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Pixel Angry's Custom Dexypokes

Discussion in 'Art' started by Angry Muffin, Jun 17, 2013.

  1. I'm making my own 151 Pokemon! I'm up to any suggestions for Pokemon. Here is what I have so far:
    Snafe.png Sniferno.png SnIfyouseethisnamethisguyinthecomments.png Disetle.png Dusktele.png Genekoon.png Ignikoon.png Lamenturn.png Psybug.png Rackat.png Scrite.png Shwup.png Shlussle.png Shrewo.png TENUIE.png THISONEISNTNAMED.png Tornup.png Unnamed.png Veribon.png Twiagator.png Arsinder.png Coussery.png WaterStarter.png WaterStarter2.png Bliqu.png
    I'll be making and posting more.

    SnIfyouseethisnamethisguyinthecomments.png Veribon with gen 2 Veri.png Snafe's second evo outline.png shwup.png Shlussle.png Rackat.png WaterStarter2.png
  2. The Question

    The Question Ketchup Robot

    Ohhh Jeeeze Another 151.... DOOOOo EEEEEEEEEETTTTTTTTTTTTTT!
    WoxandWarf and Angry Muffin like this.
  3. Killer Snowman

    Killer Snowman Pangalactic Porcupine

    Angry Muffin and WoxandWarf like this.
  4. Jonesy

    Jonesy Sarif's Attack Kangaroo Forum Moderator

    Pretty good. It takes Pokeballs to have so many.
  5. Arkax

    Arkax Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    better than the new ones
    Angry Muffin likes this.
  6. Bamseper

    Bamseper Ketchup Robot

    Aww yeah! I'll totally follow this :D
  7. Updated!
    I have the ideas and outlines for the water and fire starters, but does anyone have any ideas for the Grass starter?
  8. Killer Snowman

    Killer Snowman Pangalactic Porcupine

    Something inspired by the frilled lizard. Looking something like this:
    But of course, the frill would actually be made of leaves. The pre-volutions will be building up to a full frill like this one here. His primary stat would be speed, with attack being second. Grass/Ground since these live in Australia and prefer the heat.

    I for one, would actually choose this grass starter.
    Dargona1018, Seajun_ and Angry Muffin like this.
  9. Mianso

    Mianso Black Hole Surfer

    Dude, those reminds me the old pokèmon games I've never played, even if I wanted to. Nostalgia portami via.
    Anyway, my favourite one is the 4th of the second line.
  10. Thanks! :DD
    Your favorite is this one?
    I based him of the cassowary.
  11. Walross

    Walross Pangalactic Porcupine

    man, this stuff's good :D makes me think of a friends similar project. One of their starters was a little fire gecko that evolved into a fire lightning chinese dragon style thing. Fancy.
  12. Fire starter update! :fireball:
  13. I've got a suggestion. A disembodied hand with eyes in the places where nails would be. It would "walk" on it's fingertips, with the "wrist" in the air. Fighting+something, maybe psychic. Main stats would be attack/special attack, speed and special defense could be lower while defense would be about average. Possible evolution could be a second hand, maybe having them joined together?
  14. Vapor Horologium Corpus

    Vapor Horologium Corpus Weight of the Sky

    a robot looking thingie....
  15. B|eak

    B|eak Void-Bound Voyager

    Mostly good, though some sprites seem tilted :)

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