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Outdated Yet another Charcoal mod 1.0

Gaining more Coal for less wood on a furnace.

  1. Soranayo

    Soranayo Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Soranayo submitted a new mod:

    Yet another Charcoal mod - Gaining more Coal for less wood on a furnace.

    Read more about this mod...
  2. Soranayo

    Soranayo Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    So, yeah, if you want some other versions, with more Coal for more wood, ask us here, either me or Michan will do it, since modifying the mod isn't hard at all.
  3. Tehprotector

    Tehprotector Big Damn Hero

    Does the mod re-adds charcoal to Upbeat Giraffe??
  4. Soranayo

    Soranayo Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    No, i don't think this mod is needed anymore, anyway, since Charcoal is not needed.
  5. GreenBanana

    GreenBanana Void-Bound Voyager

    Or maybe your friends mined up all the coal on your planet.

    You need coal to make torches still, which is more needed more frequently than ship fuel.
  6. KateisLost

    KateisLost Cosmic Narwhal

    If you really want coal to be craftable again there are a few mods for UG that make that happen. My More Saplings mod is one of them and I know there are a few others as well( can't think of which ones atm, I use too many mods)
  7. DragoonIII

    DragoonIII Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Please update this for the latest starbound I miss this mod haha.

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