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Why the fans are upset about Starbound

Discussion in 'Starbound Discussion' started by Critwrench, Sep 17, 2013.

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  1. primitiveType

    primitiveType Void-Bound Voyager

    I agree that they are negatively contributing to the hype of impatient people - but I don't really think that's a fault of the updates. As a patient person, I really love the updates, even if the wait is hard sometimes. I don't think there's anything particular about the updates that is to blame - it's just the nature of excitement, and the fans should learn to be more self-controlled. In short, I think it's unfair to say that it's CF's fault for the fans' impatience.

    How are they misleading about progress? They show off particular things they work on... I think it's just the nature of a video game (or software for that matter) that one feature can be entirely finished, but you still are nowhere near a finished product. Again, to me at least, it seems that this is the fault of the people who are mislead. If they took the time to point out everything that wasn't finished, updates would be super long, and they would spend entirely too much time evaluating what hasn't been done, rather than working on the next thing they know they need to do.
  2. x6snake6x

    x6snake6x Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    I think people are just being spoiled about all this. The bottom line is, it's still 2013 ! And since when is communication a problem with team Chucklefish ? I mean seriously I haven't seen devs reach out to the fans like this. I have however seen devs not give a damn, and that's not pretty. And since when do pre-orders entitle you to know exactly how your money is being spent ? I would also love a beta right now but you can't just snap your fingers and get one (as is the case with many other things in this world). Surely they have a reason for not releasing it yet (and it's not even hard to guess judging by the updates). I find it sad that the community is acting this way. Hopefully it's not a big part of the community. Because you can't rush great things, and these people seem to be working around the clock.

    :ninja: edit: also, don't post this speaking in the name of everybody just because you're upset
  3. VeriChip

    VeriChip Void-Bound Voyager

    I'm dying from the wait as well, but I just want to throw some positive vibes in the mix here: think about this... with the delays for release the game is getting more/richer content every hour. Have any of you played edge of space beta? Its fun for about 15 minutes then feels like a grind. Why? lack of content, and so many bugs. Their rushed beta pretty much ruined any chance of me really enjoying the release. Terraria 1.2 had many delays and look at how much shit they've added in just the trailer! I personally hope all the devs get a chance to relax a bit, step back from the nagging "fans" and play the 1.2 update. It could help them get those "aha" moments where they realize they overlooked something, or get a great idea for an item, boss, npc etc. Anyway just want to thank the devs for replying in this thread, it really helps ease some of the tension. -But can we please get a roadmap update? :halo:Pretty please??
    Skarn likes this.
  4. Katzeus

    Katzeus Chucklefisherman Chucklefish

    I think the simple question people should ask themselves here. Is waiting for the developers to 'release when they're ready' going to make Starbound worse or better? Everyone will agree it's going to be better than if they rush it out, so why worry?

    People act like Starbound is a turkey dinner that we all were invited to but after showing up we all have to sit outside the window and watch the devs chow down. Dinners not even ready yet!!! If you eat Tiy's delicious turkey under-cooked you'll get sick!!

    There'll be plenty for all, the game isn't a finite resource.
  5. Namiwakiru

    Namiwakiru Black Hole Surfer

    Why is it so hard to talk to us?: Threads, IRC, daily updates, twitter, streams, the devs often appear in all of them, answering questions, posting status reports, pics etc.

    Why are we 'entitled' for expecting Chucklefish to be responsible for their actions and non-actions?: Because there is no actual instance where they have not taken responsibility, mostly because there has been no reason to do so aside from personal opinion. There is also no "non-action" either, just the implication of such from people who have decided the game should be out based on what they think, not by actual fact or understanding of development.

    How is taking a moment out of your day to do something you said you would do, or talk with your fans about their concerns, such an incredible strain?: It's not, they often do as mentioned above, just because you haven't read the threads they appear in, follow their twitters/Twitch accounts, it doesn't mean they are phantoms.

