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RELEASED Your Starbound Crew 4.98

Go on missions to collect a crew for your ship!

  1. ChillChinchilla

    ChillChinchilla Void-Bound Voyager

    The Avain Cooking 4 quest is bugged. It asks for three cups worth of coffee and won't take it. I think that since they changed the coffee to a food item instead of a liquid now it doesn't register right. I didn't see anyone post this before, forgive me if I missed it.
  2. Ragemage

    Ragemage Tentacle Wrangler

    Hi, I really love this mod, but I've been experiencing 2 possible bugs so far! (these may actually be from your Side Stories mod but I'm not entirely sure since Starbound Crew elements show up there)

    1. When I try to talk to Commander Jesse while doing the Venus mission, I can't. The exclamation mark appears over the monitor but when I try to click on it it doesn't work. I found a work-around for this by simply spawning the monitor on my own ship with admin commands, and it worked fine there. However, the monitors on Venus don't seem to work.

    2. When I completed the Venus mission, Taylor Hart said she had an upgrade of KEI for me, but when I checked her shop there were no new upgrades to buy. Did I do something wrong or did I accidently trigger the quest too early by buying him before doing the Venus mission?

    3. When I try to place the Commander Jesse spawner down, nothing happens. Whether I place it on my ship or on a planet, it won't do anything. There doesn't seem to be any way to activate it either.

    If you could please respond and let me know if I'm just doing something wrong or if it's a bug, I'd be greatly appreciative!
  3. randompersyn

    randompersyn Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    "Added the ability to capture critters with your bug net and see which critters you've collected with the creature capture station. Go try to get all 76!"

    I rather like this mod. It does need a bit of work (I only installed it after I had finished the vanilla game, and the first mate went insane telling me about all the cool things I needed to do and had done, and Mr. Sora, who I hadn't met yet-needless to say, I left her marooned on a small island.) Oh. But back to the quote (up). Could you please maybe change this, or add something? I installed the mod, was wicked excited to catch critters, made a bug net, and found it completely useless to that effect. The item is, as you must be aware of, from a quest-and it's called the critter net. (Even though it also catches bugs.) But I don't think there's a wiki for this mod yet-at least, there isn't one that I can find-so any information that isn't in the mod description, you have to look through the comments to find....and this wasn't in there. That said, I'm quite happy with this mod, and critter-catching, although it has nothing to do with critters, in the title (yes, that is gentle mocking) and overall, good job. And a wiki would be nice, but I'm not going to ask you to make one, 'cause they're time-consuming and it'd be rude to.

    -Yours truly,
  4. Ragemage

    Ragemage Tentacle Wrangler

    I just got the critter net from the Avian crew member myself, and I find it works just fine. Are you sure you aren't using a regular bug net? The critter net will have a green outline around it unlike the regular bug net.

    When you hit something with it it doesn't give you the critter immediately, it turns it into an item drop. You may be smacking them away instead of picking them up, so try searching for the creature drop next time.
  5. randompersyn

    randompersyn Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Oh! I'm sorry; I didn't specify. I have the critter net, and it works; what I was asking was, could the post be changed, because it says 'bug net', not 'critter net', which is the name of the in-game item-in other words, it was confusing, and I was asking if the phrasing in the post could be revised-or a note added, or something, because it really isn't clear that it's something you get from a quest, from the post. It implies that it's the regular-old bug net, not some fancy bit you get from a quest-the latter of which I have no problem with. It isn't glitching (well, besides on some of the critters, like the desert tortoise, but that's not the point)-I simply take issue with the misinformation (yes, technically, it is a bug net, but as there is an in-game item called 'bug net', it really is) on the grounds of accurate information. That's all. Thank you, however.
  6. Ragemage

    Ragemage Tentacle Wrangler

    Ah, I understand now. Yeah, the misinformation had me confused for a while. I was running around with the normal bug net trying to smack everything and it didn't do a single thing, so I thought it was bugged. Only later did I learn it was because I was using the wrong net!
  7. Moeru

    Moeru Space Hobo

    Hey, thanks for the mod! I'm new to modding, and it seems that I got it installed correctly (I got the "Human Distress" quest at the outpost) but when I went to speak to my ship's AI the game crashed. How can I fix this?

