My planet

Discussion in 'Screenshots' started by Yzzey, Oct 5, 2014.

  1. Yzzey

    Yzzey Heliosphere

    Normally, my houses are crappy looking or just plain wooden squares. but on my most recent playthrough, I managed to create a decent looking bunker, and expanded my world out. These are all the buildings surrounding my house.
    Firstly, right at the beam down point, we have the Glitch Bistro. It's run by our personal chef whom we rescued from an asteroid field, Zap honk. He lives in the basement of the Bistro and serves us delicious dishes after a long day of adventuring.
    Right next to it is an Avian Memorial, to show our gratitude to an avian merchant on the planet who was mauled and died horribly on our first night. We were running from the monsters through the dark and ran into him. The fountain symbolizes the way his blood sprayed everywhere when he was slaughtered.

    Next to it is our farm, where Zap Honk grows produce for his culinary needs.
    Leading to our base is a bridge, on which we were building a moat. The moat is still WIP, which explains the pillars of sand everywhere.
    This is our base of operations. It used to be a tiny, broken apex bunker. We fixed it up and replaced most of the metal tiles with cobblestone bricks. The top bedroom is mine, while the second floor belongs to my brother. There is a toilet in the basement, that we stole from a USCM base. Below the bunker, we have built a top secret laboratory.
    The lab was built after we discovered a wall of flesh and bone while spelunking. We sealed it before it could taint the world around us. We took a sample and built a secure lab to test it in. As we left the cave, we heard a cough, followed by an apex scientist trying to reach us. He was close to death, and muttered something about 'stopping the taint'. We brought him up and put him in life support after he told us the coordinates of an apex research lab. We went there and the Apex staff allowed us to take a collection of valuable research materials to save the scientist. The 'taint' was stored in a room with bulletproof glass covering it. It promptly formed a toothed face with a morbid smile and tried to break out. Only after placing a brain in there was it content, just staying there and staring at it. the two of us needed to ensure our own safety, so we controlled the taint and made it flow into a room where we had to hold a glitch captive. We needed to study the effect of the taint on Glitch. So far, nothing has happened. Below, we have an office, and a sealed room where we research the exotic, strange, and dangerous plants that florans keep around.

    We built a watchtower, where we appointed a Floran guard, Stabby macstaberson , to keep watch. He has proven absolutely useless in our research of Floran plants, refusing to step into the room once he knew of the strange pods inside. While keeping watch one day, he ran screaming to our bunker, bloodied and hurt. As the inhabitants of our planet gathered to nurse him back to health, he ranted about a large creature that was too powerful for him to stab. My brother and I, accompanied by Stabby, Zap honk and Our wizard friend, who I will show you later, gathered our weapons and set out, hoping to capture or kill the monster. We failed. The creature ambushed us, ramming Zap honk into a tree and using a tentacle to fling Stabby macstaberson away. We fled back to the bunker. Stabby came up with the idea to pray to the Floran Deity of hunting and trapping, Shanker Green spear. We built a shrine to him east of our base and before the Wizard tower. [​IMG]
    It worked. We all took turns, each sacrificing a wild animal and then cutting ourselves to offer a second blood sacrifice. Luck was with us that day. We managed to capture the beast, which Stabby dubbed' The Tentler." Because it had tentacles and antlers. Stabby volunteered to keep watch over it from the watchtower.
    Last but not least, the wizard tower that was located eastwards.
    We found a wizard who called himself: Glitchdalf the Green. We invited him and his apprentice, spark-bucket to live with us on our home planet. He agreed. Apparently, Glitchdalf was afraid of heights, and as such, allowed Spark-bucket to live in the tower while he lived by the bottom. We have yet to see him perform any magic, and are starting to question the fact that he really is a wizard. He brought two towering behemoths with him when he came to our planet, claming they are the last of their kind and wanting to help them repopulate. Considering their size, I didn't think it was a good idea, but helped in the building of their cage anyway.

    Anyway, that's my planet. I hopw you guys enjoy the little stories I put behind everything. I would like feedback on my building skills, if anyone would provide it. Thank you!

  2. TrueEdge

    TrueEdge Phantasmal Quasar

    Floran interested in your hunt. Do caged beasts try to leave cage? Floran only stab before. Never think of putting hunt in box. Big hunt drop more stabs.
  3. Yzzey

    Yzzey Heliosphere

    I asked stabby for you, and this was his reply
    Basically, the big monsters don't despawn and don't try to attack as long as they can't see you through the cage.
    TrueEdge likes this.
  4. Uzkniso

    Uzkniso Big Damn Hero

    I really like the trees in the background. It's a jungle type of planet, right?
  5. Yzzey

    Yzzey Heliosphere

    nope. It's a forest planet.
  6. Uzkniso

    Uzkniso Big Damn Hero

    Oh. Interesting.
  7. Yzzey

    Yzzey Heliosphere

    You want the coords? I'll go check it out for you later.
    Uzkniso likes this.
  8. Uzkniso

    Uzkniso Big Damn Hero

    Sure, why not :V
  9. The Squid

    The Squid Oxygen Tank

    Nics planet! I like the fountain that symbolises the Avians blood spurting everywhere.(Not that I have anything against Avians; they're a great race. I just have a dark and twisted soul and a cold, merciless heart).

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