landing on the Planets moon/sun

Discussion in 'Planets and Environments' started by Rainbow Dash, Feb 26, 2012.

  1. Rainbow Dash

    Rainbow Dash Oxygen Tank

    it would be cool if we could land on a planets moon/sun and modafly it to effect the normal world
    just some examples i thought of

    blowing up the sun would make it nighttime forever and very cold

    removing the moon would rise waterlevels or something like that idk make it very dark at night

    also editing the sun/moon so you could see a picture on it when its day/night time, i would love to make a giant face on the moon i could see

    just some ideas
    Madmarlon and Snowy_Night like this.
  2. Starheaven07

    Starheaven07 Pyxis Tube

    This is a rather creative way of effecting the environment of a planet, but I'm not sure that landing on them would be necessary (considering that that would mean two+ worlds per coordinate would be generated). Instead, perhaps building something on the planet that accomplishes such feats?
  3. Rainbow Dash

    Rainbow Dash Oxygen Tank

    honestly it depends on how the game works
    for all we know blowing up the sun/moon would effect nereby planets also
    or if the game even works like that
    i hope that made sence
  4. Snowy_Night

    Snowy_Night Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Great idea Dashie! Though landing on a sun might be ever so slightly dangerous xD
    Madmarlon likes this.
  5. King

    King Former Staff

    You will be able to change the planets Weather on your own with a Weather Machine, but as for making it eternally Night, from my understanding you have to find a planet with no sun.

    The only things they said you can control now is Weather.

    Gravity and Day Cycle are unknown as of yet.
  6. atom112

    atom112 Aquatic Astronaut

    if it is very cold (or very hot ) creatures would change in some way like some would extinct.Btw-cities on some planets like you can buy something in there if you make it forever night pepole (or some kind of aliens ;P)will die in ther and you could take all the city 4 yourself
  7. river lyle reuveni

    river lyle reuveni Void-Bound Voyager

    it would be nice to see whole solar systems with multiple planets and moons, suns.............and to land on them
  8. SomaSam

    SomaSam Big Damn Hero

    Will we be able to have it permanently stormy?
  9. Knightwyvern

    Knightwyvern Void-Bound Voyager

    Lightning strikes that deform the environment would be really cool.. imagine setting foot in a planet where there is a raging electrical storm. That would be intense and add a sense of danger.
  10. Shotgun Steve

    Shotgun Steve Zero Gravity Genie

    Destroying the moon could cause the planet to flood.

    I love it.
  11. AaronFlint

    AaronFlint Void-Bound Voyager

    Destroying a moon could cause asteroids or meteors to crash into the planet. Obviously this only happens in real life on a cosmic time scale, so we'd need to speed it up :)
  12. Shotgun Steve

    Shotgun Steve Zero Gravity Genie



    If it was on a slow scale, you could do a CRAZY MINI-GAME where you have to comet hop until jumping back in your ship before you crash land on the planet below.

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