Xbox One release date ?

Discussion in 'Starbound FAQs, Q&A, and General Help' started by Trollolol07, Apr 27, 2016.

  1. Trollolol07

    Trollolol07 Aquatic Astronaut

    Does anyone knows when will Starbound be released on Xbox One ?

    The hype is here!
  2. Jonesy

    Jonesy Sarif's Attack Kangaroo Forum Moderator

    The developers don't give out release dates very far in advance anymore. Expect more news on the console ports once 1.0 is out.

    Also, the Social subforum isn't related to Starbound. Moved to Starbound FAQs.
  3. Trollolol07

    Trollolol07 Aquatic Astronaut

    Ok thanks !

    Aaand when will approximately come the 1.0? (Yeah, i'm becoming boring)
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 29, 2016
  4. Jonesy

    Jonesy Sarif's Attack Kangaroo Forum Moderator

    The devs don't give out exact release dates anymore. They're aiming for this year, but that's not binding.
  5. Trollolol07

    Trollolol07 Aquatic Astronaut

    No problem, i know they're doing good work . I really trust them. A late but finished game is better than an early unfinished game.

    Considering that i have trouble creating another thread, i will ask it here....

    will the Xbox One version have a Split Screen feature ? To me, it's THE feature that HAVE to be implemented. any info ?
    Last edited by a moderator: May 1, 2016
  6. BreakingForce

    BreakingForce Big Damn Hero

    there have been no real specifics that i've seen about the xb1 port yet. so no release date, no feature list, nothin. so noone can really answer that question with any expectation of veracity. maybe post it as a suggestion in the suggestion forums? that way you can see if it gets any other support from potential users. that way CFG can see if it's a feature that would serve a whole bunch of people...or if it's just you that wants it. because with a small (12 person) team, they have to invest their time into the features that would give them the best return on that time. and if a ton of people want this, then that's a good return. if it's just you, there are other features i'm sure that people would want them to put their time and talent into.
    Trollolol07 likes this.
  7. Trollolol07

    Trollolol07 Aquatic Astronaut

    Hello back here, it's been a while since I posted, and Starbound launched 1.0 and even 1.2, and no one is really talking about a console release. Devs are not saying yes, no, maybe, we dont know. They are just saying nothing. Is anyone knowing anything?
    Xxlifehunterxx likes this.
  8. Xxlifehunterxx

    Xxlifehunterxx Star Wrangler

    So when is it coming out on Xbox One game preview seeing as how its 1.2 now on pc.
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 6, 2017
  9. Magius96

    Magius96 Void-Bound Voyager

    The Xbox one port was announced in 2014 and was supposed to be released in Winter of 2014. Then they said they'd work on it after 1.0. We're past both of those now. I understand they don't want to give release dates, that's fine. But for the sake of your public image, reputation, and loyalty of your fans, give some kind of updates. If you're not gonna do it, at least say so. If you are still planning on doing it, say that too. Just say something. This complete failure to keep the community informed of things that you promised, is really bad for your public image. I can't speak for others, but personally, I have almost totally lost faith in this company as a result of this, and I won't listen or buy into any more promises from the company. That doesn't mean that I won't buy your games, but it does mean that if I do, I buy them at face value, not on what you say you'll add later. That means that I'm less likely to buy a game unless it is functionally complete as it sits because I don't trust the company to fulfil promises and obligations they make.
    Trollolol07 and Xxlifehunterxx like this.
  10. Xxlifehunterxx

    Xxlifehunterxx Star Wrangler

    Same here been waiting since 2014 like you said for a ps3 release of this game that turned into a supposed xbox one game preview that would had to have been released before July 22nd 2016 is when ver1.0 went online for pc now it is 2017 Mar 7th with no xbox one starbound release date in site and now cannot be on Xbox one game preview because it has already fully released on pc. Thanks for not letting your valued customers know what is going on for your empty promises.
    Trollolol07 likes this.
  11. redcondor123

    redcondor123 Void-Bound Voyager

    While I do believe they have dropped the ball on this one, perhaps sarcasm and rude accusations are not the best way to go about this. Perhaps we say something along the lines of "Chucklefish, you have promised us for this console release, and while we know that an older version has a limited functioning game preview, you want us to have the full experience. Your PC audience is currently the only audience being serviced, and while we the expecting console audience want to play your game, it may soon be time for us to move on and find something new, because we are no longer a noticed and affirmed audience. We love your game, but it is time to either release news in a console version, or let us go as a disappointed audience."
  12. Xxlifehunterxx

    Xxlifehunterxx Star Wrangler

    In my head that is exactly what I was trying to say.

