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RELEASED Cooked Fleshstrand Recipe

Discussion in 'Crafting and Building' started by wingedwolf123, Dec 7, 2013.

  1. wingedwolf123

    wingedwolf123 Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Cooked Fleshstrand is just a simple quick recipe mod i did just to get my toes wet before actually jumping in and making a whole bunch of new items .. the main purpose i created this was because i had several 100 of fleshstrands with no real use for them yet so i decided to make them useful lol

    installation -
    1 - place cookedfleshstrand.png and fleshstrand.consumable in the
    SteamApps\common\Starbound\assets\items\generic\meat folder
    2 - place cooked fleshstrand.recipe file into
    SteamApps\common\Starbound\assets\recipes\starter\campfire folder
    3 - play and enjoy being a cannibal

    Download here - http://www.mediafire.com/download/5bv5mkkxdafbley/cookedfleshstrand.rar
    Kawa likes this.
  2. ollj

    ollj Big Damn Hero

    http://starbounder.org/Flesh_Strand has its default uses. cooking it is just an obvious mod that needed to happen.

    Another use could be creating a bloody or fleshy block to build walls. They exist, but no recipes. And where is my flesh-golem when combined with bones?

    So, you played on these penis-tree-jungles for way too long?

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