Dev Blog Witchmarsh: Daily Update #15

Discussion in 'Developer Updates' started by Pirate-rob, Dec 15, 2017.

  1. Pirate-rob

    Pirate-rob Phantasmal Quasar

    Greetings investigators!

    So today was the last day I work on Witchmarsh before heading out on vacation, though, surprisingly no bug fixing today. Today was mostly upgrading the dialogue system to have more options for WM's writer (Lou) to utilise.

    Today's Progress:
    - Added some features to dialogue.

    And that's it for this year, thank you very much for everyone who's read these, and thank you for your patience.
    I look forward to continuing these updates in January :)
    • Captain Rage

      Captain Rage Phantasmal Quasar

      Merry Christmas and happy holidays! Also, happy new year! :nod:
        Pirate-rob likes this.

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