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Community The Coordinates Megathread - Enraged Koala

Discussion in 'Starbound Discussion' started by BRAWW, Jan 31, 2014.

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  1. Kiro

    Kiro Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Anyone have Alpha planets with lots of Floran/Avian/Apex bookcases?


    Just avian/floran/apex villages? probably apex research centers too.

    Must be Windows/Alpha or Beta worlds only.
  2. macodelo

    macodelo Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    I thought I already said this. Yeah I have the exact coordinates and planet cluster that has them. Check the first entry of my fan fic it will say it.


    Just go to the forest planet and walk right. Keep going until you pass a Glitch hideout, then a Floran village with a neighboring Glitch Castle having the king.

    In the arid planet of the same planet cluster, you go left for a bit and you should be teleported next to an Avian monk's house. Then go some distance left of that and you will find an Apex village. This is no lie. I have went there already.
  3. Kiro

    Kiro Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Yeah I went there, I just need more places to visit with similar properties.
  4. loc978

    loc978 Phantasmal Quasar

    If any Linux users are looking for Rainbow Wood, I finally stumbled across such a planet.
    Running Linux Mint 16.

    -88265354, 88352661
    X Earneck Majoris Ic
    Desert, level 5

    There are two surface biomes, one featuring sand, rock, boltbulbs and "bark with rose" normal wood trees, the other featuring neonmelons and "colorful stem with colorful palm" rainbow wood trees.

    Aside from that, there are a few scattered Avian houses, a guarded Avian ritual suicide tower-thing, some robed-and-masked people who are apparently Apex (from their dialog) but live in Glitch houses... and occasionally little empty doorless church or school buildings (they each have a steeple with a big bell in 'em).

    The closest thing I found to notable loot (aside from rainbow wood and neonmelons) was a common plasma rifle in a surface chest.

    AlliCat likes this.
  5. MysticMalevolence

    MysticMalevolence Oxygen Tank

    @loc978 All rainbow wood trees are the same, so you know.
    loc978 likes this.
  6. macodelo

    macodelo Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Oh I guess you the stuff there then. That's cool.
  7. Ossa

    Ossa Void-Bound Voyager

    No, I went there and guess what I got? A slavesword (legendary sword from the legend of zelda, even has the awesome old sounds). No bearhat or launcher to be found......
  8. Ossa

    Ossa Void-Bound Voyager

    I found a hero's cap in there.....
  9. MysticMalevolence

    MysticMalevolence Oxygen Tank

    @Ossa you might have a different OS than the people posting these coordinates. That affects what spawns in chests.
  10. AlliCat

    AlliCat Big Damn Hero

    Thanks for this! Been looking around for rainbow wood for ages as well as more mushroom biomes. Running CRUX so I doubt the flavor of linux matters. :p
  11. Omega Shadowcry

    Omega Shadowcry Cosmic Narwhal

    Any sweet beta sector planets?

    I'm using the Avali and Peglaci race mod, if that changes anything.
  12. Miniova

    Miniova Void-Bound Voyager

    Baten Kaitos is a game lol and that's Maria Renard from Castlavania sooooo...
  13. macodelo

    macodelo Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    So it shows that I don't much about Castlevania :p
  14. Blake81

    Blake81 Cosmic Narwhal

    I'm looking for any planet that has a specific kind of tree; one that looks like a Sakura/Cherry Blossom tree to decorate the Onsen/Hotspring I'm building at my home.

    I need a tree with pink-colored Lotus-type Leaf with any of the following types of Trunk: Birch/Cocoa/Crackly/Crispy/Fleshy/Pine/Something/Twisty/Twisted.

    I know it exists because there's one(that tall one near the middle) in the image of the Trees page of the Official Wiki.
  15. Ossa

    Ossa Void-Bound Voyager

    Hm, I'm using win 8, all the others are using win 7 probably....
  16. MysticMalevolence

    MysticMalevolence Oxygen Tank

    Win 8 works with most win 7 coordinates for me...
    Maybe the coords are simply outdated...
  17. janovick

    janovick Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Yay. Now I only need oculemon seeds for my farm to be complete. Does anyone know where to find these?
    macodelo likes this.
  18. Blake81

    Blake81 Cosmic Narwhal

    There aren't, as far as I know.

    The Oculemon ''Plants'' are actualy those Eye Trees you see on Eye Biomes, and they drop no seeds.
  19. janovick

    janovick Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    There are Oculemon plants actually, but in that case, are they not emplemented? Is that it?


    From google:
    Brightish_Light likes this.
  20. Blake81

    Blake81 Cosmic Narwhal

    Hmm, I see. Haven't seen that one myself.
    Brightish_Light likes this.
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