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Charlton says hello!

Discussion in 'Starbound Discussion' started by Charlton McVicar, Apr 18, 2014.

  1. Charlton McVicar

    Charlton McVicar Investigative Reporter NPC

    Hey everyone,

    I just thought I'd write up a quick post to introduce myself. My name is Charlton McVicar, and I'm a correspondent for the Starbound Chronicle, in which you may have read some of my work. Recently I've been covering the Agaran menace, which you should all pay more attention to because it's a seriously worrying issue.

    That brings me to the important part of this post - I've got a small request for you all. I'm only one person, and I don't really work for a big news organization (blame Big Ape). Because of that, I'm having problems gathering information about the Agarans. That's where you come in.

    Here's what I need to finish my information collection:
    - Photographs or sketches of Agarans
    - Any data snippets you might come across regarding the Agarans
    - Eyewitness accounts of interactions with Agarans

    I'd really appreciate help with this, and I'm sure we can uncover the truth behind these creepy mushroom people if we all work together.

    Thanks a bunch!


    (also - please follow me on Space Twitter! @CharltonMcVicar)
    Higuera, KittyMewMew, Aer_ and 16 others like this.
  2. Will do, Charlton!
    Serenity, Yzzey and Charlton McVicar like this.
  3. Christovski

    Christovski Ketchup Robot

    I have found Agarans with pods, both sealed and broken open, here's one on the planets surface, with an odd inaccessible underground room


    and here I found some in a destroyed Apex building:


    I have also found them with Florans in some sort of...container? Their motivations are quite unclear, but only attack when provoked.

  4. Charlton McVicar

    Charlton McVicar Investigative Reporter NPC

    Thanks, @Christovski. Those pods look exceedingly similar to the ones I spotted when I met that Hylotl adventurer.
  5. The Thing

    The Thing Existential Complex

    Pods, roots growing out from under building and splitting them appart. The most frequent victims of these attack I've seen where Apex. Something with them that would attrack this kind of thing or ... targeted attack? The apex will alway get their nose were they should not. This particular something might be bitting back after a discovery they made.

    I have also found what I now call "sacrificial vase" before altough they had alway been filled only with lava, the fact that you found one with a live floran inside is unsettling at best.
    The agarans use of floran furniture is also apparent. Whether or not if they built those themselves or simply looted those from the same place they took their captive isn't clear right now. But one thing is certain, the technique of flora manipulation to create living wood and bioluminescent plants is not one that the floran share around.

    I try to refrain from killing any agaran on sight but this is honestly getting very hard. Any of them found holding prisoners might get the pulse gun, no matter the captive race.
  6. Animator

    Animator Cosmic Narwhal

  7. The Thing

    The Thing Existential Complex

    No matter what you say about your guide being only rough translations, your work is obviously the most well documented around and I've made a link in my notes to your work.
    Of course, some of your translations make me even more worried, particulary the implication that the agarans might love the florans... I feel like I'm missing crucial information, I'll need to put my codex on the backburner and search into this more intently.
    Hawk Novablast likes this.
  8. Animator

    Animator Cosmic Narwhal

    I wouldn't say the Agarans love the Florans. They seem to primarily be using the strife between the Florans and the Hylotl to their advantage by keeping the Hylotl away. I have my own theory as to the creation of the Agarans and how they propogate that I will post here later.
  9. RizzRustbolt

    RizzRustbolt Existential Complex

    I have encountered a group of them. I took this picture before they noticed me.
    They were involved in some sort of bizarre ritual. Whatever it was that they were doing, it sure smelled delicious.
    TheNameless, Zebe, J_Mourne and 11 others like this.
  10. You...you MONSTER. What'd you do to them? ;_;
  11. Charlton McVicar

    Charlton McVicar Investigative Reporter NPC

    That's messed up, dude.
  12. Darklight

    Darklight Oxygen Tank

    I have encountered a group of agarans who have incarcerated a floran food salesman.


    Poor Soul is so delirious it no longer knows it's not back in its store.


    They spotted me talking to the prisoner.


    It would seem they have also slain Hylotls in the area

  13. RizzRustbolt

    RizzRustbolt Existential Complex

    I was me or them. I only did what I had to do to survive! Also, it was lunchtime.
  14. Ceridran

    Ceridran Big Damn Hero

    I have several pictures.

    If I've noticed anything, they only attack when provoked, and only native monsters hurt them. They also like dogs.

    First time I find some..


    I tried to kill them because I thought they were attacking me. My weapons did no damage.


    While sporting Nevercake's dapper accessories, I take a night stroll only to find more Agaran people! They didn't attack me, so now I know they stay peaceful until attacked.
    beari78 likes this.
  15. beari78

    beari78 Guest

    Oh please. Enough with making the Hylotl seem innocent, Darklight. And I seriously doubt they killed them rather than found they're dead bodies.
  16. Darklight

    Darklight Oxygen Tank

    And what's your proof of that? Also interesting way to bury them then. Putting their heads on spikes.
  17. Charlton McVicar

    Charlton McVicar Investigative Reporter NPC

    I'm not exactly sure what the deal is with the Agarans and dogs. Probably a coincidence.
    Hawk Novablast likes this.
  18. beari78

    beari78 Guest

    Ever heard of foreign tradition?
  19. Tremendo Dude

    Tremendo Dude Pangalactic Porcupine

    When skulls are put on display, they're usually as trophies. Why would someone display trophies that they didn't earn? No pride in that.

    I've also noticed very often that the mushroom folk keep dogs. That or imprison floran, occasionally with Drysap dispensers. I've also noticed that they're always wearing Floran armor...

    Could Agarans be corrupted Florans, perhaps from drysap overdose? It would explain their animosity towards the Hylotl.
  20. beari78

    beari78 Guest

    Not drysap, check out Agaran Menace, and again, DIFFERENT CULTURE.

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