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RELEASED WIP: Explorer Pod Vehicle 1.3.2

A exploration porpuse vehicle so u can fly and dive alrough.

  1. Iroaseta

    Iroaseta Guest

    I bring bad news! Well, Starbound 1.2 just hit and it seems like your mod is outdated and need some tweaking!

    EDIT: Don't worry, now I bring good news! You have to change the following parameter in vehiclecursor.lua for it to work again since it's changed in Starbound 1.2.

    Removed activeItemAnimation.animationParameter (replaced with animationConfig.animationParameter)

    ACTUALLY, if you're using anything that comes from the vanilla asset, you don't have to include it again in your mod unless you're replacing it. And that sort of caused every other vanilla / vehicle mod / mech mod lost their red / green highlight before you summon it.
    I tried deleting the vehiclecursor.lua, vehiclecontroller.lua and some other stuffs that came from vanilla which have the same vanilla names as well and the mod still works.

    Oh, you can delete the .modinfo now! metadata had replaced it.

    I hope you'll update this soon!
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 19, 2016
  2. Silverforte

    Silverforte Spaceman Spiff

    I'm noticing a problem with this mod since 1.2. I left my vehicle somewhere on the outpost, walked off, teleported away, came back a few minutes later and it was gone. I couldn't resummon or call it back.
  3. Plex_Director

    Plex_Director Pangalactic Porcupine

    That's unsurprising: Stuff left at the Outpost will be lost once you leave there, because the Outpost is an instance world and therefore changes do not get saved.
    It loads the same every time you visit there.
    Your vehicle, thus, is lost... but do not fret, fellow Starbounder!
    You should be able to "repair" it through Rob Repairo for auto chips back at the junkyard. Pop your vehicle spawner in there and give that a try.
    It worked for me several times when I lost my explorer pod in an asteroid field.
    Silverforte likes this.
  4. LoPhatKao

    LoPhatKao Space Kumquat

    well, since @luki3m has hidden away somewhere and this needs to be fixed - i did so, as it was causing problems for other vehicle mods (mainly mine :p)

    download the zip (why cant i upload the pak?!), unzip the included explorerpods.pak file to your Starbound\mods folder

    no need to unsubscribe from Explorerpod mod, placing the pak in the mods folder will override the steam version
    when lukky updates mod, just delete the pak from mods folder to use the updated steam one

    Attached Files:

  5. Shepsus

    Shepsus Void-Bound Voyager

    This is GREAT! This is my FIRST mod! I am excited to start playing around with it.

    **One minor thing Your "Glitch Explorer Pod" is labeled as "Avian". I just downloaded it a minute ago and logged in to see it. There IS two Avian Explorer - One Avian, the other is a castle, I.e. Glitch. I think it is just a mistype, but figured I should let you know.
  6. Plex_Director

    Plex_Director Pangalactic Porcupine

    Thanks LoPhatKao! That fix is mighty fine and as long as the original authors are absent (or unwilling to continue their project) I'll be using your version.

    And @Shepsus: With LPK's fix above the mislabeled Glitch pod will get its proper name.
    Shadowstitch and Shepsus like this.
  7. xaliber

    xaliber Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Hiya LoPhatKao,

    If you still have the time for the mod, I've just noticed a long warning log with ExplorerPod

