Your farmer's backstory?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by rneira, May 1, 2016.

  1. Fymatdsrio

    Fymatdsrio Void-Bound Voyager

    Spring Year 1

    Spring Year 2


    Artemis Jäger
    Age: 21 (at the beginning of the game)
    Gender: Androgyne (Biologically Female)
    Orientation: Pansexual
    Birthday: Fall 27/ October 31
    Loves: Maki Roll, Salmon Dinner, Chocolate + Pink Cake, Eggplant Parmesan, Spaghetti,
    Fried Calamari, Pepper Poppers, Wine/Juice (Any), Solar Essence, Void Essence.
    Relationship Status: Eventually With Shane
    Highest Heart Friends: Shane, Emily, Sebastian, Elliott, Wizard, Leah, Marnie, Jas.

    I plan on eventually writing a fanfiction, but until then here's a bit of an introduction/prologue of the story sort of drabble "by" my farmer. I'm hoping that it gives some good insight while leaving some mystery about her and her past, as well.

    I loath Joja, but I loath myself even more for having ended up where I'm at in life. I've been chained to this desk, a slave to "The Man", for three years now. Life hasn't gone as planned, not at all. After high school I'd had big dreams of finishing university and then becoming my own boss by starting up my own business. Those dreams were soon dashed against the rocks of a reality that I was not prepared for. My lofty dreams all came crashing down and I still have yet to be able to put it all back together.

    I used to be depressed about it... maybe I still am. I don't feel so sad, anymore, I don't feel anything most days. I've slowly become numb and robotic. For the most part, the only things I do now are: eat, sleep, work, watch tv/movies, and game. I hardly socialize anymore... not that I had many friends to begin with. I've started believing that was for the best, that the less I interacted the less chance of being hurt, again.

    Some days, though, the sadness would creep back in. The feeling of being worthless, of never accomplishing anything, of "what's the point in going on?". There was a long trail of trials and tribulations. Like the trouble I'd had with university and how I'd finally had to leave and take a dead end job to get by and pay back my student loans, the broken relationship with my family, a slew of awful and/or abusive relationships, trying to come to terms with my identity and sexuality, along with what seemed to be Murphy's Law coming into play with periodic events that seemed to always drain me of my meager funds... This mournful dirge of my days passing me by coupled with the many other complications I have always left me wondering if it was even worth it anymore. It was such one of those days in which something intriguing happened. I'd been rummaging through my desk drawer and found a sealed envelope that I had forgotten about. It was from my late Grandfather and contained the deed to his old farm in Stardew Valley.

    I was feeling elated that this could be my chance to turn things around, but I was also soon paralyzed with fear. I've never been much of a farmer. I loved animals, and did well with them, but crops were a different story. Growing up my mother had kept a garden, and I hated having to help weed and I remembered the sweltering heat, the blistering sun, and the bugs. Oh Yoba, those bugs! It makes me shiver and feel itchy just thinking about them. I was good at gardening, it seemed I had "The Touch" as my mother put it, but I couldn't stand those other things back then. I felt scared wondering if I would end up hating all the work I had to do to upkeep a whole farm on my own. What if I failed at this, just like everything else I've tried? I started to worry and by the time I had returned home to my little studio apartment I'd worried myself into a panic. I decided to lay down and put on an ambient track to listen to while I tried to calm down.

    The soothing sounds of nature soon quelled my anxiety and gave way to daydreams of what the farm could potentially become. I've always had a love of nature and the more refined. I felt like my aesthetic fell somewhere in between Woodland witch and Fairy tale princess... or something of the sort. I say this, but yet my wardrobe basically consists of monochromatic clothing. Working for Joja hadn't just sucked the life out of me, but the colour and joy, as well. I finally decided that this was something I needed to do. I mustered my resolve and began packing that very night. I also sat down and wrote my resignation letter, which I gave to my boss the very next day.

