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Generated Slopes

Discussion in 'Starbound Discussion' started by OmnipotentEntity, Jun 23, 2012.

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  1. OmnipotentEntity

    OmnipotentEntity Code Monkey Forum Administrator

    Here is a picture of platforms with generated slopes. I had me a regular guru meditation last night and cleaned up the slope generating code quite a bit and I'm proud of the results.

  2. Gameinsky

    Gameinsky Void-Bound Voyager

    Oh wow, that looks cool!
    Can't wait for the game :)
  3. ThrehserMaw

    ThrehserMaw Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Interesting , so we can make slopes with any block just by putting them in a 45 degree angle?Also , cool UI , never saw it on another image.
  4. Sokina

    Sokina Heart of Gold


    1: Not sure if coincidence or not, but if we judge by the way your character is facing, all yellow seems to be an incline in elevation, and all green a decline. Except all the green on the ground. o:
    2: It seems like up takes priority of stairs. (If you were on the very left, and started walking right, you'd go up before down, right?)
    3: Note the X shape just to your right, where the yellow staircase intersects the green one. I believe that if you were descending the yellow staircase, the "Up priority" rule would be overridden and you'd continue walking down the yellow, not up the green.
    4: I really don't know what I'm talking about
    5: You have a fish. What are you doing with a fish.
    lKetoth likes this.
  5. A little off-topic: Let's check a quick slots!
    OK we can see here:
    • 1 Rocket Launcher (?)
    • 1 Assault rifle
    • 1 Flashlight
    • 1 Pickaxe
    • 1 Fish:whoop:
    • 1000 Torchlights
    • 999 Gold (?) blocks
    • 951 Green Bricks (?)
    • 993 Silver (?) blocks
    • 1 Shirt (?)
    OT: Cool slopes!:up:
  6. Zailiner

    Zailiner Over 9000!!!

    Glad seeing you interact with us so much Omni.
    All contact is greatly appreciated! :proper:
  7. Dynafols

    Dynafols Black Hole Surfer

    Urrr.... I don't really see it? All I really know about slopes is from the S.B. Forest Trailer, where we see Tiy run up "slopes" and such :/
  8. Zailiner

    Zailiner Over 9000!!!

    It marks where slopes will be generated. Slopes may not have been sprited yet.
  9. Ravenous Space Rat

    Ravenous Space Rat Cosmic Narwhal

    He seems low on pixels.
    most of the time they have 100000 pixels,he has 1337.
  10. Dynafols

    Dynafols Black Hole Surfer

    Ok... slopes would be cool......

    but umm, out of curiousity... where has it been stated there will be slopes? I just checked the List of Announced Game Information, and it said that slopes have... "Slopes have been implemented, and this allows much more free/fluid movement for players and things like vehicles.". So if they already are in the game, I just don't see what this graph thing is all about.
  11. bartwe

    bartwe Code Cowboy

    The graph is part of a debug mode we use to visualize the collision volumes.
    Slopes in this context are the collision volumes, allowing for smooth walking up and down inclines and stairs
  12. ... ... ... Wait wha? Slopes? Oh right. Sorry, I was staring at the cursor.
    LastDay, omegablue and xXSunSlayerXx like this.
  13. Dynafols

    Dynafols Black Hole Surfer

    Would you like a pet cursor to follow you around in game? It will be your best friend and stare at you with those big pointy pixels.

    With slopes... I wonder if there are any circle blocks in the game? Hmmm..
  14. OmnipotentEntity

    OmnipotentEntity Code Monkey Forum Administrator

    1: Slopes are generated for platforms once looking only in the positive direction and once looking only in the negative direction. If it cannot find positive or negative then it generates flat geometry (both of them) and then there's some very complicated logic revolving around pruning flat geometry blocks from positive/negative slopes, and it just has to do with which order the debug information is drawn. If I had changed the drawing order the boxes on the ground would be yellow instead.
    2: For now it does, but my next job will work with the integrator to make sure that that doesn't happen. Because the tiles are labeled as "positive" and "negative" slopes now I can only consider the slopes I'm running down.
    3: Same deal here.
    4: Good guesses though.
    5: It's a fishaxe. (I've mentioned it before, do a forums search.)

    Slopes on world geometry is a difficult problem, slopes on platforms (and getting them right) is much, much harder. Sorry if it seems like something minor and unexciting. It was really quite a large undertaking and it meant a complete rewrite of the files affected. One that needed to happen too, because the code I had previously written was rather messy and difficult to understand.

    Most of these items are test/dev/don't reflect what's going to be in the game.
    1 water cannon (does 1 damage and drops water on hit)
    1 generic assault rifle (for all of your enemy killing needs.)
    1 flashlight
    1 Pickaxe
    1 Fishaxe
    1000 Torchlights
    999 Gold bricks
    951 Platforms (we need to change the icon)
    999 Platinum blocks
    1 Shirt

    The visual geometry will remain tile based.
  15. A.N.T.I.

    A.N.T.I. Spaceman Spiff

    You have a very leet amount of money there.
    Aurii82 and Ordona like this.
  16. Dynafols

    Dynafols Black Hole Surfer

    Well regardless, I am glad we have slopes in the game. Most 2D platforms don't include slopes, making you always have to press the jump button.

    And you know, just a thought, if slopes in game are visible, then that could greatly seperate itself from the recent minecraft, terraria blockly feel to the game. Now whether that would be a good thing or not... I'm not sure.
  17. Solum

    Solum Cosmic Narwhal

    Yay! Slopes! The one thing every game should need! ;)
  18. Sol Pruina

    Sol Pruina Over 9000!!!

    This is awesome! (SCREW JUMPING)
  19. 5.5/10


    EDIT: Hmm strange thing I noticed - I'm throwin' my money in the monitor but nothing happens...:lolwut:
    LastDay, xXSunSlayerXx and Solum like this.
  20. If it's a large amount of coins in a coinpurse, something will happen ;D
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