Diffrent kinds of Techs... Passive, activated from invitory, and more...

Discussion in 'Mechanics' started by Azraile, Dec 14, 2013.

  1. Azraile

    Azraile Ketchup Robot

    Seeing that right now techs can only be used one at a time how about some other kinds of tects that don't have to be activated.

    For starters

    passive techs.... Just by having them set you get there abilities, though you could have some that give better abilities if the equipped one. Some examples could be:

    Extended backpack. - Adds another row to your inventories, two if it's equiped. (extras row dropped in another tech is equipped)

    Strength enhancement - Do more damage with melee. More so if equipped.

    Re-breather - Air lasts longer. Lasts even longer if equipped before going in water.

    Inventory activated techs. These aren't equipped rather clicking on them uses them.... some examples.

    Teleportation beacon - portents you up to the ship from underground.

    Carrier drone - Lets you access your ships storage unit from the planet.

    Compressed space storage (with a better name lol) - clicking on it opens a 'chest' , could be better versions of this available

    Also I think you should be able to research tech on your own, though it shouldn't be easy.

    However you could work on tree's of research unlocking better versions of tech.

    An example would be starting with the flash jump to work you way through several techs to get up to the gravity bubble.
  2. Azraile

    Azraile Ketchup Robot

    another idea HUD techs....

    X-ray scanner.... Mini map.... Depth reader...... and the like

    Maybe if these ideas get added they could add more tech slots.
  3. Azraile

    Azraile Ketchup Robot

    another idea..... tech slots you can activate from hot keys and work on a cool down.

    like a healing device, or a mini torrent. a BFG of some sort like having your ship shoot a spot lol or mine a spot from space lol
  4. donfonni

    donfonni Tentacle Wrangler

    Right now techs are the only thing you can find that are viable all game so I would be against researching.
  5. Azraile

    Azraile Ketchup Robot

    Not really, treasure chests, kitchen stuff, other such things in dungeons and cities..... they are always usefull

    But researching aside this is more about the idea of expanding on techs, and findding use for the other 3 you can set.
  6. Iamyew

    Iamyew Big Damn Hero

    I am very much in agreement with you about the fact that techs need to change and I believe that the addition of more types of tech would be a good addition to the game. however, a lot of your suggestions sounds more like items that should be placed in the home as opposed to tech options.

    now that I think about this issue, it occurs to me that techs should come in one of three types. utility (such as energy dash), activated combative tech (such as the mech and things like calling in an airstrike or a temporary shield), and passives that grant additional boost to weapon damage, armor, abilities, Mining speed, pixels dropped, and so on.

    on a somewhat different note, the 3d printer is currently overpowered. I do believe that it should scan items and destroy them in the process, but rather than being able to destroy it what should be a variety of rarely obtained furniture items, it should teach you how to make these items that it scans. for example, if I wanted to construct my own crappy acts, I should be able to deposit one at a time and slowly accumulate knowledge of that item. After it had been scanned a predetermined amount of times it with them dropped a blueprint for me to use so that I could learn how to craft the item. much in the same way, you should be able to scan items that would go towards the construction of a tech, and a progress bar with Phil of an unknown tech. what's that bar was filled, it would unlock that text for you. an alternative to scanning random items to unlock tech would be dropped off random loot inside of dungeons that are tagged as artifacts. these artifacts would be locked in to a specific type of culture that the tech descended from, and by scanning want you would unlock one of the types of techs that it was associated with what you had scanned enough items.

    let me know what you think, also, what a wonderful discussion :)
  7. Azraile

    Azraile Ketchup Robot

    Items you can place, or use on some of my ideas yah.... but there just examples.

    The core idea is having more than just tech that activate at the push of a hot key when there equipped.

    Adding ones that are passive, activated from the hot bar, or from the inventory screen, expand on the usefulness of techs and gives a reason to have more than one set

    As it is, once you find a gravity bubble there isn't much a reason to set anything else save just kicks/looks.
  8. Azraile

    Azraile Ketchup Robot


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