XNB Kit Description XNB kit is a graphical user interface for XNB node, allowing users to select folders to pack and unpack game files into and out of without using the command line. XNB Kit is meant to be a tool to help users who do no want to deal with command line, or managing several series of batch files, while still providing all the information one may want while unpacking or packing Features Currently XNB Kits only feature is to pack and unpack XNB Files, though in future releases I plan to add the ability to compare XNB directories so that you can easily extract the changed XNB Files after making graphical changes to several files without keeping track of them manually. Downloads Currently due to the nature of XNB Node, I can only provide a windows binary, however I will be looking into making a linux and mac replacement of XNB Node in the future to help broaden the mod community. XNB kit 1.1.zip XNB kit 1.1.rar Source https://github.com/TimothyCates/XNB_Kit
Updated Post: Clarified the applications purpose Added Attached Images for reference Included a image for reference for non-members to see / have visible
OMG.. Where were you 8 months ago when I first started modding. CMD is a child's play now though but thanks for this, it really makes it so much easier.
Thanks, I agree thats Command prompt is easy, but I myself have 4-6 projects going on so instead of cleverly named batch scripts that I may have to change every re-vision or experiment I decided this tool would help myself and others
thank you!! (wanted this for so long.. working with command lines freaks me out dunno ^^; ..also looking forward to a mac version in the future)
It does. I tested both Cursors.xnb and springobjects.xnb, which were the most problematic (as far as I remember) and the image files show properly Now this is a nice tool.
I can't seem to get this working. I set it to unpack some xnb's into a folder for me, it runs for less than half a second and says it's done but it's not actually unpacked them at all, the folders still empty. Not sure what I'm doing wrong here?
i had this problem yesterday, but i was able to fix it pretty quickly- the problem was that, for some reason, two mac files (._Craftables.xnb and ._Craftables.xnb.ignore) had slipped into the folder with the files i was trying to decompress. all i had to do to get it to work properly was shift those two files elsewhere, temporarily, and then the program worked like a charm. conversely, today i'm having a problem with figuring out how to actually pack files, so i'll look into the documentation for xnb node to see if i can figure out what exactly i'm doing wrong, lol. time for more caffeine. ETA: oh my god, i'm an idiot, i figured it out. totally an error on my part, which is what i was assuming to begin with.
Thank you for this mod. All the other mods to extract files were messing up my Cursors.xnb file but yours works flawlessly.
Hi, nice mod but it wont work for me. I tell em to extract or pack, it says it's done but nothing happend. is that normal or any error or so? I just wanted to merge some mail files so I could use both mods
I've got the same problem as the last two posters. I'm trying to unpack a folder with four .xnb files in it to another completely empty folder, the thing says "Done" but the unpacked files aren't showing up. I triple-checked the filepath but still nothing doing.
I was able to unpack just fine (though this was over 2 weeks ago) but now that im done editing I cant seem to pack them back up to test them in game. Iv been doing this all separate from my game file since extraction, no chance of other files stilling into my work folder, so whats going wrong?
I had the same problem, wondering what's wrong there. To test if it's the tool's bug, I tried again to unpack a file then pack it back without editing anything, it has successfully been packed! So at least in my case there is nothing wrong with the software. Then I went back to double check the .yaml file I've edited, I found there're grammar mistakes in it. After fixed them I could pack my files now. Hope this could help you guys.