YouTube ~ Starbound Community Series

Discussion in 'Videos' started by Dynafols, Jun 5, 2012.

  1. Dynafols

    Dynafols Black Hole Surfer

    Ladies and Gentlemen, I am your host, Dynafols, and I want your help for a small little project on youtube revolving around the Starbound Community.​
    Ok, I make a small youtube series called Starbound News, where I go through the most recent Starbound News and updates on the day its released. Now every now and then there's a gap between the content and news that Tiy and the rest of the team decide to tease us with. As of late, I've been trying to fill in the gap with reversed tracks from Terraria, but I'd much prefer if I could continue making Starbound News whenever I can, but I have no control over when Chucklefish decides to tease us. So I had an idea, why not show off what the Starbound community can do?​
    So I'm asking you guys, the Starbound Community, to show me what you got. This can range from anything from suggestions, ideas, art work, fan art, sprites, stories, poems, you name it, as long as it relates to Starbound in some way. If you do submit something, I will take a look at it, and consider using it to make a video featuring it. And yes, you will be fully credited, and if you happen to have a deviantart I will likely put that in the description to if you'd like.​
    Starbound Community Videos!​
    1. Gillians!
    Most Recent Video:
    Space Whales:​
    2nd, 3rd, 4th Most Recent:

    O yea, heres the typical rules about submitting:​
    By submitting the piece of work, whether it be art, literature, structure, video, etc, you hereby claim the fact and tell the truth that it entirely yours and acknowledge the fact that if it stolen I have the right to remove, destroy, and deny the submission, remove my video featuring it, and I will not be held responsible. If the work is a multiple group effort that you are part of or have been given rights to submit by another it must be stated and "O.K.ed" with everyone in part with the work.​
    In other words don't be a liar.​
    Tips when Submitting: (Its not required, but helps get your work noticed).​
    * Art work having a transparent background helps.​
    * Pictures do help, but are not required.​
    * (More to be added later)​
    And ummm... yea, lets see what you guys got!​
  2. Breather

    Breather Oxygen Tank

    This is an AWESOME idea! It's kinda like Pixel weekly... but in video form! I might be able to find something I've created and share it. Umm, but should I put it here or PM you?
  3. Dynafols

    Dynafols Black Hole Surfer

    Here of course! Let everyone see! Just remember though, I can't present everyone's work, so make it your best!
  4. Breather

    Breather Oxygen Tank

  5. Froggiolis

    Froggiolis Big Damn Hero

    Good good! maybe a few of my sprites could find their way up there? Good idea btw.
  6. Dynafols

    Dynafols Black Hole Surfer

    Updated, now we have the first video for this series, Gillians!

    Remember guys, show me what you got, it does help to post what you want to show me here on the thread.
  7. Froggiolis

    Froggiolis Big Damn Hero

    Hmm its good but I think it could be spiced up a bit. I dont know how. Love the music though!
  8. Dynafols

    Dynafols Black Hole Surfer

    I had to work with what I had. I got a really good picture and a description, and thats about it. Not much else could have been done really.
  9. Dynafols

    Dynafols Black Hole Surfer

    Updated once again, this time, another suggestion from Dragonith, Swordbeaks!
  10. Dynafols

    Dynafols Black Hole Surfer

    Updated once again, now we have
    Umbrastellans, the mysterious race from the void itself, suggested by shadowcrazy.​
  11. Dynafols

    Dynafols Black Hole Surfer

    Updated, now we have Ghost Squids. I feel tired...
  12. HappyVader

    HappyVader Big Damn Hero

    Personally, I find the idea of the umbrastellans and the gillians quite attractive! Fish people are something I don't see in very many games (if, at all!), and the umbrastellans tickle my steampunk fancy :giggle: . Both seem quite unique to me, and I would love to see these become a reality within Starbound! Thank you very much, Dynafol, for bringing to light these amazing conceptualizations!
  13. HappyVader

    HappyVader Big Damn Hero

    Haha, I could be wrong, but they do seem familiar...

    Donkey Kong (SNES) underwater theme
    Final Fantasy 9
    Lavendar Tower, from Pokemon (1st Gen)?

    In any case, good picks for the videos!
  14. Dynafols

    Dynafols Black Hole Surfer

    The thing is though, I only have so many resources. Its not like I have a ton of sprites and pictures all over to display. I can only show whats there and not much else.
  15. HappyVader

    HappyVader Big Damn Hero

    What you've shown, thus far, is fantastic! I was just trying to guess what the background music was in the videos. They made me a bit nostalgic :)
  16. Dynafols

    Dynafols Black Hole Surfer

    Well if you check the video descriptions of my videos, and you have a 9.5/10 chance of finding where I get the music from. I like to think giving credit should be a standard for all videos.
  17. bounding star

    bounding star Existential Complex

    Should I tell you some o my threads?
  18. Dynafols

    Dynafols Black Hole Surfer

    I personally don't think I'm the right person to be asking that, it may or may not be allowed to be advertising another person's thread.

    However, personally, I wouldn't have any problems with it if you were, say for example "Hey you do some really good (art, work, music, writings, etc), you should consider submitting this to the Youtube ~ Starbound Community thread!" or something along those lines. I'm willing to consider any community work, as long as I have permission or submission from the author of said work, whether it'd be art, literature, or whatever.
  19. bounding star

    bounding star Existential Complex

    Yea, I just had some cool suggestions on my thread. :poptop:
  20. Dynafols

    Dynafols Black Hole Surfer

    Remember, its easiest for me if the submissions are put as a reply to this thread.

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