    [18:41:09.323] [Warn] Unique status effect 'sbiomeprotect' not found in status effect database
    [18:41:09.340] [Warn] Unique status effect 'sbiomeprotect' not found in status effect database
    [18:41:09.340] [Warn] Unique status effect 'sbiomeprotect' not found in status effect database
    [18:41:09.340] [Warn] Unique status effect 'sbiomeprotect' not found in status effect database
    [18:41:09.340] [Warn] Unique status effect 'sbiomeprotect' not found in status effect database
    [18:41:09.341] [Warn] Unique status effect 'sbiomeprotect' not found in status effect database
    [18:41:09.356] [Warn] Unique status effect 'sbiomeprotect' not found in status effect database
    [18:41:09.356] [Warn] Unique status effect 'sbiomeprotect' not found in status effect database
    [18:41:09.356] [Warn] Unique status effect 'sbiomeprotect' not found in status effect database
    [18:41:09.356] [Warn] Unique status effect 'sbiomeprotect' not found in status effect database
    [18:41:09.357] [Warn] Unique status effect 'sbiomeprotect' not found in status effect database
    [18:41:09.372] [Warn] Unique status effect 'sbiomeprotect' not found in status effect database
    [18:41:09.372] [Warn] Unique status effect 'sbiomeprotect' not found in status effect database
    [18:41:09.372] [Warn] Unique status effect 'sbiomeprotect' not found in status effect database
    [18:41:09.372] [Warn] Unique status effect 'sbiomeprotect' not found in status effect database
    [18:41:09.372] [Warn] Unique status effect 'sbiomeprotect' not found in status effect database
    [18:41:09.388] [Warn] Unique status effect 'sbiomeprotect' not found in status effect database
    [18:41:09.388] [Warn] Unique status effect 'sbiomeprotect' not found in status effect database
    [18:41:09.388] [Warn] Unique status effect 'sbiomeprotect' not found in status effect database
    [18:41:09.388] [Warn] Unique status effect 'sbiomeprotect' not found in status effect database
    [18:41:09.388] [Warn] Unique status effect 'sbiomeprotect' not found in status effect database
    [18:41:09.388] [Warn] Unique status effect 'sbiomeprotect' not found in status effect database
    [18:41:09.389] [Warn] Unique status effect 'sbiomeprotect' not found in status effect database
    [18:41:09.405] [Warn] Unique status effect 'sbiomeprotect' not found in status effect database
    [18:41:09.405] [Warn] Unique status effect 'sbiomeprotect' not found in status effect database
    [18:41:09.405] [Warn] Unique status effect 'sbiomeprotect' not found in status effect database
    [18:41:09.405] [Warn] Unique status effect 'sbiomeprotect' not found in status effect database
    [18:41:09.406] [Warn] Unique status effect 'sbiomeprotect' not found in status effect database
    [18:41:09.420] [Warn] Unique status effect 'sbiomeprotect' not found in status effect database
    [18:41:09.420] [Warn] Unique status effect 'sbiomeprotect' not found in status effect database
    [18:41:09.420] [Warn] Unique status effect 'sbiomeprotect' not found in status effect database
    [18:41:09.420] [Warn] Unique status effect 'sbiomeprotect' not found in status effect database
    [18:41:09.420] [Warn] Unique status effect 'sbiomeprotect' not found in status effect database
    [18:41:09.438] [Warn] Unique status effect 'sbiomeprotect' not found in status effect database
    [18:41:09.438] [Warn] Unique status effect 'sbiomeprotect' not found in status effect database
    [18:41:09.438] [Warn] Unique status effect 'sbiomeprotect' not found in status effect database
    [18:41:09.438] [Warn] Unique status effect 'sbiomeprotect' not found in status effect database
    [18:41:09.439] [Warn] Unique status effect 'sbiomeprotect' not found in status effect database
    [18:41:09.452] [Warn] Unique status effect 'sbiomeprotect' not found in status effect database
    [18:41:09.452] [Warn] Unique status effect 'sbiomeprotect' not found in status effect database
    [18:41:09.452] [Warn] Unique status effect 'sbiomeprotect' not found in status effect database
    [18:41:09.452] [Warn] Unique status effect 'sbiomeprotect' not found in status effect database
    [18:41:09.453] [Warn] Unique status effect 'sbiomeprotect' not found in status effect database
    [18:41:09.469] [Warn] Unique status effect 'sbiomeprotect' not found in status effect database
    [18:41:09.469] [Warn] Unique status effect 'sbiomeprotect' not found in status effect database
    [18:41:09.469] [Warn] Unique status effect 'sbiomeprotect' not found in status effect database
    [18:41:09.469] [Warn] Unique status effect 'sbiomeprotect' not found in status effect database
