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God made Dirt and Dirt don't Hurt

Discussion in 'Starbound Discussion' started by DeadlyLuvdisc, Sep 1, 2013.

  1. DeadlyLuvdisc

    DeadlyLuvdisc Oxygen Tank

    So different planets all have different colored dirt on them, right? For those of us who have seen the streams, there appears to be brown dirt, green dirt, red dirt, even blue dirt. Yay, variety!

    So consider for a moment that each time they mine dirt, the tooltip just says "dirt" on it. Then when they place it down, it just so happens to still be the same color. To quote a wizard professor who once got his face burned off, "What is this magic?"

    But if I dig up dirt on a blue planet and then hop on over to a red planet, what happens when I place that dirt back down? Will it still be blue like it was on the blue planet, or will it magically turn red? My guess is that each planet has a default dirt color that automatically sets any regular dirt you place to match it. This is really convenient, since you can just change the color using the paint tool if you want to decorate things, but it automatically matches by default.

    Of course, I'm a bit rusty when it comes to following the streams lately. This is certainly only a guess. I wonder how it works, or if they will make changes. What are your thoughts, everyone?
    DJOkamical, warcore, tassina and 3 others like this.
  2. Zoolot

    Zoolot Existential Complex

    It probably wouldn't be too hard to have separate colored dirts and etc. Just take a look at how Minecraft (Yes, I know they aren't the same game, so stow it.) did wool and other blocks, they added a separate value to denote color.
    DJOkamical, JennShii and KirasiN like this.
  3. Skarn

    Skarn Existential Complex

    My guess is the same as yours.

    Actually, has anything been revealed on the paint system yet? I hadn't heard about it lately.
    DJOkamical likes this.
  4. maecat

    maecat Void-Bound Voyager

    There's a dev stream somewhere that showed some minor use of the paint tool.. Anyone have the link?
    DJOkamical and tassina like this.
  5. KirasiN

    KirasiN Existential Complex

    Considering that you can easily paint things, I guess there's a separate value that denotes color as Zoolot said.
    DJOkamical and Zoolot like this.
  6. JennShii

    JennShii Pangalactic Porcupine

    This seems oddly familiar. Wouldn't it clutter your inventory? Isn't the paint tool more efficient? Oh that's right, it adds variety. I'm glad I found this thread. :cry:
    DJOkamical, tassina, Inno and 3 others like this.
  7. natelovesyou

    natelovesyou Oxygen Tank

    Hmm, I'm not sure about that. I'm quite certain that the paint tool can only be used on blocks that aren't natural or are artificial/processed, such as bricks, wooden planks, metal walls, and so on. I don't think you can use it on dirt.
    Affero, DJOkamical, tassina and 4 others like this.
  8. like00111

    like00111 Zero Gravity Genie

    I think the paint tool is in this stream somewhere after the second half(not to sure):
    DJOkamical, tassina and Axe Garian like this.
  9. Percival

    Percival Phantasmal Quasar

    Perhaps different kinds of dirt will be useful for growing different kinds of plants. That'd be cool. Though using all different kinds of dirt on one planet would be interesting for decorative purposes. Paint tool just seems like cheating. You will gather many a dirt from many a planet, and you will love it.
    DJOkamical and Axe Garian like this.
  10. Zoolot

    Zoolot Existential Complex

    Just a quick remark, dirt can hurt, Bacteria or other objects inside the dirt can get you sick, the dirt can get into your eyes,where it WILL hurt. I've always hated that saying.
    DeadlyLuvdisc and DJOkamical like this.
  11. JennShii

    JennShii Pangalactic Porcupine

    And you can choke on dirt and get crushed by dirt if there's enough of it lol
  12. Optix

    Optix Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    DJOkamical likes this.
  13. Show

    Show Phantasmal Quasar

    I was a medic for a while in the USAF. Had a sergeant that was training us that told us he thought one of the reasons kids were getting sick more often is they weren't playing outside more and building up resistances to more bacteria.

    Said his solution was to put his kids in the backyard and throw dirt clumps at them :rofl:
    DJOkamical, tassina, Dis and 5 others like this.
  14. I'm guessing it's similar to Minecraft as to how it separated its stone bricks, sandstone, stairs, halfblocks, planks, logs, monster eggs, dye, heads, anvils, wool, carpets, walls, pillars, coal/charcoal and saplings using additional data in their data values
  15. Quenton

    Quenton Phantasmal Quasar

    The impression that I have, is that no matter the color of the dirt you dig up, it goes into a generic "brown dirt" stack in your inventory.

    After all, nothing stopping us from using paint/dye on stuff we make with it.
    DJOkamical and tassina like this.
  16. Serenity

    Serenity The Waste of Time

    As cool as unique dirt would be I don't know would make inventory management tougher, from what I did see there will be clay.
    DJOkamical likes this.
  17. The Thing

    The Thing Existential Complex

    I sort of hope that each separate colors of dirt will be a different stack that you can use. The colors created by the painting tools did not have the same look as the naturaly colored blocks and did not look as good to me either.
    Grulul, DJOkamical, JennShii and 2 others like this.
  18. GeorgeV

    GeorgeV Art Director

    This is an issue of debate among the devs.

    We have a few options (very briefly summed up). We can give players tons of dirt of different colors. But then inventory management will potentially be pretty insane. If there's a LOT of colors matching them will be difficult.
    We can just have dirt have a color per-planet. Pick it up somewhere blue, place it on a red planet and it'll be red? Doesn't make much sense... but it's so much easier and you don't have 50 stacks of different colored dirt.

    There's a lot more to it but for easiness's sake I'm in favor of simplifying and just having it be colored based on the planet (with maybe some day being able to edit settings like that as a kind of terraforming). That makes you able to stack them in the same stack and place them easily to match. Other solutions might just take a lot of code to do. You can still paint them!

    But yeah... disagreements among the devs!
  19. The Thing

    The Thing Existential Complex

    Does the painting tool give the same result as the real color?
    DJOkamical and Axe Garian like this.
  20. As for me, I prefer the opposite, considering organization isn't a very problematic thing for me. But either way is fine, I can live with one or the other.
    DJOkamical, Regal Kain and Axe Garian like this.

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