    Why can't Chucklefish or any of their more devoted fans, admit that they can do wrong?: Chucklefish have admitted they were wrong a number of times, the 2012 delay, misquotes in magazines etc. The community is also more than ready to admit Chucklefish is wrong also.....but they need to actually do something wrong to start with. Most fans also are aware of the development process, how long it is, how many unseen road blocks pop up etc.

    If there was really nothing wrong with what Chucklefish was doing, we wouldn't have these threads, there wouldn't be so many people complaining, and we wouldn't come to the same conclusions that there is a problem by our own volition. Something is wrong and it needs to be addressed.
    This is the internet, no matter how good a game there is always people bitching in the forums. Some are warranted, but the majority just fly off the handle and ramble on about stuff that doesn't help nor further the game. By your reasoning the fact that the majority of the community jumps to the defence of Chucklefish holds weight over the ones who constantly argue the same outdated or untrue points.
    They have also addressed these complaints before, repeatedly in various forms.
    What's the use of explaining or meeting the peoples concerns if the answer, no matter how good or valid, is not the one they want?

    Doing nothing is clearly Chucklefish's strongsuit, but it's not going to work forever: I will assume that came from a place of anger seeing as it is untrue and actually quite insulting for the devs who have shown time and time again that they do a HELL of a lot. If by some chance you found an instance of Chucklefish doing nothing, then there is countless examples of them doing stuff that invalidates the complaint.
    Kyle873, Gilley, WoxandWarf and 21 others like this.
  6. primitiveType

    primitiveType Void-Bound Voyager

    I think what he meant here was that it was intended to be the case that more money would mean a release faster than the estimated one. This doesn't mean the money isn't helping them. Just that it didn't push the release date sooner than their estimate - but it did push it closer than it would have been without the money.

    The game gets done sooner if they are all working 16 hours a day working on it, rather than 5. There's not really any denying that, and I'm sure Bart expects you to understand it.
    Skarn likes this.
  7. Regal Kain

    Regal Kain Space Kumquat

    Posts like these? I wish I could like them more then once, or give you a cookie or something, well said my friend, well said!
  8. Full Metal Kirby

    Full Metal Kirby Phantasmal Quasar

    Or just willfully mis-interpreting things being stated as something else. Regardless of what has been stated, it's an unarguable fact that if you give a person more time to focus on getting something done, then it will be getting done faster. "Faster than what?" is the question people seem to neglect to ask themselves, to which the only correct answer is "Faster than would of otherwise been."

    Though if I had to guess on what that statement actually meant, it'd be more along the lines of "Even with all this extra time there's still a ton more crap that needs to be done that we didn't and could not even factor in at that time. We're still going to release sooner than otherwise possible, but it feels like it didn't help at all because of that, even though by all logical reasoning it did."
  9. Caidoz

    Caidoz Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    My only problem with the communication is having spoilers and mysteries constantly dangled overhead. I would rather not know about it at all than to keep hearing "There's something cool but you can't see yet!"
  10. Critwrench

    Critwrench Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    I would like to restate: The OP post isn't about 'HURRYING YOU SLOW JERKS UP' or any other sorts of 'it is not coming fast enough' sentiment. It is about a lack of clarity on a number of things, like a few things said in the preorder page. In fact, Bartwe, if you would scroll back, has given me what I asked for and clarified (as best he can) a number of questions and inconsistencies I brought up.

    More communication like that-- more honest responses, more answering of the actual, tough questions, less generalized 'no comments'-- is all I ask. Take as long as you want to cook the turkey, but when you peek in the oven window every once in a while, rather than say that it's spoilers to tell us how brown the turkey is, or tell us about one little brown (cooked) spot on a particular portion of the leg, keep us updated on the whole thing. If you're going to leave it in the oven a little while longer because it's not quite brown enough, tell us. If we paid for you to cook the turkey faster but that's not happening (As Bartwe clarified in this thread), tell us.

    I think that, if nothing else, should be the biggest clarification for all those who decry me as merely impatient. Bartwe said that all the preorder money has not made the beta come out faster. It is making it come out better. And that is a complete contrast to what was said on the preorder page.