    [18:41:09.469] [Warn] Unique status effect 'sbiomeprotect' not found in status effect database
    [18:41:09.487] [Warn] Unique status effect 'sbiomeprotect' not found in status effect database
    [18:41:09.487] [Warn] Unique status effect 'sbiomeprotect' not found in status effect database
    [18:41:09.487] [Warn] Unique status effect 'sbiomeprotect' not found in status effect database
    [18:41:09.487] [Warn] Unique status effect 'sbiomeprotect' not found in status effect database
    [18:41:09.487] [Warn] Unique status effect 'sbiomeprotect' not found in status effect database
    [18:41:09.501] [Warn] Unique status effect 'sbiomeprotect' not found in status effect database
    [18:41:09.501] [Warn] Unique status effect 'sbiomeprotect' not found in status effect database
    [18:41:09.501] [Warn] Unique status effect 'sbiomeprotect' not found in status effect database
    [18:41:09.501] [Warn] Unique status effect 'sbiomeprotect' not found in status effect database
    [18:41:09.502] [Warn] Unique status effect 'sbiomeprotect' not found in status effect database
    [18:41:09.517] [Warn] Unique status effect 'sbiomeprotect' not found in status effect database
    [18:41:09.517] [Warn] Unique status effect 'sbiomeprotect' not found in status effect database
    [18:41:09.517] [Warn] Unique status effect 'sbiomeprotect' not found in status effect database
    [18:41:09.517] [Warn] Unique status effect 'sbiomeprotect' not found in status effect database
    [18:41:09.518] [Warn] Unique status effect 'sbiomeprotect' not found in status effect database
    [18:41:09.535] [Warn] Unique status effect 'sbiomeprotect' not found in status effect database
    [18:41:09.535] [Warn] Unique status effect 'sbiomeprotect' not found in status effect database
    [18:41:09.535] [Warn] Unique status effect 'sbiomeprotect' not found in status effect database
    [18:41:09.535] [Warn] Unique status effect 'sbiomeprotect' not found in status effect database
    [18:41:09.536] [Warn] Unique status effect 'sbiomeprotect' not found in status effect database
    [18:41:09.550] [Warn] Unique status effect 'sbiomeprotect' not found in status effect database
    [18:41:09.550] [Warn] Unique status effect 'sbiomeprotect' not found in status effect database
    [18:41:09.550] [Warn] Unique status effect 'sbiomeprotect' not found in status effect database
    [18:41:09.550] [Warn] Unique status effect 'sbiomeprotect' not found in status effect database
    [18:41:09.550] [Warn] Unique status effect 'sbiomeprotect' not found in status effect database
    [18:41:09.550] [Warn] Unique status effect 'sbiomeprotect' not found in status effect database
    [18:41:09.551] [Warn] Unique status effect 'sbiomeprotect' not found in status effect database
    [18:41:09.566] [Warn] Unique status effect 'sbiomeprotect' not found in status effect database
    [18:41:09.566] [Warn] Unique status effect 'sbiomeprotect' not found in status effect database
    [18:41:09.566] [Warn] Unique status effect 'sbiomeprotect' not found in status effect database
    [18:41:09.566] [Warn] Unique status effect 'sbiomeprotect' not found in status effect database
    [18:41:09.567] [Warn] Unique status effect 'sbiomeprotect' not found in status effect database
    [18:41:09.583] [Warn] Unique status effect 'sbiomeprotect' not found in status effect database
    [18:41:09.583] [Warn] Unique status effect 'sbiomeprotect' not found in status effect database
    [18:41:09.583] [Warn] Unique status effect 'sbiomeprotect' not found in status effect database
    [18:41:09.583] [Warn] Unique status effect 'sbiomeprotect' not found in status effect database
    [18:41:09.584] [Warn] Unique status effect 'sbiomeprotect' not found in status effect database
    [18:41:09.599] [Warn] Unique status effect 'sbiomeprotect' not found in status effect database
    [18:41:09.599] [Warn] Unique status effect 'sbiomeprotect' not found in status effect database
    [18:41:09.599] [Warn] Unique status effect 'sbiomeprotect' not found in status effect database
    [18:41:09.599] [Warn] Unique status effect 'sbiomeprotect' not found in status effect database
    [18:41:09.600] [Warn] Unique status effect 'sbiomeprotect' not found in status effect database
    [18:41:09.615] [Warn] Unique status effect 'sbiomeprotect' not found in status effect database
    [18:41:09.615] [Warn] Unique status effect 'sbiomeprotect' not found in status effect database
    [18:41:09.616] [Warn] Unique status effect 'sbiomeprotect' not found in status effect database
    [18:41:09.616] [Warn] Unique status effect 'sbiomeprotect' not found in status effect database

