Hi there, a cumulation of divine cute forces between @Jinxiewinxie and I have allowed the creation of really cute, fabulous farm that makes it more like a home! I made the tiles and she put together the map n.n UPDATE on 7/2 @ 10:49 A.M. PST: SMAPI VERSION NOW WITH GRANDPA MEMORIAL and its ARCHWAY NOW CONFIGURABLE. The config won't update until you load your game once, and then next you should exit. Open the config file and the option for grandpa's memorial will show up, it will by default be set to "false" so you want to then set it to "true." If farmstand is set to "false" on config now shipping bin remains with lid intact. attached is a simple but pretty farm.xnb that looks good with this smapi mod. It is not mandatory and is strictly optional. **slight edit 6/26: NEW: fixed the optional farm.xnb ; made the big pond cuter based on @Hitgirl911 's GreenFarm Map.* cleaned up cliff perimeter, removed small pond, removed fencing on the right to allow player to put their own fencing there for consistency in fencing throughout the farm. check how it looks under the spoiler. [*] [*] Also, looking for green grass all over your farm but not the entire map? Check out @Advize 's mod here: Yellow Dirt Removal Alteration OVERALL Features: A Farmstand Store [w/ the use of Jinxie's storage bin movement SMAPI mod the bin is replaced with the register] **** Seasonal tile sheets that change! -Spring, Summer, Fall and Winter all have their own unique attributes- (color coding on the words above sorta akin to the color scheme found in each season) Changes on: a patio swing, a tree swing, a cute picnic area, archways to patio entrance and north and south entrances, the farmstand itself, dog area [updated w/ dog house and better rug and bowls and super too cute] (can fill bowls in smapi version). A working grill! A working radio! Farm itself is pretty cleaned up around the perimeter. A bridge over the south pound Grandpa's memorial - Custom layout of planter/stone tiles I made. To emphasize fruit trees and flowers to be grown by your grandfather's shrine. Surrounded by a hedge fence that changes with the seasons. **NEW (7/2)** SMAPI VERSION: Mod gives player ability to choose to use a variety of farm.xnbs including TFE mod. Comes integrated with Jinx's MoveShippingContainer mod. (So no need to download it.) Allows player to config several key features to show up on farm or not. Telescope with several spacy quotes. Ability to fill pet bowls. large archways are NOT included in this version, so it is not apart of the configurable features. SMAPI UPDATE: - fixed head clipping when walking shipping container. config allow player to have a regular shipping bin with its lid if they chose. - added configurable greenhouse archway opening: credit to: @eemie for the wisteria tree used. .XNB REPLACEMENT DIRECTIONS: Firstly, this farm map/farm.xnb overwrites the original in the map folder [so please back your shit up]. Secondly, his mod requires to: add four new files/.xnb's (spring_festivals, summer_festivals, fall_festivals and winter_festivals) to the maps folder. and adding one file (spring_festivals.xnb) to the content folder itself. **** IMPORTANT IF YOU USE .XNB REPLACEMENTS: ****: You need to download the MoveShippingBinMod and can be found in the thread a couple of posts down or directly getting there through here (otherwise this mod will have a shipping bin cover on top of your storefront): Post no. 7 by Jinxie has said file o: Next, you need to edit the config file and put the following in: Code: { "xPositionOnMapOfNewShippingOption": 74, "yPositionOnMapOfNewShippingOption": 15, "FarmMapAlreadyChangesShippingBinLid": true, "FarmMapAlreadyChangesShippingBinBottom": true } --------------------- SMAPI DIRECTIONS: Download. Install in Mods folder. Open config. Choose features. NOTE: It is not recommended to use the .xnb replacement version with the SMAPI version at the same time. DOWNLOAD .XNB REPLACEMENTS AND SMAPI VERSION BOTH ATTACHED BELOW. VERY NICE, TAKE A LOOK: A SMAPI underground cellar connected to your house! Coded by Jinx and designed by me with custom tiles I made in PhotoShop CS15 and put together in tIDE! n.n http://community.playstarbound.com/threads/smapi-underground-house-cellar-what.115735/ (Screenshot updated 7/2 @ 2:43 P.M. PST) Derp derp face and dog area Spring-time picnic. One of four looks of the year
This looks so awesome~ So I downloaded it and installed it but when I opened my game the shipping box (the top) can still be seen. Before I installed this, I had smooth farm lite and I forgot to remove the tiles at the corner of the house. I removed them, restarted but the top is still there and it's bothering me (Also what house mod do you use? It looks nice !)
