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Outdated Wired Pump UG U2 P664 - 1

A simple liquid pump that can be wired to be turned on and off

  1. BloodyRain2k

    BloodyRain2k Pangalactic Porcupine

    BloodyRain2k submitted a new mod:

    Wired Pump - A simple liquid pump that can be wired to be turned on and off

    Read more about this mod...
    TheFloranChef and Fleder like this.
  2. Fleder

    Fleder Pangalactic Porcupine

    Hi there, is this working with the latest stable 666?
  3. jaspercayne

    jaspercayne Void-Bound Voyager

    Works great on the latest stable version, I only request if there is any way we could get them moving vertically as well?
    Fleder likes this.
  4. Markelius

    Markelius Space Kumquat

    What do these look like? How do you use them? Do you just wire them to each other? I'd like to try this but the description isn't very.. well, descriptive.
  5. jaspercayne

    jaspercayne Void-Bound Voyager

    Not really no. They can only be placed horizontally, and you wire them to something else to act as the trigger. I've made a water tower with a moisture sensor in the top and a single pipe in the bottom corner wired to it. That way when the sensor detects that the tower is full, it activates the pipe which will then output liquid until the sensor deactivates. So far as appearances, it looks like a pipe.... With a little arrow on it to tell you which side is input and which is output. The arrow does light up once the pipe is powered to let you know it is working. If you wanted to make a more complicated system, I believe you can just place the pipes next to each other and they will keep moving the liquid down the line until it reaches the last pipe, at which point it gets spit out the side. If I'm not clear enough just let me know and I'll see about posting some screenshots.
  6. Fleder

    Fleder Pangalactic Porcupine

    that would be great!
  7. jaspercayne

    jaspercayne Void-Bound Voyager

    Alright, so lets see how this works then. I can probably whip up a more complicated system if a different example is requested, but I figure simplistic examples allow you to understand yet still give enough to have you able to dream up your own complex environments.

    ^ I'm pointing my flashlight at the pipe itself to try and make it easier to see. I can drain the tower if it is still too difficult, but I believe this should be sufficient. The arrow on the pipe will point to whichever direction the flow will move in. You can see just a little bit of the irrigation tunnel that leads to the main reservoir underground right next to my farm there.

    ^ That is my water tower without wiring. It is small, and crappy, and I couldn't care less. I have a reservoir underground that is catching the drainage so I don't need to store it anywhere because I can barely keep up with all the water. It rains a whole lot on this planet and I figured this would be a good way to trap it for later usage. If I can figure out what to do with almost ten thousand units of water....

    ^ Shot of the wiring. It really is quite simple as you can see. When the water tower fills enough that the moisture sensor up top detects fluid, it sends a signal to the pipe which will then drain it out the right hand side. It just falls down a little bit and enters my irrigation tunnel which then leads it into my underground reservoir/cavern/thing. If a different example is requested I will see what I can do to accommodate it.
    Fleder likes this.
  8. Fleder

    Fleder Pangalactic Porcupine

    thanks for your pictures.

    is it possible to get water form A to B with those pumps or do they only get water from their left side to the right side of themselves?
  9. jaspercayne

    jaspercayne Void-Bound Voyager

    The big issue I am seeing so far is the fact that the pumps cannot be placed unless there is a background tile behind them. I will play around a little and see if I can come up with another example that might be slightly more complicated than this one. Just be warned that it may end up being a royal mess as I often just make things work and then pretty them up after.

    EDIT: Well it turns out that I am having a more difficult time than I thought with wiring things up the way I wanted. If anyone else wants to take the plunge and build something awesome, please be my guest. Apparently I am not so good with complicated wiring setups... Yet...
    Last edited: Feb 26, 2015
  10. Horstj

    Horstj Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Hi, I'd like to take this over. Update for 1.0+ and maybe expand a little. May I?
    If so, are there any requrements I shall fulfill (special permissions, license etc)?
    I would of cause give you credit.

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