    But I don't know if they even read these old forums anymore.
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 8, 2017
    Trollolol07 likes this.
  13. BreakingForce

    BreakingForce Big Damn Hero

    this is the exact reason that i don't think games companies in general and CFG in specific (BECAUSE of the already broken promises and delays in starbound's's a bad track record they don't need to remind people about. SB is a great game these days, but there's probably still a lot of lost trust and anger left over from before) SHOULD tease stuff like the xb1 port of starbound until it's actively in the pipe. i thought it was a mistake when they did it, further compounded when they had a semi-working version at whatever con they did that at. it raises expectations not just of the final product existing, but also of the prompt delivery of said final product. with such a small dev team, and with so much work left to go into the game, there was no realistic way that they'd get a fully-featured console port released within a reasonable timeframe. i think what they should've done was just keep it as a pc game that might eventually get a version developed for a console (it's an idea we're looking into, for sure!)...rather than tell people that "yes, we're totes also going to develop it for your console of choice, for realz!" and then not show any more evidence of that for several years.
    Xxlifehunterxx likes this.
  14. Trollolol07

    Trollolol07 Aquatic Astronaut

    small team, yes, but Astroneer has been lauched on both xbox one and pc by only 4 people.
    Xxlifehunterxx likes this.
  15. BreakingForce

    BreakingForce Big Damn Hero

    shrug. different game is different. for one, astroneer is still in early access for both xb1 and pc, so it's not "launched" really. so it's being designed from the beginning (or at least near to the beginning) for both console and pc simultaneously. also, the third person 3d view makes it more well-suited for a controller, as does the fact that there are only a handful of actions you can do at any given time (suck terrain, blow terrain, view backpack to build, etc), which is a contrast to sb (mine, wire, paint, scan, +10 hotslots and being able to use stuff from bags). further, it's easy in third person 3d to put a crosshair in the middle of the screen and make it so that wherever that points, you'll deform the terrain. it's not so easy in a 2d game to use a controller to direct where mining happens, or where your cursor is. it's possible, but it's...clunky with a controller. even beyond control issues, every time you submit an update for certification on xb1, it costs money. a good deal of money. so it's significantly more expensive to develop a game for consoles than it is for pc, as steam allows devs to push whatever through the platform with no further cost.
  16. Xxlifehunterxx

    Xxlifehunterxx Star Wrangler

    That's what I'm talking about they already released stardew Valley, astroneer, and soon war groove.
    They did it for Terraria long time ago. Also Starbound was supposed to be for Early Access game preview as of 2015 for Xbox One
    Last edited: Mar 14, 2017
  17. BreakingForce

    BreakingForce Big Damn Hero

    CFG didn't make terraria, and they go out of their way to make SB different from terraria, even at the expense of features SB players want (no map, etc etc). so they don't have access to the code needed to make SB behave the way terraria does on console, and even if they did, they might not want to achieve it the same way.

    as for the teaser blog post you posted, i hadn't seen that before. that said, it was also a mistake. it raised consumer expectation for it to happen, and when it hasn't in the intervening year, disappointment from the people who wanted it to happen has followed (evidenced by this thread). maybe they even were/are actively developing it, but the lack of further developer communication about it has hurt the game in the long run. i'm not saying that CFG shouldn't put SB on consoles, i'm saying that they shouldn't have told people about it and then had nothing more to say about it for a year+ with no obvious progress. especially with starbound's development track record (announced in 2012, so at least 5 years in development before "release").

    honestly, as a pc player, i have the bias that all the development time should be put into making the pc version of the game better and better, which is what seems to be happening. but they did promise an xb1 version at the very least, so they should keep people updated on what's happening with that. i'm sure that if they told people "well, we tried to get into the xb1 game preview program, but x happened, so we weren't able to at this time. will try again in x time." or "we pushed to get into the program, but the costs required to do so just weren't justified by consumer interest at this time" or something like that, players would be understanding, and would stick around hoping to hear more. rather than either drifting away to other games du jour because of lack of communication.
    Xxlifehunterxx likes this.
  18. Xxlifehunterxx

    Xxlifehunterxx Star Wrangler

    I completely agree, it also had a e3 2014 ps4 trailer that was the first time I was excited to get it for the PS4 now I got an Xbox One and I heard about the game preview a year and a few months later.
    Last edited: Mar 14, 2017
  19. Trollolol07

    Trollolol07 Aquatic Astronaut


    Chucklefish have said something on it !
    on a wargroove post on twitter, I said to them "maybe release Starbound on consoles, then talk about another game" and they said
    "we're working on it"

    pretty promising, right?
    Xxlifehunterxx likes this.
  20. Xxlifehunterxx

    Xxlifehunterxx Star Wrangler

    Nice most we got outta them sence the Xbox one game preview promise.

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