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Starbound Nightly Beta Findings or Interesting Things

Discussion in 'Starbound Discussion' started by phillip2001, Jun 17, 2014.

  1. pop-yotheweird

    pop-yotheweird Ketchup Robot

    If I'm correct, that's part of the design. I would tell you more, but I don't want to release any spoilers.
  2. Rainbow Dash

    Rainbow Dash Oxygen Tank

    i know that
    i was just commenting on that it was added into the game
    i think its fine here to post spoilers based on this is a nightly spoiler topic
    ofcorse use spoiler tags if they arnt in the nightlys
  3. boringuser

    boringuser Intergalactic Tourist

    won't "NightlyBringer" ring right? =)
  4. Azirphaeli

    Azirphaeli Void-Bound Voyager

    So more info about the Matter Manipulator ship problem:

    If you delete your world currently, but keep your player... you keep you MM. Kewl. (Or, if you are like me, and the game hard crashes and you need to reboot your PC after wandering around a planet... and return to a reset universe when you start up... this also applies..)

    Problem is, the ship is reset and the AI has the two options: Fix thrusters, Get MM.

    If you click MM, the AI comes back with "Error" or some such generic one word response and doesn't advance. You also cannot delete your MM so that you can get a new one, and you cannot advance your MM upgrades any further since the options will never appear.

    Just something I think peeps and devs ought to know.
  5. Zero Krow

    Zero Krow Space Hobo

    I've got an issue with the last nighly :c
    It takes a reaally long time to be launched, and then, when I create a new char and try to play with it, the game will just crash. I've already deleted universe and player folders, as well as starbound.config file, but to no use. Any halp? :(
  6. Rainbow Dash

    Rainbow Dash Oxygen Tank

    the files that contain your ship upgrades are in the universe foulder for some reason
    so if it crashes (aka resets) or you delete it manuly it will bug your ship AI and "currupt" your char
  7. Kentoz

    Kentoz Subatomic Cosmonaut

    I'm getting the long loads and random crashes, myself. I can make a character fine, move around, do a bit, but every other planet I land on causes the game to hang then crash on me.

    EDIT: tonight's dl just dropped, so I'm gonna see if anything changed.

    EDIT EDIT: Load time seems fixed, and the only crashes I seem to get now are the same inventory related crashes I've been getting periodically since the start of the nightly betas. (the "Fatal Exception Caught: (InventoryException) Not allowed to discard stack when locked." one)
    Last edited: Sep 6, 2014
    Zero Krow likes this.
  8. Zero Krow

    Zero Krow Space Hobo

    Aww yis it works perfectly fine now :D. I found about the nightlys a few days ago and I really wanted to play them but those last two updates were broken for me x)
  9. WhiplashIvy

    WhiplashIvy Void-Bound Voyager

    There's a new mission dungeon I've been noticing in @Kawa 's changelists- namely, the Floran Hunting Grounds/Floran main mission. Anyone have any idea how to find it or what it's like?
  10. Kentoz

    Kentoz Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Randomly found, honestly. Pretty much it looks like an overgrown stone temple ruins, with spike pits everywhere.
  11. Rainbow Dash

    Rainbow Dash Oxygen Tank

    its easy to see if new items get added into the game
    just open the crafting window in admin mode and look for -todo-

    most new items are named this
  12. Blake81

    Blake81 Cosmic Narwhal


    Oh noes! My char has been captured by the Georghippers! :p

    This happened upon spawning on Alpha Sigma Ori 91 I a (X:2 Y:20)

    There's a WHOLE NEW DUNGEON down there, full of Skull lamps, spike pits, weird pictograms and Trap Chests! Not to mention all kinds of unusual traps that either drop acid on you or bury you in bones.

    Sadly, all of them are missing their Wires, so they don't work yet. Can't wait to see this place fully functional!
  13. Rainbow Dash

    Rainbow Dash Oxygen Tank

    did that bart statue spawn with it or did you place it there?
  14. Blake81

    Blake81 Cosmic Narwhal

    The GeorgeV Statue spawned with it. That's why I said the place was a temple of the Georghippers. :p
  15. SniperTaco

    SniperTaco Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    I tried to play nightly with a friend the day before yesterday. We didn't like our starting planet, made a new world, almost the exact same planet. Did it again and got almost the same thing. After around our 4th planet we gave up because all we could get was the same planet with small differences like sometimes there were no trees. Is the first planet meant to only be garden until you go somewhere else?
  16. Lintton

    Lintton Guest

    In Nightly, yes. I'm not sure if that's that case in the future.
  17. Rainbow Dash

    Rainbow Dash Oxygen Tank

    well if i remember right the game as of now always starts on the same planet
    to get a new one you have to delete the univerce file
  18. SniperTaco

    SniperTaco Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Well shit, I'm an idiot. I guess I wasted 2 hours trying to get a different planet for no reason.
  19. Rainbow Dash

    Rainbow Dash Oxygen Tank

    it will still be a garden biome tho
    and those as of now always have the same pinetrees
    tho if your lucky it might have a forest subbiome inwitch you can get other trees
  20. Blake81

    Blake81 Cosmic Narwhal

    For reasons no other than pure, unadulterated bragging, I just FULLY REDESIGNED AND REBUILT my BIGGAH BIGGAH BASE from the Stable on the Nightly (I isolated a copy of it, to create my own, pseudo Unstable Patch and avoid unwanted wipes) using all sorts of stuff from the Nighly. So, without further delay..... BEHOLD!! NEW BIGGAH BIGGAH BASE!

    New Epic Base 3.JPG

    Oh, and for the record, those are 3 screencaps taken at x1 Zoom merged together. I am still planning to add more stuff to it, such as a Skyrail, a Floating Dance Club, and an Underground Water Reservoir....

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