Dock/click right Here (Space stations/ports ftw)

Discussion in 'Mechanics' started by SemperDarky, Dec 21, 2013.

  1. SemperDarky

    SemperDarky Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Well, I was thinking and, since there are so many threads I am not so sure if this one is original or the first of its kind but, for those of us who used to play MMOs or cooperative games, couldn't there possibly be a very end-game station that could be built and where our ships could land? Something done with the cooperative effort of 2, 5 or more people?

    - Depending on their contribution or the blueprint they had chosen, the space station size, design and rooms would vary. If not in space, maybe on a planet itself.

    - The idea I am trying to get is, how could would be a death star like station orbiting a planet (sort of like a moon), that could have defences (placed later, built by its users) like AA turrets (well, more like Anti-Space), shields, fighters, etc. Implement some space combat.

    - For the making of the station, people might need (besides the building materials) an empty moon to bombard (orbital bombardment), terraform and transform into their space station.

    - As for the space station itself, it would act as a sort of base for its users. Players could bank their pixels, have a room, a docking place for their own (possibly customised) ship, somewhere to meet and organize raids to other space stations (the rules to protect inactive space stations and what they would be able to rob have to be written, for example, players would only be able to steal a percentage of the banked pixels and destroy only certain parts of the station, so it could be automatically rebuilt by providing it with more resources).

    - The station or docking platforms could also be used to modify and customise each player's ship and upgrade it.

    - It could also have it's very own warp gate for players to teleport to or from other allied space stations or planets or to beam in friendly ships from other warp gates built on other star systems (orbiting).

    - This could also be a key part in clans or groups of people (if that is ever to be implemented and is an oficial thing) who want to organize and have a base, especially in large servers.

    "Edit" - Adding from the post i made in another thread:
    start of quote:
    " - I believe that you could link a player space station to a major (i mean npc) space port (basically another space station) and have players teleport themselves to and from that place.

    - In the even that a space ship fighting can occur, players might also be able to go to these space ports and have their ships repaired by mechanics or by upgrades for their ship.

    - There would be one mechanic per space port and that mechanic, depending on his race, besides the trivial upgrades that fit any ship, could have specific ones for your ship depending on your race.

    - Also, each MAJOR space port (equal to the number of races) would have different leaders (one for each race) and depending on the relations between the star ports, prices would vary (say fish and bird don't like each other, you are a fish and decide to go to the bird star port, prices would probably be raised for you or merchants wouldn't even want to trade).

    - Quests could be done for people of that space port (find this item, deliver this to X on space port Y) and that would improve your relation with them, possibly lowering the prices or nullifying any disagreements your and their race might have at the moment.

    - Space ports could be both small and medium (manned by pirates or small villages or the dungeons featured in the future) or big (like a major city for each race). " - end of quote

    Basically, what I am trying to get here is that there could be pre-generated space ports/stations that act as major cities, besides the other small ones that would simply be outposts or pirate hold outs (or dungeons). There could be a whole new end-game scenario since right now i think it is lacking a lot of content (once i get to the x sector its just mining to get impervium and "The End").

    I know this is a lot of hard work, and maybe it isn't what the devs want this game to become or for this to be a part of the game, but I like to dream big :D.
    Tell me what you think guys, I'd really appreciate it ;)
    Last edited: Dec 23, 2013
    Fromage likes this.
  2. Whaleduck

    Whaleduck Big Damn Hero

    I am all for space stations with possible merchants.
  3. Fromage

    Fromage Big Damn Hero

    I think this may well be planned, but I certainly think it's a great idea regardless!
  4. AndIMustMask

    AndIMustMask Tentacle Wrangler

    so something like a combination of the projected ship upgrade system with the spaceship dungeon/world thing, but the players can make them themselves?

    sounds pretty awesome--not to mention in multiplayer, folks could go visit and wreck the place or add to it, making it a community thing.
  5. Azraile

    Azraile Ketchup Robot

    They said they would be adding space stations evechaly
  6. SemperDarky

    SemperDarky Subatomic Cosmonaut

    I also posted something to add to this in another thread, I am editing my original post now, check the changes.
  7. SemperDarky

    SemperDarky Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Can you give a source of this? Is there more information or do you just mean the space dungeons?

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