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I made a skin of Elizabeth from Bioshock Infinite

Discussion in 'Starbound Discussion' started by Keifa, Dec 8, 2013.

  1. Keifa

    Keifa Master Chief


    You can download it here.

    To install, just copy the assets folder into your main install folder, which should be Steam > SteamApps > common > Starbound.

    The files will replace:
    • fem14.png hair
    • bsleeve.png, fsleeve.png, chestf.png, and icons.png in human-sweatervest
    • PantsF.png and Icons.png in human-cool
    So back them up if you want, or don't.

    I made the files so that you can't change the colors. If you want to change the colors just send me a message of what you'd like to change and I'll try to get back to you quickly.

    Any comments or suggestions are greatly appreciated :)
  2. sidriel

    sidriel Industrial Terraformer

    It's really impressive to see people already making mods and little additions like this just four days after the game was even released :3
    Axe Garian and Keifa like this.
  3. Looks great, I'll be adding it in for sure ;).
    Keifa likes this.
  4. Simon Petrikov

    Simon Petrikov Ketchup Robot

    Imo not really, Most of the mods for starbound that I've seen can be made in hours.
  5. sidriel

    sidriel Industrial Terraformer

    Than you're not looking hard, at all. Not to mention, what other game have you seen thats been modded this early on? Heck, Minecraft Texturepacks didnt even exist until months after its release.
  6. Simon Petrikov

    Simon Petrikov Ketchup Robot

    Minecraft in the beginning didn't have a lot of hype afaik, Starbound had 102,000 people backing it, MC didn't boom until a few months after its release, starbound boomed after Insomnia which was 4 months before its beta release.
    ArmA3 has been modded this early on.
  7. sidriel

    sidriel Industrial Terraformer

    Are you joking? Maybe YOU hadn't heard about Minecraft until months after its release, but it was seriously pretty popular even back before it had its own client and was just a web-based building game! They didn't even have the hype builder of kick-starter back then to bump it up like Starbound had.
  8. Simon Petrikov

    Simon Petrikov Ketchup Robot

    The client was released on June 30th, 2010, Minecraft was first released on May 17th, 2009, so I'm not joking because it is entirely plausible that minecraft got popular 2-3 months after its release because there was over a year where it was a web based game without a client launcher.
  9. Otactu

    Otactu Tentacle Wrangler

    I'd like to create/import my own skin. Is it possible ?

    It look really boring to change for the moment (no good characheter editor :) )
  10. budsygus

    budsygus Pangalactic Porcupine

    Fogbot3 likes this.

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