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RELEASED Your Starbound Crew 4.98

Go on missions to collect a crew for your ship!

  1. Silveressa

    Silveressa Subatomic Cosmonaut

    I'm using "Upbeat Giraffe" v 4.24, if that helps you narrow it down?
  2. Freezair

    Freezair Pangalactic Porcupine

    The current game version is actually one higher, Glad Giraffe. This mod IS compatible with Upbeat, but if you update the game, this mod no longer works.
  3. Silveressa

    Silveressa Subatomic Cosmonaut

    So you're saying I can run the older version of the mod without any issues? (I have the latest non nightly version of Starbound installed)

    The version of "your starbound crew" I'm using is the one for upbeat giraffe 4.24, not my starbound install version.
  4. VentEXZX

    VentEXZX Big Damn Hero

    Dumb question... How do you do the first quest?
    I actually don't have a clue i went through different planets already
  5. Freezair

    Freezair Pangalactic Porcupine

    AH. If you're using Glad Giraffe (the version of Starbound), then the version of Your Starbound Crew that's currently available (made for Upbeat Giraffe) will not work.
  6. Silveressa

    Silveressa Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Is there anyway to make it compatible by deleting the tenants folder and such in your earlier suggestion?
  7. Freezair

    Freezair Pangalactic Porcupine

    You can delete the tenants folder, yes, but then this mod will do nothing. The custom tenants is the whole point of it, and all the mod's items and such are acquired through them and by doing quests for them. The only reason to do that and make the mod playable is if you had it installed prior to Glad Giraffe and want to keep playing without waiting for the mod to update.
  8. VentEXZX

    VentEXZX Big Damn Hero

    Ahh I see... thank you that's unfortunate
  9. SuperNova12

    SuperNova12 Space Hobo

    I tried looking at the ai but the mission is not there
  10. Hex_Mage

    Hex_Mage Void-Bound Voyager

    If you could post some coordinates to find the quest to find the first mate that'd be great :p thanks! :nurunaughty:
  11. Dashiverse

    Dashiverse Void-Bound Voyager

    using 4.98 version, and no matter what i do, i can't access the first mission. please help
  12. Dashiverse

    Dashiverse Void-Bound Voyager

    also, which folder do i use? the normal one or the new one?
  13. AshPrinner

    AshPrinner Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Hate to tell you this but this mod is currently broken as all blazes for me. After extensive attempts to try to get it to work I ended up having to delete it as well as remake my char.

    I installed the mod in the correct directory and did a full swipe of my folders (to create a new game from scratch)
    Here's what happened
    * Accepted the starbound crew intro quest....quest shows up in log as blank...the text is there but the icon is missing)
    * The quest can't be selected from SAIL
    * Tried to warp to the quest using the mod commands....warps me directly back to my ship
    * Tried to spawn the completion items as well as the NPC; nothing happens
    * Spawned in the quest reward (succesfully) and tried to accept the followup quests
    * Repeat of above points
  14. lucheiah

    lucheiah Big Damn Hero

    Does anyone know if there's an ETA for the Glad Giraffe version of this mod? Or has Luminaesthesia decided to hold off on updating until the game is out of beta (which, rumour has it, will be soon-ish)?
  15. Aegis J Hyena

    Aegis J Hyena Existential Complex

    I think it's been abandoned until after 1.0 if not beyond, since no one has heard a peep out of him for months.
  16. Voidnaut

    Voidnaut Big Damn Hero

    It'd be nice to hear about his plans for the mod, whether it's just on hold or if we should put a fork in it for good.
  17. rawkinrex

    rawkinrex Phantasmal Quasar

    Luminaesthesia has made a wonderful Mod, and I have used it since he first created it. I am currently playing the Nightly build and a number of features that Chucklefish have added to Starbound are definitely from what this mod provided players. I look forward to what this mod will become. Thanks for a great Mod that provided many hours of enjoyment.
  18. shoucchi

    shoucchi Big Damn Hero

    Hi there guys-- I got back into Starbound really recently after taking a hiatus... in my fervor to download this mod again, I didn't realize it's not compatible anymore (not being moved to outdated officially, and all)... I'm not sure what to do, because it triggers a .JSON error at the start of the game when you uninstall it. I tried re-installing the entire game, saving nothing but the actual files for my characters, and I still get a .JSON error. is there any possible way to fix it without starting over completely? I've put hours into these characters and would rather NOT re-start. :(
  19. emeraldgreen72

    emeraldgreen72 Phantasmal Quasar

    Well if it does not erase my current stuff when the new one comes out I am gonna have quite a few florans glitch and apex
  20. Damiano de' Caretti

    Damiano de' Caretti Cosmic Narwhal

    There's a solution,but you might not appreciate it...it consists in making new characters and editing them with starcheat...well,if you remember what you had in the characters' inventories.

    By the way it is quite weird that your game isn't working after you removed the mod...perhaps there's an other obsolete mod?

    If not,the only way this could be done is by putting items from outdated mods into the characters' inventories or in worlds,but I doubt it because items would become "generic" and I believe so would be with the placed objects,plus you already typed you've put the mod in the folder BEFORE starting the game...
    ACTUALLY!I remember the mod including one world file or two...if that's the case,you might wish to remove those specific world files(but before doing that if I was you I'd make a backup copy of the universe folder :nod:)

    I can't really help much,but I do hope the problem is solved.Cheers :up:

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