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RELEASED Easier Ingots

Discussion in 'Crafting and Building' started by Vagrant0, Dec 10, 2013.

  1. Vagrant0

    Vagrant0 Void-Bound Voyager

    This mod is for beta version "v. Irritated Koala" but may still work on future versions as long as the related files are not changed.

    This sets the material requirements for copper, iron, silver, and gold to 1 ore per ingot, and sets diamond ore to 2 ore per diamond.

    Just extract to Starbound game folder and allow the files to overwrite.


    Included in the ingotdefaults.rar are the files with the default incase you want to revert the standard values. You do not need to extract this unless you wish to remove the mod.

    Nexus Link - Download and Support.
    UrashimaStar likes this.
  2. NinjaBoffin

    NinjaBoffin Big Damn Hero

    A screen shot would be helpful! :)
  3. Vagrant0

    Vagrant0 Void-Bound Voyager

    Okay... But not sure how, or why. All this does is alter the existing ingot recipes for the furnace to make the lower tier ones less costly. Not exactly rocket science here.

    If you REALLY need an image to understand 1 ore = 1 ingot, the image on the nexus mod page should suffice.
  4. wingedwolf123

    wingedwolf123 Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Not really helpful to insult a potential user of your mod if you want them to you it or check out your work in the future...
  5. Vagrant0

    Vagrant0 Void-Bound Voyager

    Sorry. I guess I'm just too much of an oldschool modder. I mod and release those things I think might be either fun or useful to others, not so that I can get praise, fanboys, pats on the back or any of that silliness. If people don't want to use a mod I make, it doesn't bother me one bit; they are certainly free to make their own decisions or find some other mod that does things similarly if they are really that butthurt that I didn't provide an image for a mod that has what it does clearly explained, or because the author didn't jump through hoops to try and appease them. So, sorry that you feel that you're so entitled.
  6. wingedwolf123

    wingedwolf123 Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Its all good lol .. nice job btw some times 2 for 1 out put is a little annoying at times and love how much control over our playstyle devs let us be
  7. NinjaBoffin

    NinjaBoffin Big Damn Hero

    Never mind!
    i wasn't insulted! :p

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