YANDERE EVENTS FOR JAS [INTRODUCTORY VIDEO] This is gonna turn into a bloodbath guys. [DO YOU WANT TO SEE THE MOD IN ACTION?] Youtuber Darkovika Gaming has recently started a let's play of Stardew Valley 1.1 with this mod installed. Follow her as she discovers the terrors of this mod and rethinks her life choices, starting with the following episode. [FEATURES] - Expanded portraits! - Events (1 heart, 2 hearts, 3 hearts, 4 hearts, 5 hearts, 6 hearts, 7 hearts, 8 hearts, 9 hearts and 10 hearts)! YOU READ THAT RIGHT FOLKS, IT'S 10 HEART EVENTS. - Expanded dialogue! - NO Dating! NO Marriage! - FAIR WARNING, THIS GETS CREEPY. And be prepared to also romance Penny, it's part of the requirements. Original portraits by NongDarn. [HOW TO INSTALL] Make a back up of your Content folder and of your savefile. Extract the rar in your game folder and overwrite everything. [SCREENSHOTS] [WALKTHROUGH] 1 Heart Event Location: Forest. Requirements: 1 Heart with Jas. Jas must be present. 2 Hearts Event Location: Town. Requirements: 2 Hearts with Jas. 3 Hearts Event Location: Museum. Requirements: 3 Hearts with Jas. Jas must be present. 4 Hearts Event Location: Forest. Requirements: 4 Hearts with Jas. 8 Hearts with Penny. From 9 AM to 4 PM. 5 Hearts Event Location: Forest. Requirements: 5 Hearts with Jas. Jas must be present. 6 Hearts Event Location: Farm. Requirements: 6 Hearts with Jas. Sunny. From 6 AM to half past 9 AM. 7 Hearts Event Location: Farm. Requirements: 7 Hearts with Jas. Sunny. From 10 PM to half past 11 PM. 8 Hearts Event Location: Farm - Museum. Requirements: 8 Hearts with Jas. Read the mail. 9 Hearts Event Location: Farm. Requirements: 9 Hearts with Jas. From 6 AM to 7 AM. Sunny. You must have been featured in the "Stardew Valley Tribune" (Reach 27000g). 10 Hearts Event Location: Farm - Bath House/Pool. Requirements: 10 Hearts with Jas. 10 Hearts with Penny. Read the mail. [DOWNLOAD LINKS] Nexus Mirror (Mega)
Well then... This looks... Interesting? WIll it work properly if you already have her at 10 hearts or will you see a lot of jumping around like with current events if you overshoot (like when you give them a loved gift on (as example) their birthday, it can shoot them up 2 stars or more (iridium loved gifts can add quite a bit) and if you do a loved gift on their birthday and don't meet with them until say the Luau or the winter gift event, it can go up a lot more).
The events are written in such a way that you'll only be able to trigger them in order, so no worries there. You might find her dialogue a bit weird though, since it references previous events. The mod also modifies one of Penny's events (the field trip one), so if you've already seen it issues might arise.
I actually checked, and it seems like I also changed the event ID for Penny's edited events. So they should trigger even if you've already seen them in that savefile.
Is there a list of what triggers the events? I've gotten up to the studying scene but I've not been able to trigger anything beyond that so far.
I actually had a sort of walkthrough already up on stardewmods when the site was still up. But the wayback machine doesn't have it archived, nor does any other archive on the internet... so I guess I'll have to write it again from scratch. I'll add it to the OP as soon as I'm finished.
You're welcome! I would have needed to write a walkthrough anyway, considering how weird some of the event triggers I came up with are. *Added a Let's Play video to the OP. I can't wait to see her reaction to some of the events. Especially the tenth one
I really hope this isn't a spoiler, but word of warning, if you plan to getting Married to Penny make sure you do it before you trigger the bathhouse event, just saying.
Can some one give me a step by step on how to get this into my game? I've never modded anything and I'm not quite sure how to do this.
I got the letter for the 8 heart event but accidentally went to bed before I activated it and now it wont work. Am I thoroughly screwed or is there a way to activate it on another day?
My game crashes and it seems to only happen when I'm standing near Jas or trying to talk to her? Sometimes it crashes out of nowhere though. Anything I'm doing wrong?
Seem to have an index out of bounds exception crashing the game when the hotbar swaps back or forth between the top and bottom, followed by the user mousing over something in the hotbar. I heard this is probably due to files in the XNB files not being in the right format after the 1.2 update. I am adept enough to edit the contents, but does anyone know what the new format changes are for these? EDIT: Default recipes in ObjectInformation were set to old file paths. Fixed them, runs fine.
i really wish i knew how you fixed that i dont know enough about modding to do that if anyone knows please let me know Edit: i figured it out. Im so proud of myself right now lol