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RELEASED Your Starbound Crew 4.98

Go on missions to collect a crew for your ship!

  1. Ragemage

    Ragemage Tentacle Wrangler

    This mod hasn't been updated to the latest stable yet, but the creator is working on it. Unless you're still playing on Pleased Giraffe, it probably won't work.
  2. Dentatus

    Dentatus Void-Bound Voyager

    Fantastic mod. Loved it in PG and am eagerly awaiting updates to make it compatable with latest stable.
    Meanwhile, I discovered that making the first quest droppable, then dropping and picking it up again works around the not-showing-in-mission-panel bug. Unfortunately I now run into a map loading error.
    Error: UniverseServer: error during world create: (DungeonException) Error loading dungeon '/dungeons/crewmissions/crewlovejones.dungeon': (StarException) Tiled map has embedded tileset Just (materials)
    This seems to crop up on every map in the mod. Is there a workaround I could use to resurrect the mod for now whilst waiting for updates?
  3. Wedge_Antilles

    Wedge_Antilles Void-Bound Voyager

    Hello, autor, i have a little bit of trouble - first crew member quest isn't showing in missions tab after i took a quest at the Outpost (i'm playing with personage, created before i installed a mod), how do i fix this? Or i need to make new character?
  4. Ragemage

    Ragemage Tentacle Wrangler

    Are you playing on Glad Giraffe? This mod hasn't been updated for the latest stable yet, but the mod author's working on it. If you wanted to play it without bugs, you'll need to downgrade to Pleased Giraffe, the last Stable.
  5. darkqueen

    darkqueen Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    so i downloaded this mod (not reilizing it was not glad girrafe) and i took one the quest. it seams i am unable to use colony deeds at all. if i try removing the mod i cant use my character cause of the quest please help :(
  6. DarkShadowMCYT

    DarkShadowMCYT Void-Bound Voyager

    I need help, I have none of the techs on my character, but I still can't uninstall it, I just get an error. Help?
  7. 3clips3

    3clips3 Orbital Explorer

    Hi, love this mod. Very fun, and while ive had to delete the character profiles with the crew unlocked(character got glitched for reasons not sure of ) I look forward to getting the crew all over again. However, i have a question. When i downloaded the latest version, it gave me 2 folders of files, "YourStarboundCrew" and "YourNewStarboundCrew". Should i put both in the mods folder, or just "YourNewStarboundCrew"?
  8. Trival

    Trival Big Damn Hero

    In glad giraffe its broken no? the last update (Yourstarboundcrewnigthly 7/nov/15) no run, help please
  9. Kirbyroth

    Kirbyroth Pangalactic Porcupine

    Still being updated for Glad I belive
  10. Kirrock720

    Kirrock720 Void-Bound Voyager

    also having problems with this i just cant do anything so far
    dk if its just me not reading it right or just a odd glitch
  11. Aegis J Hyena

    Aegis J Hyena Existential Complex

    Still being updated, Kirrock. It may be a while. Maybe after Cheerful Giraffe.
  12. Wingeth

    Wingeth Big Damn Hero

    I hope they get the mod updated soon, because I really am excited to play with some other crew members on board! I have the first mission and I can even try to deploy, but it just sends me back to my ship! I was so excited because I thought I would finally be able to try it!
  13. HuggableCreep

    HuggableCreep Big Damn Hero

    I really hope You havent abandoned your mod lume-san, your mod is too great to get burried under all the new crap

    Also ~ the mod aint all that broken heres a snippit from my log in GG
    Error: UniverseServer: error during world create: (DungeonException) Error loading dungeon '/dungeons/crewmissions/crewlovejones.dungeon': (StarException) Tiled map has embedded tileset Just (materials)

    Starbound no longer allows embeded tiles in their dungeon maps, switching to external tile templates should fix the problem with not being able to load the dungeons I would do it myself but i dont really have the skills needed to script this propourly that and i cant get tiled to load your .tsx maps without errors

    As for the mission quests i've got for the most part i've got the quests "working" (probably not so much working) but still you should look over them asit could help you out with an update

    Edit : continueing my post from yesterday, I almost missed the change chucklefish made to their objects
    "Tags" is now "colonyTags" so i've also include all the objects i've had the chance to update

    I should also note that the dialog for the npcs doesn't work for me its odd because the ncptype files looked fine to me, meh probably not your mod i've got a bunch of mods installed at the moment

    Attached Files:

    Last edited: Jan 31, 2016
    Freezair likes this.
  14. Athomaswolfe

    Athomaswolfe Void-Bound Voyager

    I've encountered what I am pretty sure is a glitch. The coordinates for the distress location aren't put into S.A.I.L, if that's the location it's meant to be. Otherwise, I can't find the coordinates anywhere.
  15. Keroro04

    Keroro04 Poptop Tamer

    Now that Starbound implemented adding Tenants to be crew members, the Crew mod became Obsolete. I feel bad for you.
  16. Islid

    Islid Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Not necessarily - if anything, this simply allows the modmaker to use more vanilla mechanics to do the same job the mod originally meant to do. It should result in reduced conflicts.
  17. Islid

    Islid Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Just letting you guys know (in case you haven't figured it out already), you can actually fix this issue. It won't uninstall the mod, but it does allow the usage of colony deeds while we're waiting on an update that will presumably repair the underlying problem. This is how you can fix it:

    1. Shut down your game and quit the client. Remember to back up both your mods folder and your player file, and don't have any YSBC items/equipment/tech on your person.
    2. Remove Starbound/giraffe_storage/mods/YourNewStarboundCrew/tenants from the mod directory. Place it somewhere it won't load (on your desktop, or in the recycle bin if you want).
    3. Reload your game.

    This should, on next startup, allow your colony deeds to function in the vanilla way once more. :)
  18. the first quest is not finishible :/
  19. Silveressa

    Silveressa Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Two quick questions:
    #1: Is this mod compatible with the current game version?
    #2: In the mod .rar I found 2 folders "Your Starbound Crew" and "Your new Starbound Crew" Which one do I use for a new game/new universe? (or do I use both?)

    Thanks in advance for the help :)
  20. Freezair

    Freezair Pangalactic Porcupine

    1. Tragically, it's more or less not compatible. If you're using the old version, you can make it workable by deleting the "tenants" folder in the modfile, as well as a monster file (tragically, I don't remember which one, but if you ARE using the old version, tell me and I'll dig up which one), but it's not worth downloading the mod as it is now since the content is mostly non-accessible.

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