You Might Play Too Much Stardew Valley When...

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by LuthienNightwolf, Sep 2, 2016.

  1. LuthienNightwolf

    LuthienNightwolf Oxygen Tank

    ...You start seeing faces in the mines.
    Faces in the Mines.png

    I need to go to bed. lol
      Phaena, ChaosAzeroth, CjBeats and 6 others like this.
    • deukahng

      deukahng Big Damn Hero

      Ahaha yes Luthien, please go to bed.
        LuthienNightwolf likes this.
      • EltonScone

        EltonScone Star Wrangler

        I was looking in the red square for too long. Maybe I need to go to bed too.
        • Corraidhín

          Corraidhín Supernova

          Wow :rofl: yeah I think you owe yourself a break :3
            LuthienNightwolf likes this.
          • Minimanta

            Minimanta Spaceman Spiff

            I was looking in the red square too, lmao. And I just woke up xD

            I see it though and that's pretty funny :p
            • EltonScone

              EltonScone Star Wrangler

              No, I had just woken up too. But still. Lol
                LuthienNightwolf likes this.
              • Rezzo1971

                Rezzo1971 Space Spelunker

                You are walking down the street and say to your partner"I wonder how much wood I would get for chopping that down".
                • deukahng

                  deukahng Big Damn Hero

                  When you only talk to people once a week and give everybody mayonnaise??
                    LuthienNightwolf likes this.
                  • ciphermandy

                    ciphermandy 2.7182818284590...

                    When you're purchasing beer, and wonder if Shane would enjoy your particular brand.
                      EltonScone and LuthienNightwolf like this.
                    • Lilliput

                      Lilliput Supernova

                      You know you've played too much Stardew Valley when...

                      You keep wondering why none of the trees in your backyard have tappers on them.

                      You don't want to walk on sandy ground for fear of Duggies.

                      You keep digging up damp patches in the neighborhood in the hopes of finding buried artifacts.

                      You cannot eat sitting down at a table or using silverware.

                      You continually hit large rocks in the hopes of having a polished gemstone pop out.

                      You rush home as midnight approaches for fear of passing out in the street.

                      You keep checking to see if the Crop Fairy has visited your garden the night before.

                      You put some whole fruit into a barrel and expect a labeled bottle of wine to pop out a week later.

                      You try to carry entire stacks of filled coffee mugs around with you throughout your day.

                      You wonder why your local Community Center doesn't accept bundles of crops and fish.
                      • Corraidhín

                        Corraidhín Supernova

                        *Is guilty of that*
                          ChaosAzeroth and deukahng like this.
                        • MagicallyClueless

                          MagicallyClueless Master Astronaut

                          you know you play too much Stardew when you talk about npcs like they're real whOOPS

                          me: "this skateboard is totally in sam's colors"
                          person: "who?"
                          me: *sweats nervously*
                          • LuthienNightwolf

                            LuthienNightwolf Oxygen Tank

                            Me petting my cat...

                            "I wonder how many hearts she has..."
                            • LuthienNightwolf

                              LuthienNightwolf Oxygen Tank

                              So we had a 5.6 magnitude earthquake here this morning. Do I have access to some secret bathhouse now?
                              • Minimanta

                                Minimanta Spaceman Spiff

                                Go check the mountains xD
                                  LuthienNightwolf likes this.
                                • LuthienNightwolf

                                  LuthienNightwolf Oxygen Tank

                                  Oh wait, I'm in Oklahoma. No mountains. Drat. lol
                                  • ShneekeyTheLost

                                    ShneekeyTheLost Master Astronaut

                                    If you wonder if you've leveled Foraging enough to double things when you pick them up...
                                    • TinySpaceFox

                                      TinySpaceFox Subatomic Cosmonaut

                                      When you start drawing Junimos all over your Science notes.
                                      • LuthienNightwolf

                                        LuthienNightwolf Oxygen Tank

                                        I draw Junimo's on everything now. lol When we go to restaurants that use paper as tablecloths, and they leave crayons on the table, there's always at least one Junimo on the table by the time we leave. They're just too cute not to! lol
                                          TinySpaceFox and marimivo like this.
                                        • marimivo

                                          marimivo Void-Bound Voyager

                                          When you start sending diamonds emojis on whatsapp to your boyfriend to increase hearts.
                                            Coffeeshoplullabies likes this.

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