Haha, I bet I'm glad it's done though technically it's been a month long process that we dished out finally in the last couple of days ahah. Hihi! I'm glad you like this, sorry i knew I should of updated the first post with this (and will edit now), but what you want to do to get rid of the shipping lid is download this by Jinxie: (idk if it's defaulted for others who download it, but that's to get rid of it on the the farmstand) SmoothFarm | General cleanup & farm map overhauls. Lots of choices to choose from. and then put this in your config: Code: { "xPositionOnMapOfNewShippingOption": 74, "yPositionOnMapOfNewShippingOption": 15, "FarmMapAlreadyChangesShippingBinLid": true, "FarmMapAlreadyChangesShippingBinBottom": true } Right now I'm using http://community.playstarbound.com/...r-boxes-barns-coops-more-updated-3-24.110123/ But I'm also trying to edit how it looks, slowly:
I've attached the mod right here so its easier to find. Once you put it in your mods folder, change the condfig to what Tainted said: { "xPositionOnMapOfNewShippingOption": 73, "yPositionOnMapOfNewShippingOption": 13, "FarmMapAlreadyChangesShippingBinLid": true, "FarmMapAlreadyChangesShippingBinBottom": true }
Sorry, early and issues with tIDE but really me because somehow I'm dumb and deleted my houses.xnb after I posted on here hahahaha @Hitgirl911 - Sorry what do you mean other colors? Like the other seasons? but yeah, i guess i can use this as w.i.p. screens for the cellar: <<isn't it beautiful. I had to edit the house by stretching it out another pixel because the grass was poking through radio, kitchen, watersource, lamplight and downstairs (as of rn only seasonal growplace) all work and some little messages here and there. edit: lolol, you can fill up your watering can at the sink too n.n
So quick question, if I was to install this, would it remove all the trees, rocks, sticks, and crops?
It would not remove pre-exhisting fruit trees or crops. Idk how jinxie has the the pathing of debris go but all your important stuff should be fine. Also should mention that the farm has the gate on the right pushed another square out as well.
Might I suggest going onto the build layer and adding those tiles to it where the house is located? This way if you're using a house mod that is transparent in those places it doesn't just look like a random patch of grass.
JInxie is looking into the ground after I made a wood tile that would load on the ground besides the cellar thru smapi She sent me a test file but I have yet to look at ;-; (husband stole my comp)
I don't get it. Can you say this again but in smaller words somehow? ^_^ I haven't used any house mods, what part is showing through? Should that part use a different tile? Which tile? (like, the stone stuff or the lighter green grass ones so they match better or or or?
Oh wait a minute. Like, right next to where the cellar would go? I should make just the whole "foundation" of the house a specific tile so it matches better maybe?
Oh, sorry, hun. I gotta learn not to make posts when I first wake up and I don't have all my words yet! Okay, let's take the house mod that I use an an example. Farmer's Home by Hanamoshi. Do you see how there's a transparency where the window is for that little side greenhouse? Also how it doesn't really fit the standard farmer's house block shape? Well, because the junk on the map where your house would be is on a building layer (presumably to keep you from just walking through your house like it didn't exist) it shows up in front of the tiles on the back layer. Those tiles being the, well, cobblestone tiles you set up. Now, by doing what I mentioned above and adding those cobblestone tiles to the build layer of the map you can prevent what would look like a graphical glitch to most. (Ignoring the orange patches of grass, that's because I use the greener fall grass mod. I've gone into the tile sheets and changed that on my own.) Tadah! Side Note: You might notice my farm looks a bit different from yours. That's because I went into it and changed stuff around to suit my needs. Like making the patio smaller because I keep my horse stable back there. You can see the stable overlapping on the patio table in the before picture. d:
hey guys! we figured it out! jinx modded the ground to take the wood tile as a ground tile! I plan to do make a sheet of diff colored cellars with the wood accompaniment that people can edit and repack to match they're suiting. I also plan to do a less girlish wall colors. Like still green because its my favorite, but blues...er, grey? On the custom tile sheet itself I have a lot more room to add stuff and there's a lot of various colored tiles I made for people like you, Sheet, that can edit their own tIDE maps.
@sheet, damn, i like your cute set up you're doing @___@ i honestly don't know where to put my stable now. and the cellar seems like it would universally look nice on all houses!