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Contest *Not Begging For More*

Discussion in 'Starbound Discussion' started by MoonyJello, Mar 31, 2013.

  1. MoonyJello

    MoonyJello Existential Complex



    I really enjoyed the last few contest.
    I felt like they were a really cool thing in the community because it forced everyone to kick up the creativity cavern section of the brain a few notches with such cool prizes on the line.

    Now as stated above this isn't a topic directed towards the Moderators and Admin of the forums requesting them to do more, I'd be much happier knowing that they were building the game with their free time, not judging or creations, but I still do miss just the idea of contest.
    So with that being said, if we could hypothetically make some more what would be some you would be interested in doing?

    One that I'd really love to see happen would be something like a -

    Starbound Orchestration Contest!
    This contest will focus on the musical community of the forum... I mean, that's not me, but it'd still be intresting to see the results. The Monster and Create-A-Hat contest were more for the spriters and artistic folk. The Christmahannakwanzaakuh contest did spread to everyone, but this could be exclusively for the musical people.

    Now how it'd work is Curtis Schweitzer, the producer of Starbound's soundtrack, would provide a short simple melody to work around and turn into your own original piece. The prize for the winner would be your piece getting reorchestrated by Curtis Schweitzer and added to the finished game and the game's OST!
    Once you're finished the Development team would listen to all of the entries and pick the ones they feel would fit the best with the game and what biome it'd play for, then from there Curtis Schweitzer would be able to add his finishing touches and send it off to the Devs for confirmation.

    There would only be 5 rules:
    The piece must be your work with no sampling from others.
    You must try to fit the melody in the song, and if you can't then tell how it shaped your final piece.
    You can write in any style or genre of music you like so be creative! Do a chiptune, do a sexy beat!
    Your piece must NOT exceed 5 minutes or it's disqualified!
    You may only submit ONE piece!

    This would be mine, what would you like to see?
    Kujar3, harnackam, Rizear and 3 others like this.
  2. That's certainly interesting, although there may not be enough of a musical community to merit a contest purely for this alone. We'd certainly have to see about that, though. They may be lurking in the shadows :)
    Zenuel and Kitty Box like this.
  3. Kitty Box

    Kitty Box Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    I'd certainly give it a shot if this becomes an official contest, though I doubt I'd win or even come close :rofl:
    Hopefully they lurk in the shadows rather than just not exist, I'd like to see this happen and listen to all the great things they can come up with.
    nababoo likes this.
  4. Yeah, the sheer awesomeness that can result from this would certainly merit the effort :)
    Kitty Box likes this.
  5. I have no musical talent whatsoever, but I'd love to see another contest! I wasn't here for any of the the other ones and I was wishing for there to be another one. /props to you sir.
  6. And of course, if you wanted to, you could hold your own contest, although I suppose that wouldn't exactly be the same.
    Kitty Box likes this.
  7. AlphaMongoose

    AlphaMongoose Ketchup Robot

    I could bust out my GarageBand program.
    nababoo likes this.
  8. Kujar3

    Kujar3 Existential Complex

    I am working in FL Studio for more than 3 years now and this kind of contest would make me happy! I don't know if there are enough people to cover this thing but if there are than this is excellent idea! +1
  9. yoppyx

    yoppyx Existential Complex

    A Emoticon contest!:pwease:

    Just kidding:rofl:
  10. A music contest would be cool, and hearing the results would surely be a treat.
    Though, as nababoo said, I'm not sure we'd have that many participants who have talents in the music business. :confused:
    yoppyx and nababoo like this.
  11. MoonyJello

    MoonyJello Existential Complex

    That was just my suggestion, you could give one of your own too.
  12. Coin

    Coin 2.7182818284590...

    I know I hardly ever post, but I write music and would love a competition like this! Although, I'd prefer it to be more along the lines of writing an entire original song rather than basing it off of someone else's melody.
  13. Freekill

    Freekill Pangalactic Porcupine

    When you said orchestration I immediately thought get together with bandmates and record a performance, not mix something up in Fruity Loops or Reason or whatever. mild sadface

    Still a fun idea though, I'm just more on the stage performance side of things than desktop DJ.

    ^ Also I agree with above, it should allow freedom of original work rather than what would essentially be a remix contest.
  14. Coin

    Coin 2.7182818284590...

    I was also thinking something along the lines of writing and performing/recording the song for the contest, not using garageband or (insert any other program used for composition here as I am completely unfamiliar with those types of program). It would be cool to potentially have some songs with real guitar/bass/percussion in the game, as long as it fit the mood
  15. MoonyJello

    MoonyJello Existential Complex

    Well you could do a live recording with your bandmates if you'd like, but you'd be missing the point.
    This competition would be for possible making a song for the OST, and unless you haven't listened to the small selection of songs that's on the homepage, you should no that none of the songs are recorded in a guys garage with his buds, but that's not saying you can't.

    Now let's hypothetically say that does win, the song would still be reorchestrated by Curtis Schweitzer to better fit the game, which means it'd be remade on "Fruity Loops or Reason or whatever", so ya...

    You should listen to Scoring Starbound.
    Curtis Schweitzer decided to do live streamings whenever he works on the music for the game so the fans could get to know him better.
    Recently some of his newest cues have been quoting "On the Beach at Night".
    It's melody has appeared in about two or three other songs from the soundtrack, so at this point I feel pretty safe to say that it's the games main theme in a way.
    You can find "On the Beach at Night" here > http://playstarbound.com/soundtrack/


  16. Freekill

    Freekill Pangalactic Porcupine

    Don't get me wrong, I didn't mean a some boy band in a garage. Orchestral music has a place in any game soundtrack, and IMO the real instruments will always be better sound quality than synthed samples. At least for that type of audio.

    I do understand what the intention was though ,as well as what the soundtrack is currently like. I have nothing against computer produced music in fact I love it, I was just mentioning what my first thoughts turned to with the wording that was used.
  17. MoonyJello

    MoonyJello Existential Complex

  18. gingerskittles

    gingerskittles Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Id like another hat contest just cause I didn't get the Platinum Tier and I missed the first one. I don't have any musical talent so it would be hard to participate in that. Great ideas!

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