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higher resolution = more area seen?

Discussion in 'Starbound Discussion' started by JackNoir, Nov 28, 2013.

  1. JackNoir

    JackNoir Void-Bound Voyager

    in Terraria, when the window was smaller, instead of shrinking the game down, it just let you see less land and area. when you full screen you were able to see more. Will starbound be like this?
  2. Jonesy

    Jonesy Sarif's Attack Kangaroo Forum Moderator

    I assume so.
  3. Rainbow Dash

    Rainbow Dash Oxygen Tank

    in the duel stream with leth, one of them had more Area seen,
    so yah it does
    Maruku likes this.
  4. DakoShark

    DakoShark Pangalactic Porcupine

    Actually I believe there was also an option that said, zoom level, so even if you've got low res, you can decrease the zoom level and it'll show a bit more. Or at least I assume that's what it's used for.
  5. MrHiggle

    MrHiggle Existential Complex

    Pretty sure there's a zoom level option like DakoShark said. But people have been wrong, and so may I.
  6. It is indeed Zoom Level, it may be around the same zoom level for everyone but easy changeable so i guess it doesn't interact much with the window size.
  7. RikSharp

    RikSharp Pangalactic Porcupine

  8. I remember they say about that, the huge zoom out levels you see there are just for the DEVs, right now the players have one limited zoom level we can use.
  9. T-Rex

    T-Rex Hard-To-Destroy Reptile

    For you


    Yeah this comment is out of topic but who cares!
    Soggytoast and Bacon like this.
  10. Gene

    Gene Phantasmal Quasar

    The game supports scaling. This allows you to separate physical resolution (which you should always run at your max monitor resolution for best quality and crispness, assuming you run the game full-screen of course) from the visual zoom-in level.

    You can use the zoom setting to decide whether you want to play zoomed-out (see more of screen at same time, but have difficulty spotting/controlling small things), zoomed-in (see things up-close but see less of screen at once), or some medium ground.


    Still TBI if this is an out-of-game setting you choose once and stick with between sessions, or whether you can dynamically control this in-game e.g. via scroll wheel. The latter would be pretty cool IMO, as you could switch between modes based on what you are doing (e.g. zoom in when fighting melee, zoom out when running/ranged fighting, and ZOOM WAY WAY OUT when taking an awesome screenshot!)

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