XNB Conversion to .png

Discussion in 'Mods' started by lechecondensada, Feb 4, 2021.

  1. lechecondensada

    lechecondensada Orbital Explorer

    Hi! Is this the right place to ask?

    Can someone help me out and convert these .xnbs to .pngs? I want to make some edits to the greenhouse.

    Thank you!

      Attached Files:

    • Eros DkAl

      Eros DkAl Pangalactic Porcupine

      Just unpack the xnb files using xnbcli or a similar unpacker.
      • lechecondensada

        lechecondensada Orbital Explorer

        My mac refuses to touch any of the programs I've installed, even when I bypass system settings. That's why I requested it.
        • Eros DkAl

          Eros DkAl Pangalactic Porcupine

          Here you go (the .png images only):

            Attached Files:

          • lechecondensada

            lechecondensada Orbital Explorer

            Thank you so much! I’ll take care of the code and reupload, in case anyone’s interested :).

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