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Outdated XIPHO [custom speed exploration shuttle] 2014

The "Xipho" its a customized ship based in the ECCA 721 structure

  1. Black Mud Customs

    Black Mud Customs Space Hobo

    Black Mud Customs submitted a new mod:

    XIPHO [custom speed exploration shuttle] - The "Xipho" its a customized ship based in the ECCA 721 structure

    Read more about this mod...
  2. burakbaba

    burakbaba Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    beutiful shuttle cool design
    like to see what you can bring in the future
  3. Scival

    Scival Oxygen Tank

    Its.. alright..
    Just a bit small, tho.
  4. Black Mud Customs

    Black Mud Customs Space Hobo

    Thanks Burakbaba, we are glad you like our work :) you can follow us here in the Starbound Forums if you like to see the next ships we are working in

    Scival The Xipho speed exploration shuttle is the smallest of our ships :) we are working in bigger ships, you can see in the next days
  5. sosmic

    sosmic Pangalactic Porcupine

    A bit too small for me but look rly great !
    good job !
  6. Sketch2347

    Sketch2347 Phantasmal Quasar

    This is beautiful. Does it have stealth capabilities?...
  7. Scival

    Scival Oxygen Tank

    Does this even work in Multiplayer? :p
    As awesome as this or your future ships looks, i need them in MP.
  8. Black Mud Customs

    Black Mud Customs Space Hobo

    Thanks for your comments =)
    Scival sorry but we cannot say whether the ship works for multiplayer = (...we will try every ship to have an answer as soon as possible.

    thanks for the patience
  9. sosmic

    sosmic Pangalactic Porcupine

    i guess it's like other ship mod, it need to be installed on client and server side.
  10. stalerin

    stalerin Void-Bound Voyager

    I love the ship, nice and small. Great work, hope to see more in the future! :D

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