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[YouTube Series] Pain in Risk of Rain

Discussion in 'Fan Works' started by shadowcarn, Dec 14, 2013.

  1. shadowcarn

    shadowcarn Space Hobo

    I recently started a series of Risk of Rain on my channel with a friend of mine who has also got a series going on the forums. I'll be updating the OP when new episodes come out. My mic is a little quiet in these first few videos because I had to record with OBS and couldn't edit the audio later because it was all in 1 track. Anyway without further ado I present you my Risk of Rain series :D

      Last edited: Dec 21, 2013
    • shadowcarn

      shadowcarn Space Hobo

      New episode is up
      • shadowcarn

        shadowcarn Space Hobo

        New episode up where we get the the final boss fight :O

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