Just putting this put out there :(

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by destiny82, Dec 2, 2013.

  1. destiny82

    destiny82 Void-Bound Voyager

    So i was bored and decided to see if anyone made any kind of modded harvest moons for pc. and I stumbled upon this.

    its called "Wild Seasons" and while it does not look like it will be anywhere near as fun as SV, I am hoping with SV little push back till next year, that it does not get competition too much from wild seasons. (ROOTING FOR CA)

    They have a team of people and kickstarter and trying to to get green lighted.

    what do you guys think?
    • Dynafols

      Dynafols Black Hole Surfer

      Found it.


      I'm not amazed by the game's aesthetic design, but it looks interesting non the less. However, it seems like Wild Season might be a bit more... grim than other Farming Relationship Simulators out there.
      Heres a line from the kickstarter page.
      "The main character (You) lives in the big city! However due to some unfortunate circumstances you have lost your home and most of your possessions to the mafia." Wow
        ShinyPants, DatYandereGirl and Jonesy like this.
      • destiny82

        destiny82 Void-Bound Voyager

        Daym... that is a bit um.. intense. Yeah I see the game has a chibi character design going on which I am not overly fond of but the rest of the game play seems alright though. But I still prefer the look and feel of Harvest Moon SNES that SV has going.

        That game has too much of an over polished FF1 look. IMO
        • Witness

          Witness Giant Laser Beams

          I think it's a nice thing.

          While OP seems kind of worried, portraying Wild Seasons as some sort of threat for Stardew Valley, I am reasonably sure than no matter the comparison SV will be a decent game in it's own right. I plan to buy it and play it even if there would be suddenly half a dozen of new, indie, Harvest Moon spiritual successors. In fact, such kind of thing may lead to better games as - while sometimes stressful for developers - competition often creates some minimal necessary standard of quality for the sake of being ahead. Which, for prospective players, means more decent games.

          Thus, nothing changes for me. I'll keep on waiting for Stardew Valley, hoping the dev will take his time to make a polished product. Who knows, though, maybe I'll get interested and decide to checkout Wild Seasons too, one day.
          • oath2order

            oath2order Parsec Taste Tester

            Graphics in Wild Seasons aren't my cup of tea.

            I've been with SV for a long time, I'm sticking with it
            • Stardew_Valley

              Stardew_Valley Master Chief

              Why does it have to always be "I'm sticking with this game" or "I'm sticking with that!" PS4 vs Xbox One. Mac VS. PC! I love harvest moon type games and I would likely get both Wild Seasons and Stardew Valley. I can kind of understand consoles, computers or AAA games. But these indie games will likely be 10 to 15 dollars each which is much cheaper than a single AAA game.
              • gnofar

                gnofar Scruffy Nerf-Herder

                Well there are some people that don´t have a infinty amount of money to spend on videogames say 15 dollars everymonth then deciding what game you are going to get becomes much more exclusive and you mostly have to pick some good ones you really want to get. Just putting that one out there
                • Ein_Hund

                  Ein_Hund Space Hobo

                  I have my concerns with this game, but I chipped in 7 dollars just to see how it turns out. I don't think the game will hit it's goal, though. Still, it'd be nice to have two good Harvest Moon style games on the PC, so hopefully it turns out to be pretty good.
                  • oath2order

                    oath2order Parsec Taste Tester

                    I do hope it reaches the goal. Farming games are fun and I hope that they become a little more mainstream. Especially on the computer.
                    • TekDragon

                      TekDragon Scruffy Nerf-Herder

                      Thanks for the link! Backed at the $6 level.

                      The more games in this genre the better. It'll pull more people in and generate cross-sales for related games. The roguelike genre explosion was a great example of this.
                        DatYandereGirl likes this.
                      • Stardew_Valley

                        Stardew_Valley Master Chief

                        "Infinity amount of money" the exaggeration on this post is extreme. How much does a single 3ds game go for these days? 39.99 + tax? indie PC games are insanely cheap. Two harvest moon style PC games is worth less than a single 3DS game. Unless you are homeless, a high school kid with a part time job could surely afford 2 indie PC games that is centered around the Harvest Moon theme if they are truly passionate about the genre. I'm pointing to the fact about obvious fanyboyism that exists on the internets. You can put your head in the sand and pretend it doesn't exist but I would rather choose the non ignorant approach. If you are not a blind fanboy of "Must choose X" or Must choose Y" this post clearly isn't for you. This post is clearly aimed at those who are.
                          Evangelion likes this.
                        • gnofar

