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Intergalactic Art Court Art: Law & Preorder: Criminal Interwebs Discontent

Discussion in 'Art' started by Zurgh, Apr 3, 2014.


How do YOU plead?

  1. Guilty (of being HOT!) a+2b value

  2. Innocent ( that you KNOW of) 2a-b value

  3. Nutral (Lemmons/insanity/indecisive vote/apathetic accidental button clicker/I plead the fifth.) .1

    0 vote(s)
  4. No Contest (sorry, you loose, but it's not a guilty plea) -1 value

    0 vote(s)
  5. Random mystery choice (wouldn't YOU like to know) +/-? value

  6. Please stop (Troll option, no accounting for taste) no value

  1. Zurgh

    Zurgh Void-Bound Voyager

    Greetings and salutation, worthy internet entity, and welcome to the inner sanctum of a delusional mindscape. Here will be the place for my various amateur attempts in a variety of media/multimedia and art.
    It is also a totally fictitious corrupt court room (much like the internet)... Can't you just smell the sticky injustice juices sweating forth from the ancient halls? Omnomnomnom.

    The laws of physics, good taste, and sanity may be temporarily suspended to further the plot, or cover up gaping plot holes. Semantics shall not be argued and everything will be taken at face value, unless otherwise implied. Mispellings Misspelling may occur. Grammar irrevocably ruined.
    Trolls will be ignored and/or reported. The forum rules, however, still apply.
    Any likeness to anyone or anything real, famous, real famous, living, living dead, real dead, half dead, fictional, or literal is purely coincidental... maybe.
    This is not intended for real legal, medical, professional, or any advice what so ever. Please seek medical help if itching persists. If things don't make sense here, you may have realized that this is from a fractured mind. The harder I make your brain work, the stronger it will grow.
    I also reserve the right to post, repost, rerepost, alter or change any of my art assets, as the flying spaghetti monster as my witless witness, amen.

    I don't take requests, per say, but do welcome suggestions. You may even make a guest appearance if you play your cards right. Contact for details. This could turn into a lot of things, so enjoy the ride or get off at the next stop.

    Here is the current presiding Judge, the Honorable* Dr. Octo Isset Bellus (that's Latin for 8 eyed fiend) handmade sculpture and conception sketch.

    [​IMG] [​IMG]

    The rigged and mandered jury, pack zombies.

    Court stenographer, the Evil radioactive Ward Cleavers.

    Bailiffs, Boils and Walker.
    [​IMG] [​IMG]
    Old cases.
    Found guilty of being old, produced in 1991, and sentenced to life imprisonment in a sketch book.

    More will be added later. I will try to update when I update.
    Refreshments of coffee, pastries, and sherbet will be served on the after-deck during recess and adjournments. iSalude!

    Last edited: Apr 4, 2014
  2. Zurgh

    Zurgh Void-Bound Voyager

    The pilot episode...
  3. cyberspyXD

    cyberspyXD Tiy's Beard

    Jonesy, PositivAndroid and Zurgh like this.
  4. Zurgh

    Zurgh Void-Bound Voyager

    Yes, Indeed.
  5. Zurgh

    Zurgh Void-Bound Voyager

    Here's me' ol' hardhat... medium; hardhat, sharpie, #2 pencil, sweat, dirt, grime ...

    2 new rough WIP's... paper, pencil & pen so far...

    A vamp girl...

    and a girl with a gun #x...
    As they are still rough, there are a lot of different directions I can go with em'...
    PositivAndroid and cyberspyXD like this.
  6. Zurgh

    Zurgh Void-Bound Voyager

    Sneeky cyberspy...
    Jonesy, PositivAndroid and cyberspyXD like this.
  7. Zurgh

    Zurgh Void-Bound Voyager

    More WIP's...
    Jonesy, PositivAndroid and cyberspyXD like this.
  8. cyberspyXD

    cyberspyXD Tiy's Beard

    I see cyber and ladies. Are they part of a harem :V.
    PositivAndroid likes this.
  9. Zurgh

    Zurgh Void-Bound Voyager

    Silly cyber, the girls are all special forces troopers, most are gymnastic showgirls or acrobatic samba dancers...

    More pics...
    Jonesy, PositivAndroid and cyberspyXD like this.
  10. Zurgh

    Zurgh Void-Bound Voyager


    Clan members...


    Orbital fort work...
    Digital coloring mock-up
  11. Zurgh

    Zurgh Void-Bound Voyager



    Last edited: Apr 22, 2014
    Jonesy and The-Seven-Worlds like this.
  12. Zurgh

    Zurgh Void-Bound Voyager

  13. cyberspyXD

    cyberspyXD Tiy's Beard

    How is it possible to be so fucking amazing.
    Zurgh and Jonesy like this.
  14. Jonesy

    Jonesy Sarif's Attack Kangaroo Forum Moderator

    I've been appearing in the art here, and didn't even know it!
    Zurgh likes this.
  15. Zurgh

    Zurgh Void-Bound Voyager

    The answer is drugs er, time... first chance I've got to do anything fun in like a week...
    I think Jonesy is suspecting that he has been appearing in the art here, just a hunch...
    Jonesy likes this.
  16. Zurgh

    Zurgh Void-Bound Voyager

    A thing I did, and new steam avatar... for the minute...
  17. Zurgh

    Zurgh Void-Bound Voyager

    Better thing I'm doing, new avatar. Rough sketch & rough sculpture I haven't finished...
    [​IMG] [​IMG]
    The-Seven-Worlds likes this.
  18. The-Seven-Worlds

    The-Seven-Worlds Zero Gravity Genie

    Seriously... Where do you find all the patience to come up with all the things? :saywhat:
    Zurgh likes this.
  19. Zurgh

    Zurgh Void-Bound Voyager

    I have kids, they taught me patience. :DD
    One thing that helps me, is 'walking away' from a project, or taking a break from it, and coming back to it later. This current picture has been worked on 5 times today, and I'll probably work on it again a couple of more times over the next couple of days.

    After hand coloring, a quick digital mock up.
    Still more to do... but not tonight.
  20. The-Seven-Worlds

    The-Seven-Worlds Zero Gravity Genie

    Eh, a double way tutoring. Thanks kids! :D

    Now that you mention it, going back to something that you left sounds a bit more productive than leaving them to rot in a corner. :rofl:
    I should do that more from now on.
    Zurgh likes this.

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