    Now, one month later, I'm on my way to Stardew Valley. I'm anxious about starting my new life. I see the Valley come into view, the verdant mountains stretching up to the bright sky and the shimmering sea calling to me like an old friend welcoming me back, I start to feel something I haven't felt in a very long time.
      LuthienNightwolf likes this.
    • ApertureGaming011

      ApertureGaming011 Scruffy Nerf-Herder

      NAME: James Suh
      AGE: 20 (beginning of the game)
      FARM NAME: Cerulean Farm
      NATIONALITY: Republic of Korea

      James Suh was taken away from his family from the age of 7 to be trained as a supersoldier of the Gotoro Empire's 'Gorgon' Project. His right arm, both of his legs and left eye was removed and replaced with cybernetics to enhance his physical status. Coincidentally finding his grandfather's letter when he was rummaging through his locker, he decided that he would escape his military base to start his new life and regain something knows as 'social life.' Although me manages to escape the country with a cruise liner made by the Ferngill Republic called FRS Graceful Mercy, the Empire was quick about it and sinks the ship and kills all of the passengers except James. He coincidentally gets washed away to Stardew Valley and was nursed back to health by Elliot Cromsworth, the local author. Hiding his cybernetics with the aid of his thick hooded clothes, he tries to forget his past life through farming but gets constantly bombarded by nightmares of his past and the newly declared Ferngill-Gotoro War. He now aims to cleanse the world of his demons. But how?

      Look at my fan-fiction 'Experiencing Freedom' in the Fan Words forum to see the story.
      • NikkSword

        NikkSword Pangalactic Porcupine

        My Farmer is named Nikk Sword. There isn't much known about him. He was working at a major tech firm, but it w as slowly degrading the very essence of his soul. Then he got the infamous letter from his Grandfather and decided to roll up his sleeves and work on his Grandfathers farm. Life was tough on the farm, mostly because Nikk is lazy. Very lazy. VERY VERY LAZY! He met everyone in town and fell for Caroline. Most of his time was spent planting crops, fighting slimes and mining, but in the back of his mind he was thinking of her. He must find a way to woo her! She was married to Pierre, who he would destroy, and then he could be with Caroline! But life on the farm overwhelmed him (he is lazy) so he focused on his farm, and flirted with Caroline as often as possible. Her friend Robin, also married, caught his eye as well. But Caroline would be his! Her daughter Abigail seems to like him well enough, and Pierre seems consumed with his failing business and money and further alienates Caroline... Roving Joja Mart Employees haunt him constantly, and the townspeople shame him for wanting to break up a marriage, but Nikk will prevail!

        If he is not too lazy.. or the Joja Mart employees don't kill him..
        • Larielia

          Larielia Subatomic Cosmonaut

          I have two files with the same character and farm name. So I've decided the second one from an alternate universe. Both decided to move to the farm around the same time. They have similar test in clothes/ hair, but one prefers darker colours. And they have different taste in men.
          • StardewPally

            StardewPally Big Damn Hero

            My character is Farmer Colin McTavish, a Scottish agrarian. His father is a big-time city man, having left the family farm to pursue his dreams of high finance and management within the Joja Corporation. With his father pressuring him to follow in his footsteps in the same way his grandfather pressured *his* son to remain on the farm, Colin reluctantly joined the Joja Corporation as well and was working his way up the corporate ladder but was secretly miserable, longing for a more honest and humble way of life.

            Then he received a letter from his estranged grandfather, bequeathing upon him the family farm (which had since fallen into disrepair). Immediately abandoning his job, selling his possessions, and moving to Stardew Valley, Colin McTavish was finally home. He threw himself into his work, clearing weeds and chopping stumps, hauling stones and tilling the fields within a season he had a respectable little farm. He grew potatoes and cauliflowers in the morning, and his afternoons were spent ranging across the valley picking flowers, dandelions and berries. The evenings he spent in Pelican Town, talking to the townsfolk and listening to their stories. He became fast friends with Linus, the Mountain Man, and Elliot on the Beach (or Fabio, as he playfully referred to him), appreciating their solitary existence and respect for nature, but altogether felt lonely. There were a number of single ladies, but McTavish had no interest in Maru or Haley, and while he found Abigail to be adorable, he also found her to be quite young for him. Penny was a little more mature, but was too shy and rejected his immediate advances. Discouraged, he returned to his farming and became more reclusive. Things might have gone on much the same way for McTavish until one fateful day he was foraging in the Cindersap Forest when he beheld an auburn angel. She was strong and independent, living alone in a cottage by the river. She was clever and driven, an artist and sculptor. Beautiful as the Valley, and her hair burned like fire.

            Aww, jeeze it's late. Well, they got married and had two kids and his farm is pretty awesome. Oh, also he got a cat.
              WonkoTSane42 likes this.

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