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Alpha test StarboundEd, world viewer in your browser

Discussion in 'Starbound Discussion' started by Blixt, Feb 20, 2014.

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  1. Blixt

    Blixt Void-Bound Voyager

    Hey guys, I already posted this on Reddit but I figured I would post it here too to get some more eyes on this. I've basically made a world viewer entirely in JavaScript which will load images out of your Starbound assets and world data out of your .world files, then render the world on screen. It's far from done, but I'd like to catch user feedback now so that I can prioritize the next features to build and fix any big bugs. :) Eventually, this viewer may also let you edit worlds and/or view worlds on a server.

    http://blixt.github.io/starbounded/ (You need a recent version of Chrome or Firefox)

    Fine print:
    This will only read your .world files and render the generated parts of them. It is completely read only, as the browser can't modify files directly in any way (only read). The assets.pak file is also read because that's where all the material info and graphics come from (the only thing the site provides is a few 100 kB of JavaScript, nothing else).

    Current state: It should work fine for rendering the foreground, background and (kind of) miscellaneous stuff like grass and ores. It's still missing object rendering and plant rendering (it's coming!) Also, it won't render platforms properly (regions with platforms will jitter).

    Requesting/reporting: Have a look here for a list of things that have been planned and if you think something is missing, add it: https://github.com/blixt/starbounded/issues

    Of course, also report any bugs you encounter (preferably including any output in the browser console).
  2. Gunslinger

    Gunslinger Existential Complex

    Wow. Thoinks for doing this. I'll refrain from using it though, since I'm afraid to spoil my own playing experience, but I really appreciate your work and admire your skills.
  3. Blixt

    Blixt Void-Bound Voyager

    Thanks :) I'm hoping to make this tool useful even for people who don't want to take away the experience of exploration – for example by making it possible to export only views of your creations, so that you can show off a massive building that you made, or something like that. :)

    In other news, I've updated the app now so that it renders a lot better (colors, platforms, etc.) and supports dragging with the mouse to scroll as well as zooming (mouse wheel).

    Exxil3d, Finn Learson and Gunslinger like this.
  4. penguin055

    penguin055 Pangalactic Porcupine

    FINALLY! I was waiting for something like this! Can''t wait til you can edit the worlds.
  5. Markelius

    Markelius Space Kumquat

    How is this going? I've tested it in both Chrome and Firefox and for me it only works in Firefox. It also doesn't render anything beyond the area where the player has explored, I don't know if this is because the data isn't generated before that point or if this is just an intentional effect. Either way, I was hoping to use it to scout out some of the underground on my home planet to see if there's anything cool worth digging to.

    Regardless, it's still a fantastic tool and thanks a lot for developing it! I'm anxious to see where this will go in the future. :)

    EDIT: Ok, I reread the OP and yeah, that makes sense. Still can't wait for when this becomes an editor, among other things. :D
  6. Blixt

    Blixt Void-Bound Voyager

    It's been updating almost daily! :) It now renders plants and objects fine. I've got a few things to add, then I'd like to tackle remote viewing. Either realtime viewing of a running server, or just something Google Maps-ish that updates every now and then. The last thing I'll tackle is actual editing, and that will probably take time.

    What's the problem you're having in Chrome? Chrome is much slower than Firefox at loading it up (on my computer it takes up to 30 seconds vs. <1 second in Firefox) which could be what's going on. I've added some remedies to make Chrome load a little faster now though.

    My house in the latest version:

  7. Markelius

    Markelius Space Kumquat

    If I try it in Chrome, I select my Starbound folder, but then it doesn't realize I've done anything, and selecting the folder again or trying to open .world files is unresponsive.
  8. Vandrick

    Vandrick Phantasmal Quasar

    Would this be possible for ship builders to use for viewing and editing their ships? That would most definitely be useful.
    Last edited: Mar 6, 2014
  9. Fiben Bolger

    Fiben Bolger Pangalactic Porcupine

    Holy Moly! It does work with your .shipworld file.
    Serenity and Vandrick like this.
  10. Pentarctagon

    Pentarctagon Over 9000!!!

    It only seems to work on the first world, to look at a second world I need to ctrl+F5 and re-select the packed.pak and world file.

    Using Firefox 28.
  11. Vandrick

    Vandrick Phantasmal Quasar

    How is this awesomeness not getting more attention? That is so cool that it works with your xxx.shipworld file too. I'll be using this like crazy to take screenshots of my custom ships. Much better than changing the zoom settings. Love it!
    SweFox likes this.
  12. Tamorr

    Tamorr Supernova

    Like the idea of the whole thing; I just don't like the fact it is in-browser oriented. Don't really like or buy into those kinds of things much... So in a way not terribly useful for someone like me, but can be used. *sigh* I am one to prefer external programs. one that I can run offline. >< makes things much quicker and easier. IF it is something you can run offline, then my mistake; I just don't like using browser stuff when possible...

    But overall an excellent idea.
  13. SweFox

    SweFox Guest

    wow this is amazing :eek:!!!
  14. Werekitty39501

    Werekitty39501 Pangalactic Porcupine

    Doesn't render very far...
  15. Blixt

    Blixt Void-Bound Voyager

    It will be a bundled app in the end that you can install like a normal app and run offline. It's using web technologies to let people try it before installing it, and to support all platforms out there instead of just one. :)
    Finn Learson likes this.
  16. Blixt

    Blixt Void-Bound Voyager

    It can't generate the world, only render what you have explored so far. The idea of this project is to let you show what you've built, not to explore places you haven't been. If it stops rendering something that you have explored, then that might be a bug. It currently doesn't support worlds that have mods in them in Firefox (should work in Chrome though if you have the mods installed).
  17. SweFox

    SweFox Guest

    Please never stop working on this, this is something that Starbound NEEDS :3!
  18. Tamorr

    Tamorr Supernova

    I figured as much... reason I mentioned what I did. I know the reasoning behind browser stuff, but I am one to prefer trying it out on an external. The more platforms hit the better, even if some are better with certain browser or not. Don't really know what browser to like anymore, as all of them are the same now a days; or pretty much the same, being able to be made that way. The only thing different between most are how they are programed, but the functionality is all the same... Works for some and not with others; not imply it doesn't, just implying interests.

    anyway I may or may not, but good to hear it will eventually be bundled.:D
  19. Vandrick

    Vandrick Phantasmal Quasar

    This is hugely useful for multiplayer servers as a way to have maps of starter cities/planets.
    Finn Learson and Serenity like this.
  20. Vocal

    Vocal Pangalactic Porcupine

    in before something about infinite worlds
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