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A plea to the devs

Discussion in 'Starbound Discussion' started by Sepkan, Jul 25, 2014.

  1. Sepkan

    Sepkan Space Hobo

    Chucklefish, even with the sparse lore for starbound you have created such wonderful universe. During the development of the game I implore you to use the Rule of Cool, if you have a cool idea that's lore friendly please add it. It makes game so much more enriching and fun to see something in game that's interesting and makes sense lore wise.

    I feel that the greatest failing of otherwise great games like Skyrim is not implementing the great things the create in the lore. In Bethesda's lore they can have 8 feet tall tiger people drug dealers, but you don't see that in game.
    demanrisu likes this.
  2. Jonesy

    Jonesy Sarif's Attack Kangaroo Forum Moderator

    I kind of see what you're getting at, but at the same time there kind of needs to be a portion of lore that does not appear in game. In Bethesda's lore, there are a lot of things that have not ever appeared in a game, and may never. Part of the beauty of the in-game lore system is that there is a wealth of knowledge open to players who take the time to sit down on a virtual bench and read a virtual book. Those players don't need what they're reading about to be placed in front of them for them to acknowledge it. Can you imagine the sheer amount of content that would need to be created if every snippet of Elder Scrolls lore needed to make an appearance in front of the player?

    (Mind you, Bethesda may also be keeping their options open for new Elder Scrolls games, but that's another thing entirely. That, or I'm hoping for Elder Scrolls VI: Elsweyr.)

    Obviously, that's an extreme, and probably not what you're suggesting. But I do agree; with a strong in-game universe, it's a good idea to represent a good deal of it in a way that the players can experience it in a way that makes sense. Especially if its something the player is likely to actually encounter at the time of in-game events, and is something that would benefit them in some way. At the same time, there should be plenty of lore strictly in the codex. In fact, why not a combination? Read about a battle in a codex entry, and then visit the place where it happened. Meet some of the characters you read about, even. Something to make the player feel as if what they're reading about is tangible.
    Skarn and Serenity like this.
  3. Pretty sure Morrowind and Oblivion had Khajit Skooma dealers...
  4. MysticMalevolence

    MysticMalevolence Oxygen Tank

    Yes. We need that game. On top of that, I think there were a few books about civil wars in Elsweyr.

    See, the thing is, a lot of skyrim's lore simply wouldn't fit into that game. Elder Scrolls is a bad example, since they've pretty much thought up everythin about Tamriel.
    I assume the book in Skyrim you are reffering to is the one about Akavir (Judging by the 8-foot tall tigers, which isn't the correct description...)? In that same book, it is mentioned that the Akaviri have tried invading Tamriel three times, and hope to attempt again. Why hook this on to a current game when this, in itself, would make for a great TES game?
    And other lore. Most of it takes places in other countries. Do you know how ridiculous it would be for Bethesda to make a single player game in which you can visit all of the contries, at the same graphical level as Skyrim, just to include all of this lore*? Additionally, some of the lore has already been in their games. Some examples are: the abduction of Jagar Tharn by his imperial battlemage, the weapon Tiber Septim used, the Reincarnation of Nerevar, the Oblivion Crisis, and the great war in the Second Era. If they used any more lore than they did in their games, it would be too clunky; there would be too much. Plus, most of the lore doesn't line up on the timelines. Oh, and the player started as a prisoner in 4/5 of the games.
    *You could visit all of Tamriel in The Elder Scrolls: Daggerfall, I think. That's the first one, for those that don't know.

    Lore should never be added like this. It should be remembered as the game is developed, yes, but this is too much. The lore would be too confusing; parts of it may conflict. They may not even relate to each other. Starbound, which has no timeline, also wouldn't be able to support such a lore setup.

    (I may or may not be an Elder Scrolls lore nerd.)
    Last edited: Jul 25, 2014
    Jonesy likes this.
  5. On top of that, TES has a stupid amount of lore. They've built a very cohesive universe for that game that is far beyond most games (maybe even rivaling the history and lore in WoW). Also you could visit every province in Tamriel in Daggerfall aswell.
    Tamorr and MysticMalevolence like this.
  6. Sepkan

    Sepkan Space Hobo

    I was actually referring to the Khajit warriors that are 8 feet tall tigers. I think you are talking about the 8 foot tall Argonian bandit subrace.
  7. MysticMalevolence

    MysticMalevolence Oxygen Tank

    No. I meant the lore book about a different continent that has tiger-people and 10-foot tall, golden-scaled serpent people.
  8. lividust

    lividust Starship Captain

    TES has so much lore u can feel your inventory up on just books and read for hours upon hours the only books I can remember reading in detail was about the dunmer princess, and who hasn't read about the Lusty Argonian Maid because that was the most hilarious book title I have ever read. It is pretty fun though when something you read in the book actually pops up in the game and you can interact, steal, or murder it.

    Think you should change the title to {a plea to implement the lore in game} I was kinda hesitant to read this one thought it was going to be hate fueled rage but its not thankfully and definitely like the idea of lore in game
    Last edited: Jul 25, 2014
    MysticMalevolence likes this.
  9. Fiben Bolger

    Fiben Bolger Pangalactic Porcupine

    I thought all you needed to reconcile lore was for a bunch of mooks to Break the Dragon.

    That and have a god like Vivec around who strongly suspects that Life, the Universe and Everything is just a game but doesn't have the frame of reference to know it's of the video kind.
    Serenity likes this.
  10. So killing Vivec (and getting a second wraithguard) was like... unbreaking the 4th wall?
    MysticMalevolence likes this.

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