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Any truth to these images?

Discussion in 'Starbound Discussion' started by Silly Bear, Aug 14, 2013.

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  1. RedScarWolf

    RedScarWolf Spaceman Spiff

    You do know that those "release dates" were nothing but estimates right? And then there's that whole "not everything will go as planned" thing to. I suggest you look around the forums, like the FAQ area or the Daily Updates, so you can see the amount of work that is being done and to see the amount of issues the team has to deal with when making this game.
  2. Xander

    Xander Spaceman Spiff

    Tiy did do a gameplay stream!

    Only he didn't record it. I missed it too. :/
    Someone had to have recorded it, but no one has put it on youtube yet.
  3. Baconkid

    Baconkid Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Not a troll thread at all. Nope. That original post is not flame-bait.
  4. Calris

    Calris Existential Complex

    Someone posted this youtube link in the news thread for today - video in 7 parts apparently (I haven't looked at it yet.)
  5. Sokina

    Sokina Heart of Gold

    "Gameplay when"

    "Insomnia festival at the end of August"

    I'm not sure what else needs to really be discussed. Everyone just needs to remember that a negative post will often earn negative responses. And negative responses will almost always earn negative responses. Just make sure that in the future, everyone remains civil. At the risk of this getting any worse, I'm going to lock it.

    If there's any further questions, we have this thread:


    Yes, I know it's about the release date of Beta, but for all intents and purposes, it's a centralized thread about beta, release, and the festival can probably be discussed there.
    Serenity and RedScarWolf like this.
  6. Just would like to point out that we stream gameplay quite often on Tiy's Twitch channel (like...literally yesterday, even), and that things like the building demo and ABC notation video...are gameplay.
    Additionally, we never ever gave an exact release date. We gave some bad estimates, yeah, and for that we have apologized and apologize again.

    We will be showing off Starbound gameplay at Insomnia Gaming Festival from August 23 to 26- that's no secret! I've mentioned it in the newsletter, several times throughout the daily updates, on Twitter and Facebook, etc. I haven't been specific about the schedule because we were still working it all out. Here's what we're doing that weekend:
    • All weekend, you can come to our stall in the exhibitor's hall to play a bit of the actual game. No, seriously, you can actually play the game. Before anyone asks "Where's the beta then?"-- it's not the beta we're allowing people to play, it's a short demo of our current build in a controlled environment. The beta still isn't ready. We promise we will release it as soon as we can. We're working our butts off to get it done.
    • Friday - We'll be doing a half hour panel talking about Starbound, what it is, where we're going with it, what the inspirations behind it are, etc.
    • Saturday - An hour and a half long main stage event, featuring a livestreamed Let's Play with the Yogscast. If you miss the streams or streams aren't your thing, I believe they'll be uploading a nicely edited version of the footage to their channel.
    • Sunday - A half hour panel on modding the game. How to add objects, modding capabilities, etc with demonstrations.
    On the likely chance you're not going to I49, at the very least the big gameplay video from Saturday will be up on the internet. We'll see about having the other panels recorded too.
    Sokina was totally right to lock this thread, but I'm going to open it up in light of my response in case anyone has questions/comments. If things get uncivil, I'll lock it up again.
    And, yeah, if you write a rage-filled post, expect rage-filled responses. Probably don't condescend to people who are trying to answer your questions, either.

    "How this works" is that you asked a question and were given an answer, which those posters were not obligated to spell out or elaborate on for you. If you'd looked at the event's schedule, you'd have seen Starbound listed there. There's really no need to be rude.
  7. Fawxkitteh

    Fawxkitteh Phantasmal Quasar

    You're obviously new to the waiting game, companies do it all the time, certainly game companies.

    There was no promise, notice it says Soon(ish)
    It is how it works actually, which is why when I saw this game, thought it was amazing and wanted to buy it immediately, I told myself I would wait to at least see gameplay, or even until the beta was released before pre-ordering it. Pre-ordering is usually a bad thing, especially when there is content removed specifically to be given as a reward to impulse buyers. Luckily this is not the case, and they are merely taking a long time because they actually want to make a good game.
  8. Litagano Motscoud

    Litagano Motscoud Master Astronaut

    Sokina, are your locking abilities broken?
  9. TFGoose

    TFGoose Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    I think you missed this part.... :)

  10. SeaMichelle

    SeaMichelle Some Sort of Weird Fish Princess

    The problem:
    As shown by yesterday's stream.
    Graphical glitches everywhere. Stiff animations. Block offsets.
    All these "little" things add up to be annoying and game-breaking.
    If the game were to be released NOW, everyone would complain about "how broken it is" and "that the game isn't done yet".
    Videogame development is like baking cookies. Just because it LOOKS done, doesn't mean it IS done. PATIENCE.
    DeadlyLuvdisc likes this.
  11. Litagano Motscoud

    Litagano Motscoud Master Astronaut



    this is awkward
    ShadetheDruid and RedScarWolf like this.
  12. Xander

    Xander Spaceman Spiff

    Can we have some kind of controlled demo like they will get? There is no way I can pay that much to go there, but I did pay to play a beta build and yet.. others will get to beforehand just because they can pay more to go there and you can limit it?

