Ladder or vertical stair

Discussion in 'Blocks and Crafting' started by Ruban Crusade, Jul 15, 2013.


Would you ever use this (ladder/vertical stair) if it were to be implemented?


  2. I could see it being nice on occasion, instead of jumping repeatedly.

  3. No, I'd never use it...wouldn't let my friends use it either.

  4. Without seeing it in action and being able to play with it, I couldn't say one way or another.

    0 vote(s)
  1. Ruban Crusade

    Ruban Crusade Pangalactic Porcupine

    As amazing as the stair mechanic is and as much as I like it, I've always wanted to have a ladder or some sort of vertical stair. Normally the movement keys are used as follows:
    SPACE - Jump
    A or LEFT - move left
    D or RIGHT - move right
    S or DOWN - drop down through certain tile types
    W or UP - go up...or...something...

    In reality most games like this one never use the UP/W key for anything practical, just the occasional menu navigation or when using a specific tool. I'd really like to have a ladder (so stair) that I can jut push the UP/W key and I'd climb up it. I would (if I were programming it) put in on the same layer as decorations (consoles, chests, chairs, posters, etc.). I know that the most difficult part would be figuring out the animation and that this could require a whole new set of animations, but that's why this is a suggestion and hasn't already been implemented into the game. ~_^
    Zayvion likes this.
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  3. BluPixelz

    BluPixelz Aquatic Astronaut

    I think vertical stairs would be a bit nice, though im sure this was already suggested, not sure though, but keep up with suggestions, they WILL help!
  4. Katzeus

    Katzeus Chucklefisherman Chucklefish

    There are a number of screenshots with ladders that have been released already

    Jonesy likes this.
  5. Ruban Crusade

    Ruban Crusade Pangalactic Porcupine

    Hmm, can't believe I haven't seen this before. BRILLIANT! Thanks for sharing!

    EDIT: I noticed that in yesterday's post, the fort that they built did not include a ladder, but rather several platforms in a column (poor man's ladder). Any one know if it was just not possible to create the ladder or if it was an aesthetic choice, or what?

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