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Xbox One error download

Discussion in 'Support' started by RodrigoSpek, Feb 2, 2019.

  1. RodrigoSpek

    RodrigoSpek Lucky Number 13


    I am trying to download the game (xbox one) since yesterday, but i get error all time and i can't download the game. I am trying to re-download a lot of times but nothing... (code of error in xbox 0x80072F8F).

    Please help :'(
      BUNTA 66 likes this.
    • BUNTA 66

      BUNTA 66 Space Hobo

      • Shubeans

        Shubeans QA Wizard Chucklefish

        Hey guys!
        Xbox servers were down for a while, are you both still having issues with installing?
        • Barla007

          Barla007 Space Hobo

          The same problem
          • BUNTA 66

            BUNTA 66 Space Hobo

            • Shubeans

              Shubeans QA Wizard Chucklefish

              Xbox live has been down recently, and we're wondering if something has gone wrong during your purchase of the game.
              However, we're going to go ahead and do the annoying troubleshoot as well, which I know you must be tired of doing and I'm so sorry to put you through it.

              First up, have you made sure the to completely delete the saved data from the console?
              These are the steps to do it:
              - Close the game
              - Remove the save data: Highlight the game icon and press MENU button > Manage game & add-ons > Saved data > select the account > Delete everywhere (it will include the cloud save as well).
              - Disconnect the console from the Internet.
              - Launch the game without an Internet connection. With the Delete everywhere option the cloud save shouldn't a problem, but just in case...
              - Reach the point where it was failing and see if this time it works.
              - Connect the console to the Internet and reboot the game.

              Let me know if this works, if it doesn't we'll find some other horrible steps for you to go to :)
              • BUNTA 66

                BUNTA 66 Space Hobo

                sorry if I wrote It Badly I wanted to say that It installed yesterday. Maybe microsoft did something ?:nuruconfused:
                • Shubeans

                  Shubeans QA Wizard Chucklefish

                  ** Edit: Ignore me, I'm an idiot, you wont have saves if you can't install it.
                  • Shubeans

                    Shubeans QA Wizard Chucklefish

                    It's fine! I was responding to the other's that are still having trouble installing!
                    • RexVanquisher

                      RexVanquisher Space Hobo

                      SAME problem, I also can’t install the game on my Xbox or PC via Xbox Anyway. The download and install process just won’t start it’s stuck at 0%. The Xbox Live Core and Purchase Service is up and running as normal. Aware been issues recently but not now. I tried several times but no luck.

                      I bought the game but cannot download. No save data to delete or game as it’s just no there aside from holder icon yet let me know it’s ready to be installed.


                      Update: in manage game section, it was waiting in ‘Ready to install’ then selected ‘install all’, and it’s just go straight into installed section but there’s ‘installing....0.0%’ message, waiting for a good minute then message come up installation failed and it’s tries again and again.

                      Issues with my purchase being recognised for download to be started I think. There’s deffo plenty of spaces on my 4 TB external HDD.
                        Barla007 likes this.
                      • Barla007

                        Barla007 Space Hobo

                        El mismo problema es el que me sucede a mi desde su fecha de lanzamiento.
                        • RodrigoSpek

                          RodrigoSpek Lucky Number 13

                          Hi guys!

                          I have a solution!!! (it's very easy but maybe a little bad for someones...).

                          You have to try to download the game using another internet connection... I carried my xbox one to a friends house and I tried to download using my friends wifi, and it worked.... I don't understand why, but it worked...

                          Hope be usefull for all people with the problem...

                          PD - Para el que habla español, me llevé la consola a casa de unos amigos, y allí usando su wifi pude descargarlo sin problemas, prueba descargar el juego usando otra conexión wifi o con los datos del móvil.
                          • Shubeans

                            Shubeans QA Wizard Chucklefish

                            Well, good news is that we rolled out a fix last night with Microsoft. So hopefully everyone's should now be working!

                            If you reboot the xbox, hold down the power button down for 10 seconds, it should start downloading/launching correctly.
                            ..if it doesn't, then try the weird wifi thing, which is super weird.. but if it works it works! :D
                              Barla007 likes this.

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