back to your ship because you're in danger and have to seal the door rather than just beaming up and instant safety in .75 seconds.
  13. Cuynn

    Cuynn Void-Bound Voyager

    Love the idea. That would also solve the issue of where we're beamed, I think it'd be pretty cool to just hover the planet and decide on which part of the x axis you'd like to land ! Alas I can some technical issues here, as big as the ship, since it would need some massive block vs block collision (actual space ship crash on a planet ? leaving a creater and damaging the ship ? Me dreams...)
    Hoxalicious likes this.

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