Words of FISHING encouragement...

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Mouseee, Apr 23, 2019.

  1. BentFX

    BentFX Cosmic Narwhal

    Myself, I wouldn't suggest fishing trash to level up. Fishing level 1 takes 30 trash items, then level 2 takes like another 90... Just go to the mountain lake and fish. Carp are dead easy, and the others are good practice. Fish trash is only good practice for catching trash. A slightly bigger bar will only make fishing easier if you're actually focusing on fishing.

    I know it's an unpopular opinion, but it's true.
      WilliamZ likes this.
    • UnexpectedParole

      UnexpectedParole Phantasmal Quasar

      I agree with BentFX.

      If one can manage to catch 3 fish during the day at the farm with a ton of trash, the fisherman would be better off at the mountain lake fishing for carp and catching the odd bullhead or chub while still puling a bit of trash and algae now and again.

      I however, am still not sure how I would make the amounts of money fishing that some folks have reported. I can fairly reliably -if I keep my morning of the 2nd routine short- get to Willy and the mountain lake with enough time to fish for lvl 2 by the end of day 2 with enough fish sold for 1800 to buy the rod on day 3. But day 3 and 4 and 5 I don't make enough to buy the best rod. -And not enough to buy any rods for that matter, it's just enough for seeds. I've even tried holding off selling my fishes until reaching lvl 5 to get the 25% bonus, and that if I recall correctly was an increase from 4000 to 5000. Several days after. not enough for the best rod at 7500 within the first week. Obviously I have pathing and schedule issues to work on too, but my fishing skill is not at all good enough to catch the catfish where the money is. I have to walk further to the mountain lake to fish for easier fish..
        Last edited: May 1, 2019
      • WilliamZ

        WilliamZ Phantasmal Quasar

        I play on PC and I use the gamepad for almost everything, the only time that I use the mouse is for manage my crops and for fishing, is a little easier to fishing with the mouse
        • Jay221

          Jay221 Yeah, You!

          I watch my friend stream it and he's in a wheelchair and has deformed hands. Honestly I'm amazed he can play games well at all but I keep encouraging him to stick the fishing out cuz that's the hardest for him cuz he doesn't have the ability to keep the bar on the fish that well with his hands the way they are but he keeps trying and he finally got to level 2 fishing so thats cool
          • laura264

            laura264 Aquatic Astronaut

            I started a new game....mostly because I was tired of being married to Sebastian and to cheap to divorce him. lol Fishing seems a LOT easier the second time around. I don't know, maybe I'm stressing less about it. I hold down the left clicker on my mouse longer and just let the bar float up and down where it wants. Also, and this is going against all the advice I've seen online, I find fishing in the beginning is easier in the river in the near the montains vs. the secret woods.

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