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Bug/Issue Won't switch back to English translation

Discussion in 'Support' started by BeeGirl207, Mar 11, 2019.

  1. BeeGirl207

    BeeGirl207 Orbital Explorer

    I beta'd in French and today switched back to English, but it only worked half-way. To be clear, I downloaded the newest version and switched out of the beta. The name of items, and often the Energy/Health stats, will be in English, but the descriptive text is still in French. Likewise for the television programs: all are displayed in French, all begin in French, but sometimes the second or third screen is in English. At a recent festival, half of the responses were in French, half in English. When I attempt to select "English" on the main menu, it doesn't make a noise like the other choices do, and it doesn't change the words on the main menu, unlike all the other language choices. This is forcing me to be quick-thinking and is probably good for my French studies, but a little concerning. I'm running about 30 mods and haven't tried it without those yet, but it seems to be a deeper issue than that?
    • BeeGirl207

      BeeGirl207 Orbital Explorer

      Alrighty, so I took all of my mods out of the game, loaded it, and everything looked good. Then I put them all back into the game, loaded it, and it looked good. So maybe that's all that I needed to do, but I wanted to give a conclusion to my previous post. I know nothing.

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