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Active member. (beta testing)

Discussion in 'Starbound Discussion' started by JoeyMulder, Apr 30, 2012.

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  1. JoeyMulder

    JoeyMulder Aquatic Astronaut

    How can we know how to get into the beta? (not like that, just seeing as there was a quote saying active memers will be more likely to get in)

    I am just starting to be active and am wondering how to get my rank up.
    I have not really done anything up to this time so it would be great to know?
    Also, does anyone know what kind of crafting we can do, because I would like to see if it is a bit like terraria or is it just what items you can get your hands on.
    Just wondering.
  2. Doctor Ragnarok

    Doctor Ragnarok Former Staff

    Forum title won't have anything to do with it, active members of the community more likely just means those who are around and recognizable to the staff in some way. Could be those who make good suggestions, those who just seem to help out, we can't say for certain. If there is to be a closed beta as we believe, the participants will be chosen by the devs in some manner and I am certain you would be notified if you were one among them. Likely by a personal conversation started in the forums, or perhaps an email sent out.
  3. SomethingObvious

    SomethingObvious Phantasmal Quasar

    Did you read the Tutorial for Forum ranks?

    Also, what he said.
  4. JoeyMulder

    JoeyMulder Aquatic Astronaut

    Thanks, that is helpful. Alright I will have to try to start that sort of thing.
  5. Sokina

    Sokina Heart of Gold

    It's not "Active" members of the community that are getting in. There's a difference between being active, and being good for the community. Some people get the wrong idea and think the person with the most posts is getting in, or the most likes. This just simply isn't true. It'll probably be a combination of...

    • Friendliness within the community:
      • Willingness to help members in need
      • Do you treat new members well, even if they ask a question that's been answered already?
      • How do you respond when they break a rule? Are you rude to them or do you help them to learn the rules?
      • Are all of your posts in just one thread, or are you interacting with the majority of the community spots?

    • What do you know about beta testing
      • As a beta tester, you're not there just to play the game earlier than other people. You're there for the devs to get feedback from the viewpoint of somebody who is playing the game for the first time. What they do, where they go, how do they think of balancing, questing and more. By using this "sporadic" behavior that a first time player might bring, it increases the chances to find bugs that the devs themselves might not find normally. That doesn't mean beta-testing is a bad thing. It just means it's not an "Early pass to play the game."
      • Most closed betas come with NDA's; do you know what this is and will you uphold the rules stated within it?
      • Since it normally involves signing documents, It's assumed you'll have to be 18.
    • Finally, "Good for the community" explained.
      • Do you post insulting pictures, memes, or messages when a new user does something "older users" frown upon?
      • Are you concerned with making this the best community possible and committed to making it so?

    • Lastly, community impression of you. This means, basically, that you could possibly get into beta based on memorable things you do in the community. I'm honestly not so sure about this one, since beta-testings in the past have relied on having a diverse group of participants. I doubt the devs would choose an exclusive group of the best artists, writers, and more to do the entire beta test.
      • Such as making a wildly popular suggestion
      • Inspiring thoughtful discussion
      • Ending hateful arguments
      • Being a generous artist
      • Writing a memorable fan-fiction or such.
    • My last point, is that the beta could very well be from a random, diverse group of people. If you bring a bunch of apple-lovers to a fruit convention, it's generally assumed most of them will go to an apple booth. Thusly, nobody would ever report that the orange booth has a broken chair. So it might be a good idea to include many types of people in the Beta to maximize differing feedback.

    So, TL;DR

    "How can I increase my chances of getting into Beta?"

    1. Be awesome.
    2. Be helpful.
    3. Be patient
    4. Could just be semi-random.
    5. And be the best Starbound-ian you can.
    Cosina, Zwex, FireDrake204 and 5 others like this.
  6. JoeyMulder

    JoeyMulder Aquatic Astronaut

    Di.. did you just write all of that? Guessing it was a quote..
    Thankyou, for all that information, I will try but I can't see myself being ale to bring new ideas and suggestions this late down the track you know?
    There is not much more I can do to be better but reply to others. But of course I will be too slow for that too.
    Uh, that makes me know I have no chance for this at all.
  7. Sokina

    Sokina Heart of Gold

    Yeah, I wrote all of that. I have this weird condition where I just keep rambling on and on.

    But don't despair~ Everyone has a chance. They won't pick only the people who draw awesome art, or only the people who post awesome stories. They might just pick friendly people. Nobody even knows yet, so all you have to do is just be a cool person to increase your chances.

    This community loves cool people. X3

    Trust me when I say that you have just as much of a chance as I do. Heck, you probably have more of a chance cause I talk too much. Don't worry too much about it.

    Cosina and FireDrake204 like this.
  8. Vapor Horologium Corpus

    Vapor Horologium Corpus Weight of the Sky

    Well first you will get a letter to your house that will suck you up when you open it and will send you to the land of the lollipop guild and all that where you will have to cross a river of lava... not really but i would imagine it would come in the form of a message or an email like it happens most of the time and sokina same here i talk a wee bit too much
  9. Shesiressu

    Shesiressu Guest


    Sokina's post perfectly explained it. Just adding my support to her post.

  10. iuiy

    iuiy Orbital Explorer

    can please get in to beta i am really helpful and i will check for bugs
  11. sankto

    sankto Pangalactic Porcupine

    Aren't only those who pre-order the game allowed access to the beta (and onward) ?
    Otherwise, it's "Friends & Family only", including the devs of course.
    Hebephryo likes this.
  12. Seria-Myouna

    Seria-Myouna The Last Moderator IRC Operator


    Check the date folks.
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