    Am I angry about it? No, not now that it has actually. Been. Addressed. It was the silence on niggling issues like these that I found fault with, and if the devs plan to communicate more honestly about where things on the whole stand, then I am glad for it.

    Up until this point, it has been hard to see the forest for the trees.
    Kanthel, LeifGram, Katzeus and 2 others like this.
  11. BigTeef

    BigTeef Aquatic Astronaut

    May I also bring forward that another game released a trailer, stating for those who wish to not be spoiled should look away.

    Then they proceeded to show everyone what the next update was.
    Kanthel and Pingeh like this.
  12. Serenity

    Serenity The Waste of Time

    Well you keep on grasping at straws until you are blue in the face have fun buddy. I am sure the self caused stressed you bring on your self will have no long term effects. Even if the answers were 100% detailed you still would complain.

    Good for them they are not starbound everyone does everything differently and has different philosophy on how they choose to present their game.
    Spike likes this.
  13. Spike

    Spike Supernova

    I thought terraria did a good job on the trailer, and it defintely prompted me to play the update. But from what you were saying, did people get mad at them for that?
    Skarn, Lobo and Serenity like this.
  14. MrLevi

    MrLevi Phantasmal Quasar

    Its probably worth saying that communication isn't owed to us. They could clam up now and be silent until beta releases if they wanted too.
    Gredd18 and Serenity like this.
  15. Red Space Monkey

    Red Space Monkey Phantasmal Quasar

    I have to say, reading this thread and the original post was purely and utterly disgusting. I have nothing more to say, that is all that I can bring my hands to type. Good job.
    jatie1 and Hugt like this.
  16. Calris

    Calris Existential Complex

    I'm seriously wondering how many of the people with concerns actually read the previous responses from a dev to community concerns - it seems many of the same things which were answered in that have come up again here. That thread is only about 3 weeks old - I hope this isn't going to happen every three weeks...
    Skarn and Serenity like this.
  17. Critwrench

    Critwrench Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Yes, they could hypothetically do that. They would get a lot more people asking for refunds. This isn't about what they can or cannot do, sir; this is about the fact that there are angry people, and they are angry at a lack of communication. If people want communication enough that they will pull their money, then communicating with those people is the price of keeping their preorders.

    On top of that, it's generally nice.

    I have no idea what the point of this post was, or who you're disgusted at, or why. But sure.
    Pingeh likes this.
  18. BigTeef

    BigTeef Aquatic Astronaut

    Everyone loves the update from my understanding.
    It's just said right there though, "Those who wish not to be spoiled should look away."
    He gave communication, and told the people who like surprises to look away.

    When people invest over a million dollars into your product, and never telling them anything is a sure way to getting a lawsuit.
    This is actually more common than I would have thought.
    Pingeh likes this.
  19. Katzeus

    Katzeus Chucklefisherman Chucklefish

    Excellent response!! I especially liked how you built on my turkey metaphor. I think much of this 'mis-communication' could be resolved by updating the FAQ and pre-order pages to more accurately show the current state of development. Tha would be a good place to start since quotes there are thown back at the devs almost daily and it seems to be old info.

    Also, henceforth, the game shall be known as Turkeybound!!
  20. Namiwakiru

    Namiwakiru Black Hole Surfer

    And that is a fair call.

    But to put this out there, lets say they did have to delay the game until 2014. The fact they haven't told anyone is based on the assumption they knew far enough in advance to actually tell everyone. For all we know 3 months to go and everything is on schedule, what would you have to announce? The possibility of an unseen issue that may or may not happen? They tried that with a year estimate, look how that turned out for them.

    Be honest, what do you want the devs to do? They will answer your questions with the same answers they meet others with, but for some reason, no matter how good an answer they give, it won't answer the underlying question that is actually being asked, "When will the game be released?"
    (And there is nothing worse than someone bombarding you with questions that they don't actually want an answer to)
    MrLevi likes this.
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