An Idea to Consider when Beta comes out

Discussion in 'Other' started by Dr_Noodles, May 2, 2013.


Should this be a Stretch-Goal or to Postpone.

  1. Yes It should be Stretch-Goal.

    4 vote(s)
  2. No It should be when the Developers have free time to make it.

    14 vote(s)
  1. Dr_Noodles

    Dr_Noodles Orbital Explorer

    Arcade Machines/MINI-Games!!!

    "Great time to play against my friend in Squables" - player (Random name I made up, just for the entertainment ;3.) Originally I thought of this as a new Stretch-goal but I do feel that this idea is no need to be one but great if it is to be implemented later in the game. Feel free to suggest if it should be or should be for later.

    I think this idea would be great if the developers have time for it and or saving it for a Special Holiday.
    I see that Starbound has a lot of wonderful and constructive things. If you get bored of the same thing, they can just do something else like play a small mini-game. ;3

    Maybe they could make a new GUI or a small window that has the mini-game or game that can be online to connect to others. Maybe connect locally in server or Throughout Starbound Universe (or the whole servers)
    Maybe play some chess with someone aboard a ship. Maybe pass the time with some kewl mini-games that were made by them.

    Please like or comment if you agree with this new stretch-goal. ;3
    Duke likes this.
  2. Duke

    Duke Big Damn Hero

    As fun as it'd be, I gotta say that it can definitely wait. I have faith when beta is released, we'll have more than enough to keep us busy.
  3. Jonesy

    Jonesy Sarif's Attack Kangaroo Forum Moderator

    Sounds like a good idea, actually. I'd like to see different types of arcade games, like maybe a shooter, a platformer, a racing game, etc.
  4. Zoolot

    Zoolot Existential Complex

    While this does sound cool, I ponder at how this would be possible.
  5. Duke

    Duke Big Damn Hero

    Well, games have done this sorta thing before. It's not too awful hard to put a basic and functioning game within another, or at least I believe so.
  6. Bethor

    Bethor Big Damn Hero

    I am missing the voting option, i dont care about either of this, i'll enjoy myself raiding othere peoples places, exploring, doing quests and i dont need minigames. :)

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