Comprehensive Server Setup Video Guide

Discussion in 'Videos' started by SlothMonster, Dec 8, 2013.

  1. SlothMonster

    SlothMonster Astral Cartographer

    Hello everyone. After working out a few bugs and talking a bit with the community here, I've decided to put together a video on how to setup a multiplayer server. Here's a link along with the topics I cover in the video.

    1. External IP addressing and dynamic DNS
    2. Port forwarding
    3. Setting up custom passwords
    4. Connecting to the server


    Hope you guys enjoy it and I hope more that it helps you all out!

  2. Gingerbeardman

    Gingerbeardman Void-Bound Voyager

    What would you do for a router that doesn't have port forwarding? Mine has virtual servers and port triggering.
  3. SlothMonster

    SlothMonster Astral Cartographer

    If you could tell me the brand and model of router you have I may be able to help out.
  4. byteme

    byteme Void-Bound Voyager

    Hey SlothMonster, great guide. I was wondering if it was possible to set up a server using a third party host such as Hamachi? I am going to give it a shot, but was wondering if you had any experience with it.
  5. SlothMonster

    SlothMonster Astral Cartographer

    Hey thanks!

    I've used Hamachi in the past. Not so much recently. I've seen that a lot of other people are using these services so it appears they do work. After making this guide I've been contemplating making similar guides for Hamachi, Tungle, and Evolve.
  6. FlyingMongoose

    FlyingMongoose Void-Bound Voyager

    (I have a router like that)
    Virtual Servers = Port Forwarding

    Port Triggering = Detect data passing outwards, allow incoming.
  7. Cadwae

    Cadwae Space Hobo

    I followed your guide and many others with the same info but I can't connect to my server with the external ip or the no-ip DNS. I can connect locally to it so it is working but not using the external. The port forwarding is fine, but just won't connect. Any other things it might be?
  8. SlothMonster

    SlothMonster Astral Cartographer

    What does it tell you when you try to connect using external information?
  9. Cadwae

    Cadwae Space Hobo

    It gave the error for no host or something. I figured it out. I couldn't connect using the external ip but friends could, I had to connect using internal ip. No idea why. Also, how do I go about updating my server when an update comes out?
  10. SlothMonster

    SlothMonster Astral Cartographer

    Glad you got it all figured out. As far as the updates go just run the updates through Steam if you're hosting from your own computer. If you're running it on a dedicated box I don't have experience setting it up that way so unfortunately I can't help you there.
  11. Chevy65

    Chevy65 Void-Bound Voyager

    you totally need to do a tut for Evolve. please
  12. SlothMonster

    SlothMonster Astral Cartographer

    I've never actually used Evolve before, but I'm sure I could figure it out well enough to do another tutorial vid.
  13. car7er

    car7er Big Damn Hero

    When i change the password i google my ip adress "what is my ip" then i type in my ip and my password then it says: Join failed! Error connecting to '(Ip adress)' my server config is saved and closed the server is up and everything but i didn't portforward not knowinghow and all so could you help stloth?

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