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Wineskin wrapper for Mac

Discussion in 'Support' started by DandoCalrissian, Mar 8, 2016.

  1. giottoblue

    giottoblue Space Hobo

    Thanks for the response! How do I install a game from the library page though? There's nothing really on that page right now. Sorry if these are obvious questions...

    Here's what I can see: http://imgur.com/RzYPpLL
    • DandoCalrissian

      DandoCalrissian Astral Cartographer

      This might seem silly, but did you purchase Stardew on Steam already? It looks like there aren't any games available even though you are online. If you did purchase it, do you see it in Steam on your Mac? Try viewing the Games filter in that Library bar if it isn't showing up since the Mac version automatically filters out Windows games.
      • giottoblue

        giottoblue Space Hobo

        Haha this is what I meant by obvious questions! For whatever reason, I thought that I had to purchase SV through the wrapper version of Steam, and that's what was confusing me. So I should buy it on my regular Mac version, and then it will show up in the wrapper? I wasn't sure if I should do that because the one other game I have on Steam (for Mac) isn't showing up in the wrapper, but if Steam filters by OS I guess that makes sense.
        • firedrake368

          firedrake368 Void-Bound Voyager

          Okay so I think I'm running into the same issues that a few other people on here have been having. I went through the whole process and it worked great, I was able to play with no issues but after I closed it and then went back to it I couldn't get it to work. I tried clicking on the chicken icon and it wouldn't do anything. I tried the icons for Stardew and Steam that were made after I went through the set up process (these right here):
          And both of them would just give me this:

          I tried restarting my computer and nothing changed, and I also tried going through the wrapper set up process again and while I could get Steam working on it again I couldn't get the actual game going.

          Honestly most of these issues are probably just because this is my first time using Wineskin and I have no idea what I'm doing :C But if you have any advice I would really appreciate it!
          • DandoCalrissian

            DandoCalrissian Astral Cartographer

            Ah! Yeah, once you buy it on Steam it will show up anywhere that you log in (assuming it's for the proper OS). So, buy it on your Mac, and then you will see it in the wrapper to install. I did it this way and it worked as expected!
            • DandoCalrissian

              DandoCalrissian Astral Cartographer

              Hm. Right-click the wrapper, hit Show Package Contents, then double-click Advanced. What is in the Windows EXE text field? It should be pointing at the Steam.exe in the wrapper. After that is set, you should just be able to double-click the wrapper and have it run properly.
              • giottoblue

                giottoblue Space Hobo

                It's working!! You are the BEST, dude! Thank you so much for your help/patience. You just made my spring break 100x better <3

                As a note to other forum-goers, if a computer-stupid person like me can make this work, you probably can, too.
                  DandoCalrissian likes this.
                • -GJ-

                  -GJ- Void-Bound Voyager

                  Yeah sure! But it just shows this and nothing else (been waiting for 10 minutes now). I'm on the regular M395.

                  edit: An hour and 15 minutes later it still says the same.
                    Last edited: Mar 14, 2016
                  • Chibi88

                    Chibi88 Aquatic Astronaut

                    Is there a way to play SW in Full Screen?
                    • firedrake368

                      firedrake368 Void-Bound Voyager

                      Alright that did the trick! Thank you so much for all your help and for figuring out how to play this game on the Mac.
                        DandoCalrissian likes this.
                      • johnnyAppleSeed

                        johnnyAppleSeed Seal Broken

                        Hi Dando,
                        Thanks for the post works amazingly well. I just had issues installing the dotnet20sp2, but interestingly enough everything still works perfectly. My question is how do I play in full screen mode if it is possible. Thanks in advance
                          DandoCalrissian likes this.
                        • lucoca

                          lucoca Poptop Tamer

                          Hi! I just created this account to thank you for this! You're the best, man!
                            DandoCalrissian likes this.
                          • alacazain

                            alacazain Void-Bound Voyager

                            Dando, what happens if i change the wine engine used to steam crossover hack? I know that wine engine can load up steam properly by experience (load store page, achievements, workshops etc) . Wont star dew valley work with it? Appreciate response.
                            • Aerthos

                              Aerthos Space Hobo

                              This is perfect - and also works perfectly! I was thinking about installing Windows (via Bootcamp) just to play this on the road on my rMBP, but this works perfectly! Thank you for this!
                                DandoCalrissian likes this.
                              • DandoCalrissian

                                DandoCalrissian Astral Cartographer

                                Hm, those aren't very good details :rofl: Have you already tried trashing the wrapper and starting over from scratch? I would also suggest reinstalling msxml3, xna40, dotnet40 via Winetricks to make sure that they are installed properly as they can cause weird issues if not installed properly.

                                I have no idea if it will work or not and don't have the time to test this as it doesn't really impact gameplay. The patched engine is what allows the game to run properly, but you are more than welcome to test out other engines if you need full Steam functionality in the wrapper. There is a bug on the winehq bugtracker for this issue and it seems that no one has nailed it down quite yet, but Steam will randomly start working fully on certain releases for unknown reasons.
                                • adamaucock

                                  adamaucock Space Hobo

                                  Hey there,
                                  Thanks for the run through,

                                  I'm having trouble with the Steam version that it downloads for me. If I go on the steam website then it downloads a different file that wineskin can't install. The file that you have linked to works and let me install it all the way. However, after I have finished that and signed into steam the storefront doesn't work at all, I attempt to load the storefront and it just doesn't load. Is there anything I can do about this? Or should I try downloading it from the "GOG" thing? I have no idea what the GOG is so could you also explain that please.

                                  • DandoCalrissian

                                    DandoCalrissian Astral Cartographer

                                    The storefront not working is a known issue in Wine, but doesn't impact playability of the game. The Library tab works fine and allows you to install and run games, so you will need to purchase the game using the Steam website or the Steam Mac client and then install it using Steam in the wrapper by clicking on the Library tab.
                                    • Chibi88

                                      Chibi88 Aquatic Astronaut

                                      Is it somehow possible to run the game in full screen?
                                      • simonjones

                                        simonjones Seal Broken

                                        Thank you very much. I can finally play this wonderful game :)
                                          DandoCalrissian likes this.
                                        • asdh

                                          asdh Seal Broken


                                          Please download msxml3.msi from http://download.cnet.com/Microsoft-XML-Parser-MSXML-3-0-Service-Pack-7-SP7/3000-7241_4-10731613.html, place it in /Users/ash/.cache/winetricks/msxml3, then re-run this script.

                                          I'm getting this error i can download the file from the link it sends me but i don't know what to do, like how to place it in the folder i can't find the winetricks folder at all

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