Would I be able to submit an item I made into the game?

Discussion in 'Starbound FAQs, Q&A, and General Help' started by Arcane Arcade, Dec 16, 2016.

  1. Arcane Arcade

    Arcane Arcade Intergalactic Tourist

    I had been playing around in a pixel-art making website and I made a cool weapon (chakram.) I wondered if I could ask a staff if I had a chance at making my item in the game

    I made the item in: www.piskelapp.com

    I will be awaiting for a response :slowpoke:

    Attached Files:

  2. Its Lynx

    Its Lynx Master Chief

    It's nice to see more people trying out on pixel art, though you should work on shading, color details & borders, you'll probably find tutorials of this all over the place, and it's what makes your artwork go from okay to great.

    Though to answer your question, I don't think CF would be looking to add their own content and suggested items, rather playermade artwork.

    Also, note: If you want to make some items for Starbound, you really need to make sure your art fits into the the rest of the game, which is really major with pixel art. Everything needs to blend, and look smooth. However your choice of color shading on the ring itself does look pretty good.

    Keep practicing, you may not know it, but once you keep going your artwork gets better and better, always compare your new work to your old.

    I'm no legend at pixel art, but here's an example that I made in a few minutes based off your work.

    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 16, 2016
  3. Arcane Arcade

    Arcane Arcade Intergalactic Tourist

    Thanks man I will work on my project and hopefully it will look better!
  4. Arcane Arcade

    Arcane Arcade Intergalactic Tourist

    I recreated my item and I hope it's up to standards

    Attached Files:

  5. Its Lynx

    Its Lynx Master Chief

    It's not so much of being up to standards, as the standards should be set by you, all it takes is practice :)

    Do you have any software that you use, or are you looking into any? at the end of the day, you don't need any professional art software, for example, I'm still using paint.net, which is free, all you need to do is set it up so that it's pixel-art ready.
  6. Arcane Arcade

    Arcane Arcade Intergalactic Tourist

    I use www.piskelapp.com but no downloaded content that I use to create stuff.
  7. Yzzey

    Yzzey Heliosphere

    To answer your original question, no, the devs will not add it to the game. But fret not! I'm not sure if talking about this on the Sb forums is taboo, but behold the magic of...
    Alrighty, what you'll need is a copy of Starcheat and Silverfeelin's drawable generator. With those tools, you definitely can put your item in the game through modding magic, while still allowing people to see it in vanilla. There should be tutorials out there, but likely none on this site. My Drawable skills have gotten rusty so I can't help you, but I'd advise you to scale he sprite down to the same size as the in game starbound sprites, or it'll be too large when you hold it.
  8. ISaidNo2U

    ISaidNo2U Subatomic Cosmonaut

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