    That doesn't seem fair. How much do I have to pay to play Molly? Right now the answer seems to be tickets to this place.. and I can't.
    Seathless likes this.
  13. Spike

    Spike Supernova

  14. Sophisticated Mayhem

    Sophisticated Mayhem Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    I lol'd. Gameplay has been streamed so many times, even if there was some debug/developmental stuff. Claims "17 months later", and yet didn't google "starbound gameplay", which the first video is a youtube rip of a previous gameplay stream. The official Twitch TV has some previous videos still up. They announce on twitter when they are streaming usually, too. You're using a line from a video that had a summer release date way out of context. "Part 2 tomorrow" doesn't really mean part 2 will be fresh tomorrow just because you read that message months after it was written.

    You make it sound you've been waiting as long as the rest of us, but you clearly haven't really been "waiting", since the multiple times streams have occurred you've somehow weren't feverishly waiting for a video. The team keeps stating it's a work in progress, and I can see why leaving a trail of alpha videos could leave a bad impression, especially considering the huge changes UI alone.

  15. It's...not a beta build, though. It's a short demo of the current build. It has nothing to do with them paying more to go there- we're not getting money out of people going to I49. In fact, most of the team is paying to fly out there.
    Us being able to limit the experience makes all the difference. There's an enormous difference between releasing code to the public and allowing people to play the game on our PCs at an event.

    We're seriously doing what we can, but the game isn't ready for public release just yet.
  16. Loria Cesaille

    Loria Cesaille Big Damn Hero

    How anyone could miss the countless videos of gameplay is beyond me.

    Not me, which is what I find so frustrating.
  17. SeaMichelle

    SeaMichelle Some Sort of Weird Fish Princess

    Everyone is gonna say "not me", because they're gonna be like "Haha this game is so bad but I shouldn't be complaining because its out now... yaaaay......"
  18. Regal Kain

    Regal Kain Space Kumquat

    Sure, I'll bite.

    Well, their original release date of 2012 was a rushed, and paniced (From what I've read and seen.) release date, because they weren't ready to unveil and announce yet. Sure they didn't make it because they weren't ready to put out a game that they (As the people who created said game.) felt was not ready for public use. Thankfully for them, they have absolutely no obligation to do so then. Why? Because no one had paid for the game as of yet. (Unless I am missing a Pre-order thing they had going on in 2012, please link me and give me solid info if there was.)

    You paid for Starbound in 2013, it is still 2013, it says the game will be released in 2013. They have until December 31st at 11:59:59PM (The head dev's preferred timezone.) To deliver, before you, or myself. Or anyone can complain that they let us down, or didn't delivier on time. Until then, you have no right to ask for anything. You feel entitled because you're apparently a new gamer who wasn't raised in the times of. "Hey guys we're releasing a sequel, here's a 2 minute cinematic trailer." then you hear nothing else of it for....well until it's released. Maybe some gameplay if you're lucky at a con, but more often then not? Not a damn thing. Chucklefish has been absolutely amazing at giving us information that we don't need. (Even if we want it.) That they have no obligation to give us, they've kept their community in the loop, which is more then I can say for most companies out there today.

    No seriously, don't troll. Or if you do, at least learn how to do it a bit better man, come on this is a weak attempt at trolling, and if you're not purposefully trolling? You really have to get out and live a little and experience actual let-downs, so that you aren't complaining about a game that. (When you paid for it.) Hasn't missed it's release date.

    Of course this entire statment is invalid, if they were accepting pre-orders with a promised release date of 2012. If they were, my apologies I was wrong. If not? Well the point stands.
  19. Hugt

    Hugt Phantasmal Quasar

    Ah yes I saw that... this morning :rofl:

    Hey thanks for the schedule Molly! So, as I said, I saw the stream yesterday and everything looked awesome! (Save for a few bugs :p) Keep it up!
    Just a few questions regarding the game itself and the event tho.

    -How exactly will rare versions of monsters work? I mean, I get the idea (kinda like shiny pokemon) but maybe explain it a bit?
    -I heard something about infinitely big planets? How can they be infinite if their circular? (Probably a stupid question and I'm missing something)
    -If you guys do have the other segments recorded, where could I find them? Tiy's youtube channel?

    PS: I know that I could have posted something in the FAQ's or IRC buuutttt I heard that I could ask (probably only questions about the event) so... hey! :p
  20. Sadeyx

    Sadeyx Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    they only just put in low level weapons, lol

    suggest burying head in the sand of another game for a few months =)
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