                          gnofar Scruffy Nerf-Herder

                          First of all i am not a "fan-boy" as i haven´t even said i am for or agains´t the game mentioned but i think its very unfair of you calling people fan boys just because they want to spend their money at a special game series since they know they are going to enjoy that, rather than throwing money at a random indie game that you might not even like.
                          Also i think it is pretty clear that you can´t spend 40 dollars a month on a ds game if your budget lies on 15 dollars unless you are very fond of loan sharks.
                            Last edited: Dec 4, 2013
                          • Witness

                            Witness Giant Laser Beams

                            I'd like to remind some posters that in many parts of the world, situation is quite different in comparison with US. In those countries, prices of games, wealth of average citizen, average pay etc etc is quite different as well, leading to situations like, for example, some random guy not earning much what would be dollars after exchange, but - with that working in tune with the rest of economy - getting by just okay as prices for even quality goods are lower, too.

                            Now, enter buying stuff from outside of said country. Stuff prices of weren't balanced for average citizen. outside 0f 'target zone' What is just some little thing for anyone but homeless in US suddenly may become a bit of an expense for people in aforementioned 'random other country', especially when you take into consideration often-horrible exchange rates. Of course, the opposite is also possible and in some countries buying games onlin is far preferable to getting them off the shelves (though at some point, prices of those games get balanced as well) as it's far cheaper that way. Still, it's good to keep such things in mind.

                            That being said, games are luxury goods. No matter what some more-than-avid, less-than-mature players may have said, one can keep on living without them just fine, and that's without putting freeware software into picture. Games also have hardly any real expiration date, so if you want more than one game and simply don't have enough money, you can start saving up over a year and - if you won't spoil the whole thing for yourself - find the game bought then as entertaining as if it'd be freshly released in nearly every case.
                              Tamorr and xOliver137 like this.
                            • JayPlays

                              JayPlays Master Chief

                              Honestly I'll probably get and play both of these games :p
                              Love farming sims.
                                DatYandereGirl and wbarnes1989 like this.
                              • Stardew_Valley

                                Stardew_Valley Master Chief

                                After reading your post (Witness) I do have respect for you... For you have got me thinking further than my own preconceived notions. I am well aware that much of the world has not caught up, socially and economically, in comparison towards other nations. My assumption is based on those who frequent this lonely forum post on a game (to which is my personal favorite genre that being harvest moon). I support this genre if it is done well, regardless of who the developer may be. If the developer has done a great job ( and improved and evolved the genre) I will give him or her respect and inform as many people as I can.
                                • gnofar

                                  gnofar Scruffy Nerf-Herder

                                  But before im getting stuck in other peoples situations i think i am going to chip in a little money to this awesome looking game.
                                  Not being negative but does the art in this game remind you of some facebook games to me it does (nothing wrong with that tho).
                                  • destiny82

                                    destiny82 Void-Bound Voyager

                                    I am not so much worried about there being another game. I was just concerned although I doubt there is any reason, that CA might try to rush the game so that he can beat them to release or what have you. I might pick up Wild Seasons and I pledged to it as well. But the "chibiness" of it is not my cup of tea but who knows might be good
                                    • Lallykins

                                      Lallykins Gross...

                                      Not a huge fan of the Ag Sims with tractors and combines and everything. Seems intense. Definitely hoping SV rocks socks, and I'm sure it will.
                                      • GewaltSam

                                        GewaltSam Big Damn Hero

                                        Has it been noted that Wildstar doesn't seem to have multiplayer? That is one of the biggest selling points of Stardew Valley for me - Co-op Harvest Moon!
                                          DatYandereGirl likes this.
                                        • QuaziPance

                                          QuaziPance Subatomic Cosmonaut

                                          I agree that indies (and especially steam sales and humble bundles) make it so that money isn't much of an issue in "should I buy I this?" for most people. For me, and likely many others, the issue is time. I have a job that takes up 12+ hours a day of my life, so if I'm going to play video games at all I have to choose one or two that I'm willing to invest my free time into. Even kids without jobs have school, homework, sports, clubs, girlfriends, etc. Even if you are independantly wealthy and spend 16 hours a day playing video games there are so many new games coming out pretty much daily that you will never get to play them all, so choices must be made.

                                          Something like star dew valley can be a huge time sync (and should be, as that is kind of at the core of the harvest moon genre) so playing more than one game of that sort is pretty much impossible for someone with limited time. Personally I don't even consider "how much will this cost me?" when looking at a game (unless it's something like a $200+ collector's edition, or a game with a monthly subscription) I always just think "will I actually play this? What else could I be doing/playing instead of this? Is there another similar game that will give me a deeper/better experience for the time that I'm putting in?". If the answer to that last question is "yes" then why would I buy the worse game, regardless of price?

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