Deep Core Apex Borehole (a timed dungeon crawl)

Discussion in 'Planets and Environments' started by Azraile, Dec 16, 2013.

  1. Azraile

    Azraile Ketchup Robot

    First you may ask whats a bore hole?


    That is a bore hole (and yes that is bigger than the city beside it).

    They are massive holes dug down into the earth, and even now we have in plans to make one at the bottom of the ocean that will go all the way down to the earths mantel. :eek:

    So it's safe to assume Apex have already done so and built research bases around such. But having a massive hole from the surface down to the mantel is not the safest thing in the world, if something should go wrong you are looking at a man (er ape) made ultra-volcano of insane proportions. Maybe even enough to distabalize and destroy the planet!


    My idea is this is exactly what happened. The Apex messed up but they managed to keep things from going horridly horridly wrong. Some time has passed sense then and now the lab is shut down and sealed off. You find the massive hole in the side of the planet and walkways leading out into the middle where a large research station hangs in the middle of the hole. No lights, no power, and all the security doors are sealed tight.

    Making your way down though deep deep into the earth you find your way across to one of the walls of the borehole where there is a geothermal plant. Activating the controls there starts the base up again. (and removes the ban on braking things) The lab lights up, and the security doors start opening! YAY! Now you can explore the lab and loot it for it's pixels, gear, and tech chips. Hazzah!

    Heading across the platform to the central lab though, fire shot up all around, and the lava level starts to rise! The exsprements have started up again, and what the Apex shut down you started! The planet is now unstable and doomed!

    You must escape to the surface through the now active and open lab, however the security systems are online now and the lab experiments are lose. You are forced to juggle your time between fighting off robots and twisted lab experiments, finding phat loot (there will be especially good loot too!), and making your way up before the lava level reaches you.

    If you die then by the time your revived the planet will be flooded with lava and the only way to the loot would be slowly working you way down clearing out the lava, owch. Should you live though you can eventually make your way to the surface and the roof of the lab where the best loot is. Climbing up from there to the shuttle pad you can teleport back to the safety of your ship while the planet floods.

    Here is my general idea for the layout:


    Once you turn the lab on, no matter what you do the planet is doomed, however you have a chance for some amazing loot if you can live through the dangers of the dungeon and the rising lava long enough to find them.
    Last edited: May 27, 2015
  2. Azraile

    Azraile Ketchup Robot

    To prevent problems:

    A - this would be a very very rare thing in the game.

    B - It would only be on smaller planets

    C - There would be signs that this was there: little plant life; few creatures; abandoned industrial areas; paved flat areas; lots of stuff that shows it was an inhabited planet that was abandoned after some accident.

    This way no one accidentally builds a base on said planet. (though honestly if you build a base with out scouting anything that happens is your own fault IMHO)
    Last edited: Dec 17, 2013
  3. TheApothecanary

    TheApothecanary Starship Captain

    This is a very cool idea.
  4. Azraile

    Azraile Ketchup Robot

    thanks please like/vote
  5. Woden

    Woden Twenty-three is number one

    A: That seems like it would require a ridiculously large amount of development work that is exclusively applicable to this one idea... an idea which you already said should only show up very rarely in-game... that doesn't seem like a good combination.

    B: Why the timed mechanic? That just doesn't seem to mesh well with this entire genre of games.
  6. Azraile

    Azraile Ketchup Robot

    A - eh... guess

    B - to add challange
  7. TheApothecanary

    TheApothecanary Starship Captain

    I like challenge and variety.
  8. TheApothecanary

    TheApothecanary Starship Captain

    I personally think it could add variety, and maybe they can use these mechanics for other more interesting dungeon-challenges.
  9. Woden

    Woden Twenty-three is number one

    That's like saying that the tower defense minigame in Assassin's Creed: Revelations was good because it "adds challenge". It was terrible because it was so out of place in the game.

    Adding challenge can be a good thing, but it should still be something reasonable for the genre. Scrapping an entire game world after x minutes is not really something that fits in this style of exploration sandbox. The reasoning behind an idea should be more than just "because CHALLENGE".
    Boshed likes this.
  10. TheApothecanary

    TheApothecanary Starship Captain

    You have to activate something in the dungeon for the planet to crumble, plus it wouldn't be a starter planet.
    But you make a good point.
  11. Azraile

    Azraile Ketchup Robot

    This isn't that out of place.

    The idea is it would be a small small world with little else on it anyway, and it could be less rare in sector X
  12. Veta420

    Veta420 Astral Cartographer

  13. Azraile

    Azraile Ketchup Robot

    If sight to sight to sight teleportation is added the base need not be so massive lol..... even if not a lot of it could just be scafholding and pipes
  14. Azraile

    Azraile Ketchup Robot

    I resubmit this now that they have missions you can teleport to
  15. Jerln

    Jerln Oxygen Tank

    What? There are? The only time I've ever heard of this being attempted was Project Mohole, but that failed.
  16. Azraile

    Azraile Ketchup Robot

    I'm not sure really it was a long while ago, just look it up. The idea was though to drill from the bottom of the ocean some where that the crust was at it's thinnest so it wasn't so hard. Though seams the under water thing would make it harder.....
  17. Azraile

    Azraile Ketchup Robot

    Yah seams most the projects have been abandoned due to lack of funding.

    I could probably whip something like this up in creative mode for some one to make a mod out of it but I am not the best decorator or building planer lol.
    Last edited: May 27, 2015
  18. willpill35

    willpill35 Subatomic Cosmonaut

    This sounds pretty awesome. Think it would make a good mission. You way want to edit the original post so that its up to date with current starbound. Or all the newblets that may not know about good old system x may wonder what you are talking about lol.
  19. Azraile

    Azraile Ketchup Robot

    X.x OH dear lord, the best way to do this is by hand in creative mode...... this idea gives part to a large base...... this is going to take a long time u.u

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