    I tried to uninstall the mod and try again, but again when I talk to SAIL my game crashed. Here's my log:
    [12:42:04.016] Error: Exception caught in client main-loop: (MapException) Key 'crewlovejones' not found in Map::get()
    Last edited: Nov 30, 2015
  8. Ragemage

    Ragemage Tentacle Wrangler

    Did you use the download link at the top, or did you try downloading the Unstable version? If you downloaded the Unstable version of the mod that might be your problem right there.
  9. Luminaesthesia

    Luminaesthesia Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Gaaaaah, went away on holiday and now the unstable branch is VERY different from the last nightly I messed with. Things are going to be quite messed up until I can get a hold of one of the devs to help me out. Hopefully I can get a new unstable version out before it hits stable. Also, thank you all for the bug reports, they'll be fixed for the next stable updated, but that'll probably be when the combat update hits. Has anyone had any time to visit the planet of Syewal at all?
  10. Ragemage

    Ragemage Tentacle Wrangler

    I tried using the Unstable version actually, but when I put in the command to get the planet you created, it just warped me to my ship for some reason.
  11. Moeru

    Moeru Space Hobo

    I used that big ol' download button at the top. It appeared to be working fine (I got the quest from the NPC at the outpost) then when I talked to my AI the game crashed, every time. :/
  12. Luminaesthesia

    Luminaesthesia Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Yeah, everything on the unstable build is pretty broken, but I almost managed to get everything fixed yesterday.

    Moeru, could you send me a starbound.log file? I added a dirty edit using that guy (not using the patch system), so it's probably something on my end.

    Also! Good news/bad news: Bad news is I'm taking out the critter statues for the next stable update. Good news: they just added the ability to capture critters with capture pods on the unstable, so all that work to make them statues is kind of wasted. Good news: I don't have to make statues for the 80 critters they added in unstable, yay.
  13. Ragemage

    Ragemage Tentacle Wrangler

    Can I just say that I'm really glad you're still working on this mod? A lot of modders for this game gave up way back with Angry Koala, but you've just been trucking along! I really appreciate all the hard work you've done with your mods, they're the 2 mods I would consider absolutely essential to playing the game. I've actually been spreading them around the Starbound Reddit when people ask what mods they should get for the game. :D
  14. Roddy01

    Roddy01 Space Hobo

    Has anyone recorded themselves beating the missions for unlocking the crew? I've been trying to find the crashed ship in the first one and it just seems like a big empty cave.
  15. Freezair

    Freezair Pangalactic Porcupine

    So a question.

    I'm trying to abandon as many of my currently running quests as possible so the next stable update doesn't brick my characters and/or require me to spend a long time meticulously editing them in character editors. However, I can't seem to abandon a number of quests from this mod. Is that intentional?
  16. Ragemage

    Ragemage Tentacle Wrangler

    I know the mission you're talking about. I don't have it recorded but I'm fairly certain you just went the wrong way. The ship is to the left of the girl I believe.
  17. Ruban Crusade

    Ruban Crusade Pangalactic Porcupine

    I doubt it was intentional, but I believe the functionality wasn't added in when this mod was last updated, so it just needs to be updated in the mod.
  18. RyunosukeKnT

    RyunosukeKnT Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    i may have encountered a problem, i have the quest in my journal, but sail does not have it as a viable quest (I cannot abandon it via button) and when i try to admin warp, it has the warp bubble but back to where i started.
  19. Voidnaut

    Voidnaut Big Damn Hero

    Game updated, mods haven't yet.
  20. samsaq

    samsaq Void-Bound Voyager

    Does this mod function properly with the Peculiar Planets mod?

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