    I did a quick search with Notepad++ and I see the .vehicle files seem to have these lines:

    "passengerSeat" : {
          "part" : "foreground",
          "partAnchor" : "passengerSeatPosition",
          "orientation" : "sit",
          "statusEffects" : ["maxprotection", "liquidimmunity", "sbiomeprotect"],
          "emote" : "neutral",
          "dance" : "typing"
  8. Zhaylin

    Zhaylin Aquatic Astronaut

    I don't know much about xml and file folders and such. I installed the mod, bought the 40k pod (rofl, I should've experimented first) and whenever I try to add it to my hotbar the game crashes..
    Any easy steps/fix for a noob like me?

    I go to my D drive (where the game is), SteamLibrary, Steamapps, Common, Starbound.... Under mods is an unreadable "page" that says "Mods go here". I've searched for explorerpod and couldn't find anything downloaded as that.

    I downloaded the RAR file, then 7-zip. I unsubscribed from the mod, unzipped the rar then placed the whole folder in my Starbound mod folder.
    I loaded the game and I lagged a little when I moved the pod to my hotbar. I didn't crash though. I went to a planet to try it out. It lags a lot initially (I thought it was stalled out before I even got off the ground lol), but then it's smooth flying... until I get out and back in. SOmetimes I just sit there for a bit, unable to move. Once I get off the ground, everything seems fine. I haven't pushed the speed or anything yet though. This was just a short jaunt to see if it would work.
    For those having trouble, you might want to try this.
    If anyone has any better tips I am all ears :)
    Last edited: Mar 25, 2017
  9. Geistertanz

    Geistertanz Tentacle Wrangler


    First of all a huge thanks to both the original mod creators and LoPhatKao for patching it to 1.2.3.

    It works like a charm!

    The one thing I have a problem with is the color of the vanilla/human explorer pod. I think the color choice is odd for a human vessel in the Starbound universe.

    So I went ahead and changed the color to be closer to the human ship design.


    It is not a perfect match in any way (I just used paint.net to change the color to red and then removed the reddish tint from the windows by lowering the saturation), but I prefer it over the blue version.

    I will add the changed sprites and the modded version to this post.

    explorerpod.png explorerpodbackground.png explorerpodcontroller.png explorerpodforeground.png

    Attached Files:

    Strangemind and OzonSF like this.
  10. DraikNova

    DraikNova Spaceman Spiff

    So, does this one still work with 1.2.3?
  11. OzonSF

    OzonSF Phantasmal Quasar

    Yup, it does
  12. DraikNova

    DraikNova Spaceman Spiff

    Well, in that case, I guess I'm going to be putting these in my garage tomorrow.

    PYROxSYCO Space Hobo

    Maybe you should upload it to the Steam Workshop. Or I might.
  14. LoPhatKao

    LoPhatKao Space Kumquat

    the fixed version I posted above still works with 1.3
    happy hunting :D
    Pukitaki likes this.
  15. MottSpott

    MottSpott Void-Bound Voyager

    I was worried! Thanks again, LoPhatKao!

    Luki3m, we miss you!

    PYROxSYCO Space Hobo

    Can you please post to the Steam Workshop? "Until" he gets back? Or take it on for yourself.
  17. LoPhatKao

    LoPhatKao Space Kumquat

    working on it , it'll be a hotfix that will require explorerpods to be subscribed, then just overwrite the 'bad' files

    edit: here it is
    Last edited: Jun 13, 2017
  18. Oscartroop55

    Oscartroop55 Big Damn Hero

    Work in 1.3?
  19. luki3m

    luki3m Phantasmal Quasar

    Hi guys, i want to return with the mod, but some stuff has changed on the game so i'll have to look about the fixes for the mod, i'll ask for help here in the communit, since i don't know much about the coding stuff.

    I did finish the apex sprites, human, and also some recolors to the basic explorerpod, red, green, and khaki, and the blue elso, i'll keep it :rofl:, i just need to do the floran pod now, i'm looking for inspirations, i thinking aboud doing it a mix of human and apex pod, and i want to release a new update, when i finish all the pods, and fix all the buts cuz of the current version of the game.

    this is how human pod are looking right now
  20. Psieonic

    Psieonic Void-Bound Voyager

    Hey luki! :) I've been fiddling with this mod a lot over the past couple of days, fixing problems and adjusting it for my own tastes. I see you've asked for help with the scripting however, and I'd be happy to contribute if you would like!
    xaliber and luki3m like this.

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